
Page THE ATLANTIC VOICE Saturday June 26th.
937 OP Unauthorized Preachers CRICKET line hel In The Siquirres Liberty Hall in Difficulties Na le bol Bats He Balls Pads 135 year old law to curb this evil exists in Jamaica Wickets lon Gloves This Act which passed the perverted with fanatical notions and false doctrines shall be lis Island Legislative Council on but opportunity is afforded to 100. 00 Score Books the 18th December 1802 and them of concerting schemes of It might be well if the authoEVERYTHING FOR THE GAME OF was consented to by the then go much public and private 1918 rities of Costa Rica were to vernor, Mr. Nugent, on the chief.
adops a similar action to elimi CRICKET 110 same date, has never been renate the numerous fanatical pa at JACK ORANE LIMON pealed; so, according the The penalty for these self and evil disposed cults being Gleaner. we observe that the styled preachers, whose names fostered in this Province under government is being asked to are not included in the regular the guise of religion, but which have it enforced in order to ly appointed lists of the religious are really dens of superstition free various communities of the denominations recognized by Some practise necromancy un annoyance being experience by IEN, would be, for the first order the pretense of healing or the nocturnal gatherings of sell fence, one month imprison alleviating mal influences, etc, made Preacher, and their ignoment with hard labour, a ix suffered by their members, as rant followers months for the second.
evidenced by the doctrines of The adherents of the Universal Mr. Mitchell obtain an interview The Law reads. That whe The law further enacts that Pocomia and other known cults Negro Improvement Association with Lic. Villalobos and see what reas there now exists in this any person, who is the ow. lor or in their alleged pentecostal and are in danger of losing their pro can be done to save the situation. Island an evil which is dally occupier of any house, who apostolic operations. Some are th perty at Siquirres. An embargo The question at issue is the increasing and threatens much knowingly permits any meeting even so precocious as to secure Iru is hanging over the head of this Education Board has bought a danger to the peace and saiets for the purpose of hearing the fictitious inscription as a reguInstitution Yor Municipa and portion of the lands on which thereof by reason of the cach preachings or teachings of any lar recognized religion.
other debts and there seem no they have constructed a splendia ing of much ill disposed litera person of the description couve When will our Authorities rea way out of the difficulty unless school, but the title being incomture by ignorant enthusiasts for outlined, is to be deelared 10 lize the abuse of contidence some true philantrophist of the plete, they will not pay the bal meetings of Negroes unlaw. ully gue and a vagabond and the these nefarious trafficers are Negro Race will come by and relance due on the purchase money assembled whereby it not being line for encouraging the pro perpetrating in the name of bent deem it.
until a clear title is ready to be in the minds of the hearers are mulgation of such preachnuts Christ?
Some three years ago the Mu delivered to them and this canad nicipal Officers of that town canot Be had without intervention. Totoc99ec. 09090060060903.
José chion Ng kor lled on the Institution to comply of the Parent Body of Limon ac Comerciante Detallista with certain regulations such as cording to their inscription.
the building of sidewalks around There has been so much dissen Licores, Abarrotes, Cristaleria, ml the property and other requisites. tions with the present and past Articulos de Ferreteria y The parties interested endeavour manipulations of Mitchell and his Eléctricos; todo se encuentra for ed to raise the required funds small clique of membership that LUMBER YARD en este estableciniento.
but were unable in consequence he has succeeded in keeping out PRECIOS DE SITUACION of the defects in the title deeds members who could have been of to the property. They then refer use to the Organization, hence no We have opened a Lumber Yard LIMON red the matter to the Parent Body definite line of action can be ar where we carry in stock a complete in Limon and forwarded the fee rived at to regulate the legal from to have Attorney Villalobos fix points to be overcome so as to assortment of all kinds of Native Itiv the difficulty for them but ap liberate the Siquirres Branch Lumber. Special sizes to order.
parently due to the autocratic dis from the danger in which they position of President Mitchell, no find themselves We also have Portland Cement, Roofheadway could be made in the It is hoped that every President ng, Nails, Paint, Linseed Oil, Turpennegotiaticns with the result that and the leading members of all The German market has no the valuable property of this Branches will put away relfishnese tine and all other building materials.
teen closed to our Cacao wa Branch remains without a title and hold a conference in Limon announce: by o te of our Journal deed.
and arrange an interview Send in your orders sine days ago, but due to the ini with Will not the leading men of the the view mens amount of the Paper moty rescuing the SiOrganization come together and quirres situation.
