
Page THE ATLANTIC VOICE Saturday, December 11th, 1397 COLLAPSE OF COFFEE CONTROL SCHEME GIVEN AS WARNING FOR SALE SE VENDE CURRENT ITEMS HOP LEE LUNG LAWYER SUSPENDED FOR FIFTEEN DAYS THE PUNTA QUEPOS WHARF Fine Two Storey Residence Hermosa casa de dos ses Commening on to Coffee a go is far back as 1870 Geot Valoriza ion schemes not and Land at Madre de Dios. terreno en Madre de Dios.
in consequence of Brazil abando that year the Propiedad que fue de Mr governm. nt only had failed to prevent th2 Property of late Carr. Carr ning her control programme fur buogat up large quantities to price of colfee from falling to hui one of open competition the new us in paying foreig. balances a lu noi ly low point tut Informe: ISRAEL BLANCO Pension Costa Rica York Times recently said cdi bit the experiment ended in a bankrapted the government.
torial heavy loss. In 1906 the govern o Pulperia Flor de Asturias. Pacifico. San Jose with Brazil announcing its a meut one anore attempted to Erazll then bera, the polibandoment of its price control provide relief for growers by e: thurm ght now be de cribabanprograms for Coffee, and taking the crop off thir hands ed as one of talanced tion of the present export tax at a price above market dance I: prohibit a theoinon the product by 75 par eart and this plan was financially irgonel codice and tart. and the adoption or a programe, succesful. In 1918 the third va to destroy coffee, chielis by bar des The Exposition Committes ing the goverment estimated of open ecmptition, the well lotization scheme was tries ning it. Since ttat time it is now witncs. ing the with might and expenditure for the coming fl21. In 1912 th government ban wyd enough cle to supply rre, working child men for the success of the Exponancial period, Congress suppres kruptcy of one more schere e prinibg paper money and float every mo, woman and government agricultural rila ing foreign loans to help it in this country with a cup a sitions to be held at the Liceo sad the aliolments for the Lega ning years, but San Jose and the Campo Aya tions in France and Guarma a.
buy up more and mo. e corice day for several Brazil efforts to control in 1831 it was fored to uz thou a thu as rucica of cokela, Caragu, at the end of this Prezdent Cortes and his Executi the supply and price of coe pand payment on its Ioriza bas monnted prices continned month. The American Judges, Ive Staff are in disapproval, as downwart Colomb. a and oth resigaged for the classification they feel the reduction do Central and South Ameriean of the live stock as also for the not seek somuch an economy in lecalitries taking acvantage of deparment of Plants and Crops Public expenditure but rather an Brazil restriction and price iais are aiready in the country. obstacle fer the pre ent adminis Tag schemes have been making tration, as the congress ought to serious in roads into Brazi penditure but rather in obtashare of the world coffee mar cle for the present administrakct.
On Thursday last the Rotary ton, as the Congress ought to Establecimisto de Licores, Tierda y Abarrotes Club paid honour to our Minis. Jaieguard the consequences na. Srezi. scheme failed, a ter of Public Health, Dr. Peña tural On taking out of the hands o her words, for precisely the Chavarria, for his labours and the Exceutive the means same ce on that the British influence es President of the that may be considered necessa El más surtido en Matina rubber rtetriction scheme fall. Club, for his exertions Presi jry for the maintenance of cored. When the British beganent of the Sanatorium Duran anlity and proper intelligence that program they controlled and also as the Chief Executive with other Certral American Re ncarly seventy per cent of the officer of the Faculty of Medi publics.
world supply of raw rubber. cine.
Presoident Cortes says he has The 321 raised prices sharply always been respectful of the re 8C the businring lae Dutch vereignty of Congress, therefo As a consequence of ceri ro ne Costa Rica subsequent Eat Inoiss took advantage of e he woulâ expect an identical tain actions connected with to that which reports the ca this rise to increase their OW respect for that of the Executian accusation placed against se, we tind Ms Barahona Jutput. Toe British 10 their As a means of further reduc Ve Power him for charging a client an throwing the gauntlet in the domination of the world luballeged excessive amount for faces of the Judges by say ber market and the price colhis professional services, Dr. ing he will never tolerate lapsed to a point far below Humberto Barahona was sus any Judicial functionaries that when the control plan pended by the Judges of the overstepping their bounds at was introduced.
Supreme Court from the exerthe cost of his reputation.
