
Page 14 LA VOZ DEL ATLANTICO Sábado 13 de brero de 1937 WELCOME Erratum Costa Rica Burial Scheme Association Roadway To The Cemetery Theten IhANTIC VOICE join Shooting Affray been ondwey to the Cemetery te stem of interment for decenter Tuvie Importante conocer Important Notice ceaslou SALOMON CHIN ou!
le Revolutionary Movement would give a day latour or casa ast save Before The Law Courts of Honduras as a consequen uer On Saturday last our friend he is the Founder, but the very the and collaborator returned from heavy rains which fell during article entitled Vacation Season in AVISO NOTICE Panama whither he had been on that evening washed it out and full Swing appears as a contribua short wacation a postponement had to be made tion by This is due to an unfortunate error on the part Mr. Nelson, who holds a posi to the 22nd. instant.
Seguridad ante todo; Hagase Secure yourself and family our tion of confidence with the United It is pleasing to note accord of one of the employees of socio de la Sociedad Benef:by becoming a member cencia de Costa Rica, para paFruit Company and Northern ing to the Panama American of Printers, as the initials belonged to of the only reliable Buthe gar los gastos de entierro, Es.
Railway, had been away from his the 29th. ultimo, that the Loyal and should have appeared at tablecida en Limón, el de rial Society established family for over eleven years, and Nelson Nº 11, a Lodge of his crea foot of the Harvest Festival artiMayo de 1928 in Limon May 5th, 1928, so he left us, as stated on a shortion in Colon, gave him a rightcle, located on the same page.
vacation, to see them as well as royal reception with which some We do hope that the mistake his many friends in our Sister members of the Loyal Victor No has not occasion ed our well known Republic to the South. He has 8137 of the Manchester Unity of and esteemed collaborator any innow returned looking fit and Oddfellow s, of which he was also convenience.
It is with much satis action, and import a Hearse to operald Line.
a member, were associated, we notice that the surveying of to the Cemetery us makiner reception was arranged in taken in hand ed. his honour for Monday last at in extending a hearty the installation of the Officers of home to this highly esteemed at 26 Miles If there is anything that is an charge on each Society.
eyesore to visitors arriving hern the Union District Nº of which member of our Community.
The Railway Company with as well as to the progressive As a consequence of some alter minds among us, it is the absen provement as it would relieve heen we are sure, welcome this cation which took place betweence of a street leading to our Ceme track bed of much wear and team the two on Monday last, the youn tery.
which is now a huge item, as thad fer son of Mr. Salomon Espais alleged to have fired two shots at Lut us hope that this survey traffic by animals would in and with it the almost constarati a labourer employed on the farm is not a camauflage, but an Aceite verde dication that there is a serious repairs which have to be carnebe Green Oil located at 26 Milzs, One of the pros intention of starting work at an out.
jectiles is reported to have pierced early period. As we intimated the man left lung. He was brought to our previous Governor.
ne don to the Hospital here where he now Julio, this street can easily ha be Para la picazón del Warranted to cure lies.
constructed without much cost to Jur Young Esna is under arrest the Junta. for on the survey being Cuerpo, Sarna, Rasquiña Itch, Mange, and other Wee. Le awaiting the usual investigations. made and the materials providComezones.
Skin diseases.
ed, the work could be done by detalle that is, every ESTRADA man BE Cómprelo ahora mismo Dont Delay in getting a Abarrotes y Licores nd In lieu of labour.
Articulos del País Búsquelo en todas Bottle on Sale in all in Honduras As soon as this roadwa js las Farmacias Precios Econónic)
Drug Stores Information has been re completed, the amalgamated Frien ceived here, according to dly Societies and Burial Schems LA IBERIA our Spanish Dailies, that a Associations could get together ele revolucionary movement has broken out in the Republic ce of the arrests being made PARK HOTEL The case of Simpson vs. Simy, to Willie Rennels; his Banana con by the authorities in diffeson is getting rather interesting tract was transferred from his rent departments of the LIMON, COSTA RICA Mrs. Theresa Simpson filed a name to that of Rennels, although country among prominent Divorce Suit against her husband he continued cutting the fruit citizens.
Situado frente al mar. Cómodas habitaciones claiming alimony and same Wus for and on account of Rennels, The movement is said to Urico establecimiento en el puerto con cuarios con settled in the sum of two thou who received the checks in due be more pronounced in the sand colones cash paid. All then form baño. Cantina bien surtida.
seemed satisfactory to all concern North, Centre and West.