LIMON TRADING COMPANY of that nation now afloat in the for putting aside al: difficulties with sou: ry. Co further exportatio: Limon Division can be made until the value of our lis million ant a half Aski Marks nd In Memoriam bas been absorbed in merchandise CocoC009. oseoove cooo. oooooo OLOS is In the meantime it is fortunate ibn In loring and indelible memory of our dear and dehat the price at the product voted Father keeping fairly well up in the LonFOSTER JONES yes We are pleased to se Miss Campbell, as also her many old son market; it is now quoted at who left us on the 27th. June a year ago.
Eugenie Campbell who has been friends.
fifty. eight shillings per hundred We daily pray for the entrance of your Soul into the residing in the United States The Atlantic Voice wi hes veight with a tendency to rise a3 eternal realms of Paradise forever to rest in Peace, for a number of years, and has Miss Campbell a very happy he stock which wag on han bas Peace to all who enter there. Peace, the promise of salvanow taken a run here visiting and pleasant time among been all purchased by traders and her mother and sister, Mrs. Sell with the hope her stay may ex na ufacturers in view of the pros.
tion, Peace, the fruit of pardoned sin. Peace, divine thal lasts forever, Peace that comes from God alone.
ten many enjoyabl pective increase in quotations.
ell nontas Cimarrones Samuel, Violet, Bernice hil LIMON TRADING COMPANY Irer es Our cacao trade with Germany of ne LS VISITOR jen hct en ert Sver tec Obituary SALOMON CHIN Pledges of Catholic Fealty Refused by British Gabinet bey hi En Wee. Le With heartfelt sorrow We an Miss Brown was a native LONDON. TThe British Ca nister, Sir John Simco, formally re nounce the death of allss Lily Bluefieds, Nicaragua, and is sur ESTRADA has refuse for the second fuse: to submit to King George Brows, late teacher of the Alpha vived by her parents to whomi Abarrotes y Licores time ia two years to accept plele se Sixth an address of loyalty School, Rio Hoto. The sad event we extend our most sincere. Artículos del Pais fes of fealty fra Catholic Arch on behalf of the Catholics.
occurred on the 15th. instant, just dolence.
bishops and Bishops. similar address was withhold Precios Economics eigh: days after she had under Gibson That Catholic o:gan, The Unl. ir King George the Fifth on the gone an operation in the San Juan LA IBERIA erae. reported that the Home Mixcasion o: bis Silver Jubilee. The de Dios Hospital, San Jose. Madre de Dios ject dates back to the old Eglich dispute with the Catto e Church When the Churen restored the Nos permitimos llamar su atención a la nota al dorso Wefbeg to call your allention to our remark at the back de su recibo que dice: Catholic Hierarchy in Eng and in of receipt which reads.
1850, indigration hard over what This bill must be paid at our office Wat called Papel aggression be causa the Pope established territor before the 10th of the month al tiles.
de cada mes Be so good as to comply with this request and do not Since then, the Cabinet has deLe ramos recordar esta cláusula y evitarnos la pena oblige us to suspend our service, a step which clined to submit addresses of 10de tener que cortar su servicio.
we would much regret to take.
yalty to the Marchs of Britain. The Universe in reporting th: rejection, emphazised that it w! make no difference in the attitude Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.
Este recibo debe pagarse en la oficina dentro de los primeros 10 días Compañía Eléctrica de Limón


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