The estimated cost of cise of his profession for the He has, he declares, practithe The Minister of Public Works The collapse of the Brazilian wharf which the government is submitted the information that period of fifteen days. sed his profession in a digni control plan is obviously a lan desirous of constructing at Pun the Engineers of the Fruit Com Dr. Barahona is said to ha fied manner; in fact, he does ve charged three thousand not, he says know that the cularly timely now that a new with which there has been Bu signal to ourselves. paria Quépos, and in connection pany had estimated the cost of colones to conduct a case for Courts of the land know any agricu tural control program is much heated discusions, was re but is an exam nation of 30 onstruc ion af 315. 000 dolars; a client; and while the Magis thing of Ethics. He alleges being eavocated. For, jut a quested by Deputy Joe Mame rutzoll preved it was not of he trates dismissed the charge that were he a born and bred brought before them against Costa Rican great Lawyer, the Dutch took advantage of Peraita ai o recont Congressio etable nature due to the him, he claimed certain epith the Courts would never dare of the Brii a rucor rurietinnal se sion as a basis on which texture of the bottom of the ea.
ets, injurious to his profes to have launched an offence Colombia took advantage of the question of appropriations la costly substructure would be sional character, and incon of such a magnitude at him, Brazal coffee destruction, so could be di cus ed by members, necessary and so the cost sistent with the ethies of the undeservingly, as some of the has Brazil taken advantage of in keeping with the new props reach a total of 400, 000 dollars.
legal profession were uttered Magistrates are only accorded our own cotton restriction to mo sals.
wy the Jourt and in an effort their positions in consequen re than triple her own coltoa to defend himself against ce of the influences they production, and other countres, these utterancés, Dr. Baraho wield during political cam Russia, China, India and Egypt LIMON MERCANTILE Co.
na is said to have made use paigns. However, because, he followed her example. The of discourteous expressions has always sustained the pro sut appears in the latest figures MADURO LUMBER YARD for which the suspension was found and irrevocable convic of the Bureau of Agricultural decreed against him.
tion that he must combat Ecor omics The wo. id Dealers in native lumber and produce supply The Court holds that the any corruption in the natio of cotton in the 1937 38 season 215 South of Post Office remarks uttered in the de nal atmosphere, and because exo cted to reach 50. 890 020 fense was damaging to the he is not a Costa Rican born, bales, much the largest on redignity of the highest Court this vile calumny has been cord. Cor Own crop is COMPAÑIA MERCANTIL DE LIMON.
of the Land. Mr. Barahona thrown at him with that lack ny large but the chief cause ei un1502Depósito de maderas nacionales EL ATLANTICO contends the Court had no of moral courage noticiable his record supply, which is de.
Al sur del correo right to refer to any unethi every Costa Rican Lawyer.
Apartado 215 Venta de maderas cal procedure in the exercise He is consequently, he fur pressus cotloa prices, is the inCompra de productos.
crease in the foreign of his profession, for since he ther avers, offended in the crop, was absolved in the accusa exercise of his profession reach 20 100. 000 which is expected this sea on to tion, no misdemeanure was which he has fulfilled with baies. This is found, therefore there was more dignity and honesty no right for the Court insi that the very great majority the fica seur average from 1928 nuating on his professional of Costa Rican Lawyers.
32. Just before our own restric MANAGUA, Nicaragua.
ethics. In an issue of the Dia tion cleme began.
conate one month salary for All government employes will rearmament purposes, the paywas announced.
This procedure will not unNos permitimos lamar su atención a la nota al dorso We beg to call your attention to our remark of the back balance our budget. said Jose de su recibo que dice: Penito Ramirez, Minister of Fi of receipt wlich reads.
nance. Since 1934 Nicaragua Este recibo debe pagarse en la ofi This bill must be paid at our office has allowed her armament pro cina dentro de los primeros 10 días gram to lag and every effort before the 10th. of the month will be made to equal other de cada mes Be so good as to comply with this request and do not Central American republics.
Le seamos recordar esto cláusula y evitarnos la pene oblige us to suspend our service, a step which In addition to donations by de tener que cortar su sericis.
we would much regret to take.
government employes and other Nicaraguans, foreigners and foreign firms are contributing liberally, while the Hondu ras dispute has created enthu siustis patriotic feeling.
Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.
a conmay it. ss reeighty four percent greater than NICARAGUA WILL REARM Compañía Eléctrica de Limón


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