Salón para muestras.
The embargo by Mrs.
SimMeantime the government Later on, however, some busy nigures as Depositario, was con to suppress the trouble.
son, in which Ernest Abrahams is taking every precaution LUISE SCHUSTER, Propietaria.
body got around Mrs. Simpson and incited her to feel that her farm, as it was the property of sequenty inactive against ine APARTADO No. 263 hlas band belongings had bean un brvalued in the sum of four clo, gets nonplussed however and Rennels. Abrahams, as Deposit thousand eclones waichi she had received her share in 15ues, by means of Attorney Ar cash Sho thereupon embargoed tonio Segura, an arrest for Simp While the Ministerio de Hacien tions into the combination but a the farm and house of her son for stealing bis Australia having won the fourth Bananas.
nus Simpson is accordingly arrested Test match by 148 runs is now da is demanding exhorbitant ren plot did not materialize. Now, band; but as he had, on the con placed in Cuffs and taken to Jail in a position to retain the covet tals from the occupiers of the Mil wever, that all seem agreed clusion of the original arrange unents, Bold everything he owned Ronncis now gets in action in ed Ashes, although the English la Maritima lands who cultivate this recent enormous drop in puit the defence of Simpson, but as visitors who are in the same poi Cacao, the price of this product has it would be interesting to has the Courts are in vacation by some explanation from our Ban tion will fight for it. The winning fallen, in our local market, his release is delayed; meantime this match was mainly due twenty six cciones per quintal wi Agency as to why it should be of he Appears before the Supre. ne to Bradman dominating inn ng hin the space of ten days and this The Bank claims to be operatie Court, under Habeas Corpus at of 212 and he bowling of the without any explanation from in partnership with its supplier GUACIMO GUAPILES the instance of the Limon Servi googly expert Fleetwood Smith either the Exporters of the Govern therefore it is not too much for la ee Sureau, claiming that Abra who captured wickets for 110 ment Agricultural Department co operative socios to ask there rams. as Depositavio, has no per, runs. On the second day of play There was a persistent rumour son why they should suffer Cantina, Licores Fonality according to the law Australia all went out for 288 some months ago that monetary inconvenience compla Extranjeros y del país.
which distinctly provides Beau thut and on the third England score one of our exporting firms was ned of. In co operative trading Tienda bien surtida it must be the owner of the goods reached 330. Barnett playing at s instrumental in formulating a coa is certainly not amiss for all ca alleged to be stolen who can or 31 the Abarrotes en general his best compiled 136. Australia lition between purchasera cerned to know what are the pi officiate in such a matter, except PRECHOS sin COMPETENCIA lie is given such a power by the again occupied the wickets on the to keep down prices. Such a com ces obtained in the best owier under a Poder Generalis. Courth and part ofthe fifth days bination was known to have exis for their products, as well as com To dage 20 when Bradman broke down the ted years ago, but when the Banco over head and ocean freight cheating. ooo English bowling: the homesters de Costa Rica came on the Cacaoges, commissions closed their inning with 433. market, it was broken up The from the sales amounts. dische England was then faced with coalition idea originated with sure of these figures would croce 382 on the sixth day, but the en view of drawing the Bank opera confidence among all parties. com tire side could only muster 243, Doe The totals were Australia. 283 pre ond 433; England 330 and 243 the Fine Farm at Madre de Dios cultivated with Cacao We are now anxiously awaiting OVES Bananas and various Fruit Trees. the result of the fifth and final Property Carries Registered Title.
We are wondering whether Also Captain Allen will carry home the honours or if the Don will FANCY STORE Several horned and maned Animals Three Houses retain them. Apart from Doa and a well stocked Shop England has the better side.
Owner compelled to sell in consequence of failing health LOWEST PR CES It is expected that our comin local season will provide us wits Apply. Farquharson fa lot of good cr icket from all Madre de Dios the competing Clihs, so a bad LIMON APT. 515 nce of 40155 58056698CC. SS166160584, better be prepared.
Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.
Cricket Our Cacao Trade LUIS WA CHONG Sere mark, rece etc. deduct publ a FOR OR SALE Dress HOLLYWOOD a me nship bein cation thai wern GRAND BARGAIN SALE To all BERENSON he Irello ferved


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