
The routing of the Italian soldiers TH continue, and according Throughout the entire The floodings from the Ma. Voice of Ethiopia, large numbers on tlantic Zone much anxiety wastina. Moin and Limoncito of these are surrendering and subLUMBER YARD occasioned bythe severity ofers caused very heavy swells mitting to Ethiopian rule. They dethe recent rains and the flood in the habeur and prevented nounce the horrors and sufferings ing of our principal rivers ships from coming alongside the under Fascist control We have opened a Lumber Yard Due, however, to the extensive wharves for two days. One Mussolini is reported much disimprovements effected a shortboat, in attempting to get berth cressed in consequence of these hap where we carry in stock a complete while ago on the Railway, noed, was so tossed by the waves pinegs and is in fear of assassinassortment of all kinds of Native damage of a very serious natu hat it seemed she would have otion. He has directed General Graziani that at least Adowa must be acire was done and communica landed high and dry (or Lumber. Special sizes to order.
tion with the interior was only at least wet) on the dock re captured at all costs. He is being en delayed for a day, It was rumoured at the off Seseiged with correspondence regard We also have Portland Cement, Roofand The worst damage seem to set that the lines would be im ing these Ethiopian victories the distress of the relatives of killing Nails, Paint, Linseed Oil, Turpenhave been at Five Miles, Moin, passible for several days and ed and wounded Italian soldiers.
where a small portion of the immediately there was an attrack was so tine and all other building materials.
washed that Reports from French Somaliland itſ tempt to raise the prices of say about one third of the Italian was necessary to drive a few our vegetable, eggs. etc. but population are against the Italinn SEND IN YOUR ORDERS piles pending permanent re this was entirely frustrated by Dictator for his wrecing of the lipairs. At Estrada and around the splendid re inforcement pla ves of so many thousand soldiers.
Matina, there was as usual con ced on the railway by its Of One prominent democratic newssiderable flooding, the waters ficials to whom great praise is paper calls him The Sad Man.
from the Chirripo and Barbilla due. Thesefloodings will, now due to the fact of the massacre, of Limon Division rivers overflowed the railway be forgotten for another year the thousands of husbands and or tracks in the vicinities for two The only product much affect youths in the African warfare. As days. Much Cacao which was ed is Cacao; the crop has been an opponent of Fascism the Jourr being cured has been lost. The further reduced and with pri nal says if Mussolini does not redistrict to the South of Siqui ces still falling, the Christmas capture Adowa the King will be pe rres was also much swamped as merriment will be considerably titioned for his resignation and con LONDON The King and The visit of Their Majesties is the Pacuare breaking away lessened while importers wont demnation.
Queen are not likely to visit in likely to be shorter than that from its regular course, flow see the business they anticipat Ras Seyoum is supposed to be dia before the winter of 1933 39 of Kink George and Queen Ma ed down Indiana and the lowered. The Limon Trading Com now directing his Ethiopian warri The nnouncement in the ry in 1911 farms where everything in the pany experienced a heavy fi Iers in Asmara and that the traitor speech from the throne ends the Provision for the expenses of way was washed away.
nancial loss by the breaking Gugsa, who it will be remembered prolored speculation and the durbar estimated at The much dreaded Lómas away of their Turtle Crawl at cowardly betrayed his commission doubt, about the proposed oro 500, 000 pounds, was made in Bonilla Railway Sections stood the mouth of the Moin River under Haile Selassie and with his nation ourtar at Delhi enabling the last budger in anticipation the test as the river had to and the washing out to sea of detatchment went over to the Ita extensive preparations to beg oi the royal vi. it.
keep its course in consequence some 300 turtles. The Compaler at Asmara. He has been divestlians is at present a virtual prison ing immediately of the many break water walls ny formerly kept these in the and abutments constructed a quiet bay at Cahuita, but owing of the Tigre Province and cannot ed of his commission as Governor long these parts since the ad to the loss of their small launch move except strictly guarded by vent of Mr. Barnett, the Engi at Sixaola, and the unseaworth the Italians.
neer And with Messrs. Much thiness of the Traco the mis The populace of Azeba Gallas are and Doubleday on the job, taken judgment of crawling said to be putting up a savage fight determined Cirujano Dentista Americano that the trains them here in the Moin was fos and to have already killed over six American Surgeon Dentist De la Universidad de Loyola, should be kept running. buttered forgetting that this river hundred Eritreans and many Italian From Loyola University.
