
10 THE ATLANTIC VOICE Saturday December 1936 Figure Missing in our Commercial Life FISH KILLED BY FOISONOUS WATERS 2 Death of Well known Soldier Every old client on enter mation what has hap uot here. The truth, howe MANAGUA, Nicaragua. sulphur beds at the norta ing the establishment of The yered to our old congenialca, is that this foundation Millions of fish in Lake western end of the lake.
Lino Trading Company riend Mr. Albert Abate? olumn of the Firm is any Managua, in the vicinity of The water, which flows Seels the existence of. va. Sme obtain the impression dhing else but sick, and so Boqueron, have been killed through subterranean passa cancy and seek the sain e is sick, others that he is feels that the rumour o his by poisonous water, accord ves into the lake, was poison itiness may probably sing to scientists who have ed in this way, causing the vom the wish being father just made a study of the resultant heavy casualties othe thought.
Guillermo Niehaus Co.
water in the lake and sur among the fish population.
I: is understood thai cer rounding streams.
LIMON al differences regarding The wholesale slaughter Italy Activities the proceedure in the mutter of the fish is believed to ha MADERAS EXTRANJERAS DEL PAIS cf Cacao occurred with the ve been caused by the exin Ethiopia hew Administrator, and a cessive rains of the last few Compra Cacao Material de Tra. via Abate was of the op. months which flooded the ROME.
In that he held a superior According td Servicio de Cabotaje a Cahuita y Puerto Viejo information which has arriy nowledge in this respect Importación de mercaderia en generai he resigned.
ed here, Italian columns con Lic. DANIEL ZELEDON tinue to occupy new posi Mr. Abate nas te tions in Ethiopia; those un xreat benefactor a large der Col. Malta have covered ober pf the stanil gre the region between Gore and suas of Cacao in the room, Abogado y the frontier with Soudan ticularly those of the elleured community to whom Notario Público which abounds in gold, CAIRO. Egypt. The death tribesmen against the allied ver, platinum and other me le would not only give his of Da Far Pasha, former com troops in two successful bat matured advice it would Oficina: Altos Pas tals, while another detach ment, under General Geloso panion of British Corporal, tles.
ten personally clp the cual Ingianna Shaw. Lawrence of Later he was captured and we deserving is moving South in the fertil strugglers Arabia, during the Iraq. mili imprisoned in Cairo where en they were Lake regions.
uable ir tary coup has been reported. he tried to escape from his otherwise obtain trans General Graziani report Ja Far was twice Iraq mi jail by sliding down knotted. e care and repug of their me and still willing to that the populace of thesd nister to London and fought blankets. Tre corpulent gelps. He wa, a foster fare his advice a consell newly occupied regions and ce on both sides int he World neral weight snapped the ther to many. Dcsishes his in any small way lie Dzsib Peaceful and are engaged in War first assisting Germany blanket rope and he fell into: dunirers and friends to y can to those who rzay need reapiag their crops of Coffed and Turkey. He landed from a moat and injured his ankle now he is not sick but is atls me.
and Wheat.
a Germany submarine on the Officials agreed to s pa norti Libyan coast and led cole after the general agreed to pay for the blankets.
Infuriated by newspaper reports that the Turks, had abused Arab Nationalists, Wee. Le JA Far joined the Allies and assisted Lawrence in the campaign against the Turks BANCO DEL ESTADO ESTRADA SOLE BANK OF ISSUE At the end of the war he Abarrotes y Licores was honored by a military pa UNICO EMISOR STATE BANK Artículos del Pais rade in which British solPrecios Economics diers. his former jailers, mar ofrece al público los Offers the Public the ched past in review.
LA IBERIA servicios de su Services of its SALOMON CHIN BANCO INTERNACIONAL DE COSTA RICA SUCURSAL BRANCH OFFICE From The Other World Ciudad de Limón City of Limon Fiances of Death: Suicida Column when the Spanish civil war EN LA IN THE This Time know from the reports Joseph Stalin was recently of the foreign press that long ago abandoned this sinthe target of a dead or dying ful world and moved into the para toda clase de All kinds of Bank Service rumor An American corrés other. As pondent in Moscow, ordered one Rendered cannot doubt servicio bancario by his home office to esta such foreign press dispatches blish the falsity or truth of unless he wants to be expell the reports, used consummat ed from the list of civilized tact; he sent the dictator a 110 people, request you to belie rritory, no others were ac CRICKET te in wich, instead of asking ve them and don disturb cepted as members of this Baron baldly, Are you dead? sug me in the calm of the other shock detachment.
gested that perhaps the lethal world, von Haartman, is a Finnish ENGLAND vs. AUSTRALIA rumors constituted another With respect, Army captain and was pr Mark Twain incident. He got ten STALIN minat in Hollywood this reply: years ago when he trained Tne meatus the latter was dismissed movie soldiers.
relian team last week and this brought in Bradman an The Baron was in Finlandust avoided an ming de he was sent back after coi fost by time.
tributing 63 runs. Baccoc started. He offered to form then went in and played h: BURGOS, Spain. Baron desperate and valiant Asbahis shock squadron, prompt. early on the secand dayim he made 182 1 he visiting team was all yoc with the bowling of Carl von Haartman, the orian miners.
ed by his hate of Communists of play for 288, Cipperfield before he succumbed to lly vood General is headed Each man of the 300 in as he was born the day Fin taking eight wickets for 66 with his suicide colum. Baron von Haartman squamish and Russian Reds goug runs. When the Aussies ne eventually drawn.
ad stroke. The match for the Bilbao front where dron, named Fiances of ed out the eyes of his father cupied the wickets Brown he will lead his men into Death, had a near relative who was a general in the and Finlington opened, and Meeting Queensland. battle against the equaziy lost or killed in Leftist te Finnish Army.
after laying the foundation, made 215 and for of which Fagg co tributed 112, Barnett Nos permitimos llamar su atención a la dorsonol ata and Ames 60; Queensland We beg to call your attention to our remark at the back de su recibo que dice: of receipt which reads.
scores were 243 and 227 9. The game was drawn.
Este recibo debe pagarse en la ofi This bill must be paid at our office The Australian team cina dentro de los primeros 10 días before the 10th. of the month the first test, scheduled de cada mes the 4th. instant at Brisban Be so good as to comply with this request and do not Le rogamos recordar esta cláusula y evitarnos la pena are the following Bradma oblige us to suspend our service, a step which de tener que cortar su servicio. Capt. McCabe; we would much regret to take.
Brown; Badcock; CH pperfield; Ward; F: leton; Oldfield; by Reilly: Robinson; Cormick, Seiyers.
Compañía Eléctrica de Limón Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.

    Civil WarEnglandGermanyItalySpainSpanish Civil WarStalin

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