
Warring Factions and.
Grand Excursion the Do your XMAS shopping at JACK ORANE STORE CO changing needs.
ITALY CANNOT COLONIZE ETHIOPIA RRA DE CONQUISTA PAGE were not previously disclosed, MEXICO, IPS) ΕΙ ready to co operate with the promise given by Minister Powers to protect their Delbos is interpreted as a de Presidente de México, General and meet their interna cisive diplomatic stroke to of Lázaro Cárdenas, envió um men obligations.
fset any similar promises saje a los países del Continen ace Foreign Minister which Hitler might have made te Americano con motivo del To Colon via Bocas del Toro in was believed to have when trying to wee Poland to Dia de la Raza y en el cual maety won Poland to the side of Germany.
nifestaba, entre otras cosas, Motorship Bocas del Toro France as the result of General Franco ultimatum de México condena la guerra de cent visit to Warsaw. He manding unconditional surren conquista, diciendo en parte: posed to have assured Poider or the government under condena categoricamente la Leaves Limón January 26th. Arrives Colón January 28th.
government leaders that theat of a New offensive exipi guerra de conquista contra e will back up Poland red on the 5th without any los pueblos libres y toda agre Leaves Colón February 9th Arrives Limón February 11th.
ial aspirations. Poland apparent change in sión contra los fueros de la hulected desire for colonies general situation, The go manidad.
FIRST CLASS 15, 00 le known only a few days vernment front lines, exRound Trip SECOND CLASS.
10. 00 nd created considerable tending from Upper Aragon VALIOSO APORTE DE DIFUrise in European Diplo in a wide curve through Ma SION CULTURAL BOOK NOW SPACE IS LIMITED circles. The demand is drid to the Mediterrangan o be based on the thegry const below Almeria were repor MATANZAS, Cuba. IPS) No restrictions as to Nationality. Each passenger that country needs rawted, however, to be on the El señor Pedro Avalos, direc dals and must have an ou alert, and that isolated artille tor de la Biblioteca pública de will be required to deposit 00 at time of Bocking.
or hur surplus population. ry and aviation duels gave evi Matanzas, nos ha informado de As Ship has been chartered solely for the Excursionists hese colonial aspirations dence of the tenseness.
que el grupo América de esta from Limon, no passengers will be taken on at Bocas 200. 000. 000OOO ciudad, que en conexión con del Toro so there will be no ever crowding.
entidades y publicaciones de to All arrangements as to Passport and Re Entry Perdo el continente labora por el mit will, as formerly, be taken care of by the Promoters.
do acercamiento espiritual de los Ship will stop at Boca del Toro for not more than a pueblos, hará sus transmisio couple of hours going and coming.
nes, desde la estación Dont miss this chance to see the GreatH. 790 Kilociclos) todos los do mingos de las p. a las 10 Olympic Games which commerce February Durante esas horas el gru 4th Also the Carnival.
very day you will find SOME po América dedicará programas For further Information see or write Mr.
de recitaciones, estudios, noti HING NEW to meet you Nelson, Box 529, Limon, er Mr. ROGEever cias, conferencias breves, etc a los pueblos americanos.
LIO GUTIERREZ. El grupo América. quien gracias a la cortesía de radio Benilde Merino hará sus trans. 996998ceescosos misiones, se propone redoblar sus actividades en bien del 1 deal que persiguen, se invita a los habitantes del continente he damages caused by the with three and four feet of la que escuchen sus programas.
int floods seem to have water.
LONDON In another district. Italian coloni ger towns, where means of com a greater in the parish of known as Eden thirty five PUERTO RICO SE PREOCU zation of Abyssinia is proving munication are such that militland than anywhere else small settlers homes were enPA DE LOS TRABAJADO impossible and 30. 000 Italian tery aid can be secured quicTamaica.
tirely washed away, nothing RES EN LA INDUSTRIA AI settlers are to be sent back, ca Kly in cases of emergency, Et were left of them except the ZUCARERA bles the Cairo correspondent hiepia is governed by Ethiopian The Rio Grande river dead bodies of their occupants of the Daily Herald.