New Orleans, EE. UU.
New Orleans, little or no inconvenience is a dangerous customer ati Officess.
was caused to traffic.
Ofrece sus servicios pro Offers his Professional fesionales en su modema Services in his New UpClinica Dental instalada to Date Dental Clinic.
contiguo a la oficina Located next to the del Cable.
GUACIMO GUAP. LES All America Cables 0LIMON, COSTA RICA Cantina, icores CL MADERAS EXTRANJERAS DEL PAIS Extranjeros y del país.
Tienda bien surrida Compro cacao Material de Tranvia Abarrotes en general.
Servicio de cabotaje a Cchuita y Pio. Vieio Precios sin competencia Surprises have been the or lues through this medium is the Importacón de mercaderia en general der of the day for months past expression oi all who must, by In so far as the security of mo reaścii oi their business, make are once pain in the United Sia netary remittances through the use of it. especially when it is tes. Tatybre repor ed to have Post Offices is concerned.
remembered that as a means of arrived secretiy in New York, What with the defalcation by controlling the exchange of foand to have left immediately for the Ex Director of Communica reign noies, one is bound to sign Engls. od, New Jersey, the ho tions of the inimense sum which an undertaking at the office of me of Mrs. Lindbergh mother necessitaied his abdicating and registration that there are Javanese Journal is respon can planes manoeuvred over Cu his whereatouts in foreign parts values of any kind in the letsitle, it is reported, for the slaba as homage to the living Further discoveries which in emaining una certained displ wurs for which registration is ask Lement that the Chinese Govern and dead herces in the fight dicate he intensesiveness of the te the efiorts of the Officials of ed Human nature is prone to ment has concluded a military for independence. Three were conspiracy against the French cur Criminal Inves igating fall by temptations into Pact with the Soviet Union, un piloted by women. After land government are still being ma pertment, and the more recent hence, however honest an emplo der which the Chinere agree to ing at the military airdrome at de 2, 500 hand grenades were implication of Mr. Adolfo Sala yes may be considered, if he en establish a Commuinistic Regi Colombia, they flew to Cacaual found near Paris on the 7th, whizar in the scandalous affair in tertains an idea regarding the me at the close of the present to pay their respects to the me lc a newsboy came across 46 bo so far as the nine cheques for untruthfulness of such a decla conflict la exchange for such ef mory of the Patriot Antonio Ma xes of the some material on a one thousan. du sarg each are ration he may be prompted to fective and greater assistance ceo and on whose tomb any road in the vicinity of Villenue conceine: cne was hardly obie test the reality of his convicRusia could now give her. wreatas were laid.
ve Saint Georges, and a truck to take a deet breath as to the tion and the resu:t may be the driver located 30 similar boxes peculiarity of this huge robbery extraction of a valuable remittOn the th Instant 18 nen Col Linctergh and his wife near Brle Comte Robert. 000 and the apparent safety of the tance and, of course, in view of grenades are supposed to have perpetrator, when comes the in the declaration no responsabilibeen discovered since the govern formation of yet another wanty rests with the Department.
ment Agents started inquiry in dering cheque for the tidy sum One may therefore take the o the sclivities of a secret revo of eight thousand colones which chances by evading registration.
lutionary organization, was known to have passed into the Centrai Department of the José Achion Ng.
now Postal Service but cannot Ofrece be located Comerciante Detallista Read Another fluiter has conteLegumbres y frutas frescas y refrigeradas.
quently been occasioned as to Licores, Abarrotes, Cristalería, Jamón. Embutidos de toda clase. Gallithe safety or remittances by way Articulos de Ferreteria y of our Postai Service. Investiga Eléctricos; todo se encuentra nas limpias y refrigeradas. Leche pura tion is being comducted by the en este establecimiento.
y fresca a toda hora. Los mejores Post Master General, but in the PRECIOS DE SITUACION HELADOS de la plaza. antime the public is shocked by such reselation and a lack LIMON. o confidencavina dispatching a Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.
LUIS WA CHONG Guillermo Niehaus Co.
More CONSTERNATION Among Postal Employees World Wide Gleanings no error: La Pulpería DALLAS.
The Atlantic Voice Published every Saturday


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