
acc to Dr Richard Weiss DIABETES mellitu AN OPEN LETTER TO THE DIVISIONS hopes of the necessary co OF THE IN COSTA RICA. Regular reduction of sūgar excretion Improved tolerance for carbohydrates No undesirable after effects no bel Sold er all Diug Stor TE move ul The Black Spot THE REMEDY WHICH IS AN EFFICIENT, SUBSTITUTE FOR INSULINA, 41 Plague LIMS. COSKI TAKEN BY WAY OF THE MOUTH importación Imports and expurts y In Jamaica, as in this cour Blessing for Humani.
Exportacion try, the Black Spot plague Lamber Deposit has been making ravages, ou Depós to de Madera the government of that land, through its Director o Compra de Cacao en Agriculture, is doing every grano Cocoa Purchased thing possible to control an isolate the disease. This ficial has collected much in the only activated efficaci formation regarding this pas se of Banana sickness an peroral treatmen CObe relied on for its treatment that there will be no further increase of the trouble. report is being formulated and it is expected sal spraymg by the Agriultural Department as well Gentlemen re of a Local Congress, should not is other treatment will soon be permitted to fail and finally re ettle all fears.
If Fraternal greetings to you and main so our local government your honourable wouies.
Whatever we may think, the Li would give similar assistance Some time to an Assembly, mon Division is the Headquarters to agriculture in all its branknown as the Conference of Presid of the Organization in this coun. athers woul.
wn, was formed by the Presidents try. You have made it so by your o overwhelmed with Literatura by the Agents of various Divisions of the energetic actions, by your devotion when diseases appear.
FcUILLE BOIS, CAFVIHO YA At was virtually Execuve by your registration. This Division JS. X 329 Council. The object was ideileve, is now being demoralized by a Tyrto rectly irregularities in connect ant who sets up a dynasty with OFICIALES ITALIANOS his ion with the working of the relique system to perpetuate MUERTOS EN ETIOPIA INTER AMERICAN AIR SQUADR tuzation, in addition sosiem uz presidency. Can you watch with ing and upholding its sacred pain ndifference the outcome of this nunciado oficialmente que 102 vicious proceeding while the other oldados italianos, incluyendo PLANS MASS FLIGHT ciples.
Races who know the volue of unity oficiales, murieron en EtioThis August Body was composod of the most representative class and co operation regard our entire pia durante el mes de septiemA bre cuando grupos de etiopes WASHINGTON, Nov.
Tits, each plloted by a of our people, the better reason for Race with ridicule and scorn?
thousand times NO. This Division atacaron varias guarniciones pe 1:om one of the Latin its survival. But, alas, it lasted for is conspicuously before the eyes of queñas en las montañas centra Five planer of a squadron of six, can countries, and es ab.
a brief space. As far as can be disthe public. The impotence and irre les. Al final de la estación de compris ng the Inter American stiliated esesáriile in ea cern. there never was a mode gularities of its perpetual adminis lluvias los etiopes reanudaron cadrile, arrived here Iron pubic which would be en commendable and essential tration is a charge against all Black su actividad tradicional, la cual sew. York The sixth piane, pilot with the task of fomentin launched De Lue presion men therefore to remain silent and ha sido aniquilada rápidamente ed by Joan les American, aua teres in flying Inza?
the nials of this Ortanication, allow incompetent and irresponsiLen. e its failure to function gives por las operaciones militares. carrying ben. amin Rug, Puer o try by maintalaing Sim rise to other failures in individual ble persons to cast reproach on all Rican, lanued near Camden New interesting the number of Branches and Chapters. Every go Negroes would be sadly wanting CUBA EL CONGRESO DE Jersey, siightly damaging 31nz ficids.
organizing in valour vernment has its Parliament NACIONES AMERICANAS wing. It occupants were not gits and other acti Several gentlemen started a reCongress, and the A. being injured It was planned to make a a government in embryo, the con organizing Body in Limón, and on HABANA. IPS. Los go The Inter American Lead flight to Lima during the ference of Presidents, representati reporting to the Parent Body received Mr. Garvey sanction and ap biernos de las Repúblicas del ville is un organization of American Cerference next New before touring the proval. This also has been dissol. Continente Americano har, datin Americans living in hem ved and is heard of no more. It do muy buena acogida al pro xo. who are interes ed in avia te.
is not possible for any of the Divi vecto, sugerido por la Cancille tion. Th: purpo e of the presions in Costa Rica to gain public ria cubana, de celebrar un consunt righ: to create interest recognition while their Headquart greso de Naciones Americanas ir privat aviation in Latin ACOMERCIANTE wallowing in the mire. Now que examine, discuta y arregle merlea por más de 20 años Estab eeldcen a Provincia is the time for the Presidents of onvenios sobre los problemas e group includd freVenue al letal Vinue y Lithe different Divisions to get toge sociales y económicos que afec du de los Rios, of Chile, com cores extrunjeros y del pais ther and form a conclave and curbitan a todo el continente. ΕΙ mander or the e cadrille, and abarrotes en generzi. this cruel tyrant of his will: and Congreso estudiará la creación editor of La Pren. a, New York.
MISCELANEA one aim, carve out our common des te un organismo supremo in nora Herr linda de Briones, LIMON 5stablecimiento esquina tiny ernacional que fije las horas Ecuadorean aviair; Nicolas Ve Norte del Mercado.
Thanks ever much Mr. Editor de trabajo de una manera e loz. Oi Venezuela: Benjamin Ru Entre 45 quitativa y proporcional, con go and Francisco Pares, Fábrica de Hie of EUGENE ROPER objeto de evitar la explota. Puerto Ricc. Manrique Alvarez ción y aliviar el desempleo. of Costa Rice; Luis Restrepo of Refrescos También considerará la fijación Colombia: Lt. Jesu Carranza de aranceles reciproeos y el es or México: Eduard La Borde, tablecimiento de restricciones Bolivar Agramonte and Roberque se consideraron convenient Rivero, o Cuba: and Luis de tes. Otro de los puntos que es (León, of Guatemala tudiará este Congreso será producción de cada país repre. John Oliveira, o Brasil, ansentado, a fin de establecer o. other mec. ber of the group was LA FLORIDA bligaciones de mutua demanda detained in New Yo. by buside los productos de cada Fábrica de Hig For Style Character creando un tribunal de arbi The escadrille, which has plan traje con facultades para re ned a masa flight to the twen Venta de Lecl and Goed Taste.
solver los conflictos que, en ty one Latir. American pueste sentido pudieran surgir, biles in 1925, to organize surgir, dando al organismo men a squadion of twenty one placionado autoridad necesaria IF you want the experience of para que ejerza una supervis wearing a real smart outfit, sión efectiva sobre los distincome along to os acuerdos adoptados por el Congreso.
Este Congreso tendrá como finalidad el evitar toda clase de competencia desleal entre las LIMON naciones americanas y dar im Vertad quetes 1. CO y 00 en San. pulso al comercio entre los mer cados del continente; y sin duLadies say he is adept at da alguna, servirá para que los making Coats, Costumes, estadistas cambien impresioBreeches. Ete.
nes sobre los problemas de viSan José. Teléfono 2198 or EDGAR YOUNG ers COSTA RICA SOU WALLA FACTOR for space.
la Ladies Gents Tailoring una, ress y Maderas JOHN ROGERS Semilla BRACATING!
para sombra, t:pavientos y made Centro Comercial Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.


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