
1937 The Atlantic Vaice Respecting the Lands Returned to the Govt. by the Co.
furope Faces Most Critical Situation PAIS Vacationists Return hea The Awful Catastrophe Dancing. Cocktail. Buffet a way be a necesity in any Devoted to the interests of the peope of the Alle nic zona The occupancy by small settlers of portions of the Editor English Section: NATION ten thousand hectareas of lands supposed to be handed back to the government by the United Fruit Company in Year III Limón, Costa Rica, S1 turday 26th June 1937 No. 150 keeping with the provisions of the current Banana con cession, is cusing much uneasiness and inquietude among these cultivators, especially the foreign element.
Hundreds of thesd people have been cultivating to Bananas and Cacao and even building homes on these lands, some paying rents to the Cía. Bananera, as this War clouds, the most threaten. went of the successes which section of her naval Uits to the arm of the United Fruit Cº is now called, while others of all which have been observ the nationalist forces have recent danger zone to await eventuals did not and are consequently Squatters in the ordinary during the past several months, y obtainei in their operatichs in ties and protect her general ir sense of the term. Some of these farmers were recently hang ominously over Europe Bilbao sector. to openly go to the terests along the Mediterran an: consequence of the bellige assistance of the General Frarlo she is also reported to be willing notified by officials of the Company that they should nt inclinations being displayed party and thereby wage an u with the assistance of France, to make application to the government fo: a continuance Cerma y ani Italy leclared war against the Repub patrol the entire Spanish coasts of their occupancy; while the government, through the On the refusal of England and ic, in which he will naturally. that nelther Germany nor Ita Minister of Public Works and Agriculture, who is in iejo ance to join in a punitive de be sided by Mussolini.
y. Tow that they are no longer unatratiot against the port of While England is disposed to participating in this duty.
charge, Issued a Bulletin giving the location of the may alencia, the prisent seat of the continue pursiu is her conciliato have the opportunity of (peratiands and calling on all intersted parties to either, if government, as an act ofry attitud, is now kcown that lag in such ports as may be un they be nationals, denounce the twenty hectareas accord prisal for the alleged barabag she has dispatched a powerful To page ed them by law, or, if foreigners and actual cultivators the Leipzig by a loyalsit ur on such areas, to make application for continued occup.
twater craft, the two Fascist ancy as tenants, and six months were granted. as. the on. Intervention Committee ane time within which the applications should be sumitted The enttre community is excee Jfications of the Company tran, Hunderds who sent in their applications have received ithdrew their ships from assist ats in the international cotrol dingly pleased to see the return sactions. All employees are glad no replies up to this, while others who did not do se the Spanish coasts, but Ger of several of our well know they have returned, as it is aland popular citizens.
ways so much better to carry within the specified time have had theirs returned as lore any almost immediately comon under old friends, or as the being too late to receive consideration. There are ne enced augmenting her naval Mr. Frank Sheehy, superinten old adage says its better to COS vertheless still a large number, who either on account Tength in the Mediterranean dent of the Northern Railway: alle Italy is reported to have Mr. McClure, Assistant Audistick to the ills we know than of being unable to find the necessary cash for the work ndau 20, 000 additional troops on tor; Borchen, Superin flee to the woes we know not of.
The Atlantic Voice joins in or through ignorance of the requirements of the decree, anish territory. Fully three tendent of Imports and Exports, have not yet submitted theirs. These are in a very pre.
urths of the German fighting and Mr. Bockout, Superinten welcoming these old friend; and carious state of ownership as any unscrupulous native has dits are estimated to be already dent of Agriculture, are all back wish them man; more years of Core usefulness to our Community.
ncentrated in these water and from their well merited vacathe right to denounce up to twenty hectareas of such ere is a somewhat ger eral be tions looking in every way fit to To page Es that Hitler has determined to resume their responsibilities in Air. Cooled Soldiers leize this opportunity, especially connection with the huge ramiFor Tropics foet WASHINGTON Aaircooled scidlers win a Future in warm courries Since Sunday last the dire during the forenoon of Sunday It has been planned to give, in Ctributions for Compi ny em physician seid, if their fighting country has been in terrible for San Jose and up to the li mor of Dr. and Mrs. Alberto ployees, if desired, will be collec! ability is to be kept up to par. state of excitement in conse me of our going to press nothing rea munca dancing. cocktail on payrolls for the month of Clarence Tell the quence of the disappearance has been seen or heart of it.
is uffet party which will be held at une. Non. employess must da University of Cincinnati wrote in the airplane belonging nor has any signs been located AN e Miramar Club on Saturday. posit their contribution with The Military Surg on that a so to one of our local companies to indicate with what catastrop2 26th. beginning at 30 pm Vario Gutierrez at the Banco inter fighting in a tropical climate the Enta Air vay Transplation he it met not withstanding be contribution per capita will er ncional de Costa Rica, must spend eight hours a day in Co. with its Pilot and five pas the continuous efforts which 00 Employees of the Company wish cooled room in order to fight sengers.
have been and are yat As the time is growing short, ng to assist should get in touch it his best The plane left Pucut Corte made by all our local Air Com BC e would appreciate it very much rith either Mr. Vazquez or Mr panies and others, as well those interested would com Sandoval at the Accounting of: the generous assistance given unicate quickly with the Com ice, or with Mr. Martinez in the The New World by the American Army Author wittee signifiying their acceptance Supt. of Railways office.
CHAMPION ties of the Canal Zone who serti it is of the utmost importance All acceptances should be no over several of their machines have quickly an estimate of the fiel, the latest. by Friday mornspecially adapted for this class umber of persons expected to as og of work, to help in the search ist.
There is much speculation, as may be expected, regarding the likely cause of the awful mishap.
but as no signs whatever have ye: been discovered which would assist in clearing up the mysteriou; occurrence, nothing of SERVICIO DE VAPORES definite nature can be stated a reward of five thousand colone has been offered to anySalidas semanales de LIMON para NUEVA YORK who gives information 6C con escala en CRISTOBAL HABANA which will lead to the location LLEVANDO CAFE PARA TODOS LOS PUERTOS of the plane and its occupante who were all prominent citizens EUROPEOS AMERICANOS Mr Chas. Gercho. 7: Mr. Poririo Gongora, son of don PorfiVAPORES SALIDAS rlo Gongora the well known Law yer; Mr. Alfredo Jimenez Mora les, lagineer; Lic don Claudio Pinto and Mr. Fabio Calvo. QUIRIGUA Junio 27 The plane was piloted by one PETEN of the Company expert Pilot. VERAGUA Mr. Chic Stanton, Tho has ser Julio 11 ved the American government and possesses the very best recommendations. ALVARADO CIA. Sucs.
As the outcome of what is gen, The encounter which took pla In addition to the search erally described is the hardest, ce in Chicago last Tuesday night which continues from the air.
Agentes para Limón y Puntarenas.
the most emotional an dprobably and was witnessed by the record several expeditions have gone the cleanest fight which has ta crowd of 65. 000 persons, lasted out by land with the determina Para otros informes dirijase a las oficinas de la United ken place in many years, Joe for eight rounds when the veteran tion of the parties to cover eveFruit Company en los bajos del Gran Hotel Costa Rica Louis has succeeded in arriving at Jimmie Braddock succumbed to ry possible inch of the ground the zenith of his Career he is a knock out.
TELEFONO 3156 over which the plane may have now the World new heavyThe victory of the new Chamweight Champion To page 11 To 029 Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.
hi being 29 Joe Louis UNITED FRUIT Co.
one Julio


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