chieftains, who carry on guept over many acres thrown here and there on SAN JUAN. IPS. La athe Refugees from terror rrilla warfare against the Itaivated in Bananas, Crne, huge trees being borne away sociación de productores de with which Mussolini answers lians, harassing them at every visions, etc. There was by the swollen rivers. At azúcar acaban de anunciar la the stubborn resistance of the opportunity.
dly a district in the lower Fruiful Vale two houses we creación de un comité que se Abyssinians escape every now as of the parishes of St. re carried away, the rains re dedicará a intensificar los es and then into Egypt.
mas, St. Ann and St. Ja gistering 13 inches here the fuerzos que se están haciendo The refugees confirm previDOCTOR which were not affected, same night. Mrs. Adina para mejorar las condiciones ous rumors of extensive risings umerable landslides ac Mirch lost a beautiful resi de educación y de vida de los by the Abyssinians againt the red, roads were badly dug dence at Burlington as well trabajadores; y tratara de coo Italian garrisons, many of which and many bridges wreck as 17 cows, bulls, donkeys perar con el gobierno y sus a have been wiped out.
Araya The rains fell incessantly and acres of bananas.
gencias para el mejoramiento Army deserters escaping in Osteopath Practitioner the 23rd. to the 28th The great bridge over the de las condiciones de los traba to French Somaliland also tell Accidents, Fractures, etc. vember; the rivers were all Rio Grande was damaged jadores.
of food shortage menacing the spate and swept everyth and the casement sank under On a Fracture being susEsta decisión y actividad de Italian occupation.
for miles around to des the strain of the flooded pected consult me ction, including a Egypt is also disturbed by large stream, the railway lines in parte de la asociación de proimmediately.
mber of animals. Severall the district were severely ductores de azucar, es la con the reports of extensive Italian Office. 125 varas North of ises were destroyed and washed out an dthe ricefields secuencia a la aceptación del reinforcements for the Libyan the Botica Oriental, ny lives lost.
of the East Indians all des contrato con los trabajadores, garrison.
SAN JOSE troyed. As a consequence of por el cual, estos últimos re With the exception of the big The volume of the water these unfortunate happen cibirán un aumento en sus sawell be considered when ings the people in these dis larios de más de dos millones stated by the Gleaner of tricts are said to be faced de dólares. También, se consiIst. instant, that at Moore with starvation, so that food dera que la asociación azuca wn twenty inches of rain and clothing are now being rera está ansiosa de mejorar la during the night of the distributed by the govern situación actual, como resultah. November, and the local ment aided by charitable ins do de la reciente compra de ust Office building was co titutions and individuals. na factoria azucarera y terrenos red by a landslide, while in In some of the districts lo cultivables, hecha por la admiSwift River district three cated in the affected areas, nistración del departamento ops, located on the road considerable damage has been gubernamental de construcción, ding to Bloomfield were done the banana cultivations, para ser operada en bases coocompletely carried away so that it is said it will be perativas y mejorar la situación at nothing was left to even some time before cultivators azucarera de la isla.
dicate where they had will be able to get out markeyod. Others were fooded table fruit.
FLOOD DAMAGES IN JAMAICA Alejandro Vargas Trabajos de Ingeniería, Peritazgos, Denuncios, Presupuestos, Nivelaciones, Levantamientos Hidrográficos, Medida de fincas, Trazado de tranvías, Caminos, Cañerías, Construcciones, Compra y venta de Propiedades, Copias heliográficas, Minas.
BOOTH EDGAR ODIO GONZALEZ RODRIGO ODIO GONZALEZ Me hago cargo de dichos trabajos por contrato o comisión.
Best Baked Berlin Bread Buns cuits Cakes The. People Bakery Box 179. Limón Ingeniero RAFAEL ROIG Abogados y Notarios Lawyers Public Notaries SAN JOSE LIMON SAN JOSE. LIMON Oscina en Limón: Office in Limon adjoins Conntiguo a ia Munici that of the Municipality palidad (frente al Parque)
opposite the Park (Miembro de la Facultad de Ingenieria de Costa Rica)
Apartado 523 SAN JOSE Teléfonos 2929 3201 Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.


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