
The Atlantic Vaice Reminicences of Limon of 40 Years Ago 1897. 1937 The Spanish Situation Intensifies Bound for The Isle of Springs Much could be said and written of our present beatiful city which was once but a stretch of forest Devoted to the interests of the people of the Atlantic zone wamp lands; when all the flood waters from the AraEditor English Section: NATION olds, Nuñez and Reservoir Hills lodged themselves round about the market square with little or no outlets into Year III Limón, Costa Rica, Saturday 13 February 1937 No. 131 the sea, except the rivulets which flowed by way of Coal Pit Castle into the Cieneguita Limoncito River. Dur ing that period it usually rained 380 days to the year hence the overflow of these swollen streams was an everyday affair. Miror Keith came and dug down what The capture of the impor is today Peña Pinnacle, but was then known as Elmos tant Port of Malaga by the Grant Hill, and provided a footing around the little Mitticnalists bids fa of Railroad Station which was located on the spot where becoming a serious factor in the stone crusher now is.
the Spanish conflict. It is He then filled up sufficient now an established fact ground to erect a small Custom House just where the that no less than 12, 0C0 Ita Princesa Luis Bestard and the Maduro Lumber Yard lians took part in the latter By Rt. Rev. WOLLGARTEN are at present located, and to form the yards of the Fe.
fighting in this sector and rrocarril de Costa Rica with gradual dumping. At this Bishop and Vicar Apostolic of Limon were mainly responsible for General Franco succes. It time there was but one house in the open space between is also known that a large our present Passenger Customs Bodega and the imposnumber of German bomb ing Aduana building. After Keith got the contract ing planes participated, as from don Tomas Guardia, the then President of the well as many sea crafts of Republic, he commenced bringing in lumber for buildthe Fascist supporters of the ing accommodations; he constructed a small Customs revolutionary party. li may House near by this first shack, then a room for a policonsequently be imagined that every effort will te ceman who also dispensed the duties of a Judge, and made to maintin this success invited an American named John Wilson to come and that additional aid in down and attend to the receiving and dispatching of men and material will be his lumber, engines and other railroad material. Wilson rushed to the Peninsula, so afterwards became our first Commission Agent by whom that by the time the members of the Non Intervention don Felipe Alvarado, who recently died a millionaire, Committee finally decide was employed, and the late Elmos Grant, Jack Williams how best they may proceed and a few other Jamaicans were confidential employees.
to eliminate foreigners in. Limon now commenced to be settled; Mrs. Arnold terfering in this terrible and her sister Actress, Mrs. Soden, were imported by glorious, starlit sky and adence. What a wonderful little Is wanfare the Nationalists Mr. Keith; the former conducting a Boarding House gentle sca breeze foretold a plen land! Progressive and picturesque would have what will be esvid voyage when left, on the first like charming Costa Rica. Indeed. timated a suficiency of trofor Mr. Keith and his officials as well as a umber Yard pt Jar. uary, for Jamaica. The most found so much resemblance and Bops and munition to gua.
just where the Teonis Court in front of our Railway StaJordial reception by His Lordship keness between both countries that rantee them final success. tion is now located.
Bishop Emmet on my arrival was. felt quite at home from the very: Since the fall of Malaga like a delightful overture of a mo beginning of my short stay in that the insurgents have been Official authority also started; a Governor was ins re delightful programme, to be little Paradise of Jamaica. And old continuing their adance, rendered during the coming days. acquaintances from Costa Rica capturing several towuland talled, don Balvanero Vargas being the first to hold What a promising outlook! Eight met, such as our former lady teach inflicting severe damage to office; while dor Lucas Alvarado, the father of our full days will have all to myself, er of Siquirres, school, Miss Irons, the cause of the loyalists, preselit Governor was installed as Judge. Market Wo get acquainted with what is call now Mrs. Gregory; Miss Ennis of meantime their ships have place was shortly after instituted on the plaza whore fed the Isle of Springs, her moun Limon, who enjoys her days in the To pa the present building now stands, but in order to afford ains and plains, her rivers and nu North. West; and last though not heral springs and beatiful caverns, least, Mrs. Pereira and her the public getting there, stakes had to be driven in the two Thighways and woods, cities, towns children, who were but little swamps and covered with planks. By degrees the town tots and villages; Kingston, its highlife when they left for Jamaica nine Preparations for our Plestus began to be colonized by the labourers imported by Mr.
and its less colourful slums. Port years ago. When entered their are progressing rapidiy Tha! Keith from New Orleans and elsewhere as no native Royal with its barracks, giddy grocery shop was strongly reinin Bull Ring construction is Seing would, at that time, think of coming into this fever lahouse and oldest temple of the Is. ded of Dickens shop of petty rushed; the illumination rangeden area. These nmportations did not however last any Jand; Port Antonio, New Castle, merchandise in his book The Chi. ments in the przcipal parts of Spanish Town, Gordontown. Above mes. which may be permitted to the city are much adianced time, they died by the dozens. Barbadians were then Rocks and Bath, High Gate and so call to your mind: little shop.
while the horses experi to com brought in, but they also quickly died out from a type nany other places of singular beau quite crammed and choked pete in the Races are being giwithi (To page 16)
Jy which cannot recall: all these the abundance of its stock; a per course. The continuous rains are ven regular practises ver the was to see and to admire. But rectly voracious little shop, with a however, beheld much more: Colleges, Scho maw as accomodating and full as aspect in connection wit the ul producing a doubului Is, Hospitals, Orphan Homes, Ca any shark Cheese, butter, fire timate success of the festivities, hedral and minor churches, Hope wood, soap, pickles, matches, ba Jupiter Pluvius may never beless fardens and the Governor Kesi(To page 18) change his inclinations in time to avoid disappointments SERVICIO DE VAPORES.
New Heir to Italy Throne Salidas semanales de LIMON para NUEVA YORK con escala en CRISTOBAL y HABANA Naples report that the Crown Princess, Marie Jo32, LLEVANDO CAFE PARA TODOS LOS PUERTOS ve birth yesterday to an AMERICANOS EUROPEOS LUMBER YARD Geir to the throne of Italy, ti newly born being next VAPORES SALIDAS ne of succession to Prince Humberto. VERAGUA 14 de Febrero where we carry in stock a complete The event was announced by salutes from the batter QUIRIGUA 21 de Febrero assortment of all kinds of Native ies and the King decreed an PETEN 28 de Febrero Lumber. Special sizes to order. amnesty for the prisoners We also have Portland Cement, Roofdetained throughout the ELDERS FYFFES, LTD.
ing, Nails, Paint, Linseed Oil, Turpen TILAPA.
12 de Febrero tine and all other building materials.
Llevando café solamente para Londres Send in yours orders ALVARADO CIA.
LIMON TRADING COMPANY You are cordially invited to atAgentes para Limón y Puntarenas tend at The Community House Limon Division Saturday February 13th. 1937 Para otros informes dirijase a las oficinas de la United 9:00 It will be appreciate Fruit Company en los bajos del Gran Hotel Costa Rica ut the colors Red and White preTELEFONO 3156 0poeages dominate. Gentlemen 3. 00.
Our Civic Fiestas UNITED FRUIT Co.
LIMON TRADING COMPANY We have opened a Lumber Yard Valentine Day Dance Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica


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