
ge Sábado 25 de Diciembre de 1937 THE ATLANTIC VOICE Rewards Given Policemen LIMON TRADING COMPANY To Tita Minott An Historic Christmas Number cuando tenga que hacer un buen COCKTAIL By the Gleaner of the 13th. instant, it is seen that LUMBER YARD no less than eight awards haWe saw her die; the Doctor guessed the end, ve been granted by the Inspector General of Police to drawn out thing of chocking agony, We have opened a Lumber Yard members of his Detective and With pain and hemorrhage, Oh! so great, Police Forces for meritorious One hardly dared to contemplate.
where we carry in stock a complete a services and detective ability and zeal.
assortment of all kinds of Native Yet just as she passed, we shall watch her live; This is a great incentive toFor so just was she the Angels cried Lumber. Special sizes to order. ward higher efficienciy and it well shall be, tact in the discovery of crimiWe also have Portland Cement, Roofnals. It would be a good thing wonder wrought for all to see, if our Police Authorities strangled life, a heavenly thing: ing Nails, Paint, Linseed Oil, Turpenwould follow the example set Then Peace and stillness tine and all other building materials. them by their colleagues in As through the marvellous Gate she passed.
the little Island of Jamaica, as we would thus be assurSEND IN YOUR ORDERS ed of greater vigilance by our local men for the protection LIMON TRADING COMPANY of lawabiding citizens.
Limon Division The Power of awowana LIMON MERCANTILE Co. Public Opinion MADURO LUMBER YARD The populace throughout Dealers in native lumber and produce our Zone are very much satisWe have had the pleasure Colony, make the number a 215 South of Post Office fied that our Authorities haperusing a Christmas truly historie one, worthy a ve deemed the cries and deSumber of the Gleaner; it place in the library of not clarations of the public in Inighly instructive, exceed only every loyal Jamaican COMPAÑIA MERCANTIL DE LIMON. connection with the circumsilluminating and most but of that of every travellDepósito de maderas nacionales EL ATLANTICO tances, attending the death of Numinous ing literary genius.
the famous Fanny Grant jusAl sur del correo The Christmas messages The administration and geApartado 215 tifiable, for the girl Bee, who Venta de maderas Compra de productos.
om persons of different gra neral staff of this the Beacon shot her in self defence, has in the religious, educatio Journal of the West Indies been set at liberty. official and political life must certainly be congratuJamaica, as well as from lated for displaying so beautinguished visitors and pretiful an effort of service.
pus Administrators of the Message for Christmas By EJ.
let us visualize at this time of come as uitle children, as barear the hundreds, yea thou bes in Chist. Let us fervently ds, of courtry folk who had Christ that. Let us ferventy the to Bethlehem, the Chief Let us lay ss. de all our selfishwo of the Province, to pay noss and sell centredness; all ir tribute to Julius Caesar our entnerts, dislikes and peror Rome, who had hatrds iet us love humanity quereri the tribes of the Chi, even as jestis the Saviour loves nel Israel Every dwelling all mankind and thus do unto bágalo con el exquisito croivaed beyond capacity. our neighbour as we would that hat many were glad to take he should do unto us. Let us for te! from the cold in the give our enemies even as Jesus and stables. In one of the fogave and loved his evan we find Joseph and Mary tho e wic were accessories in here in that stable of the cruel death. Dia He not ask His in deepest umiity, was to Father to forgive them for thay 592 the Child Jesus in ke Kaew not whatthay did?
This, with the Me sage: trerefore, is the kind of love or unto you, this day, is into which at this Christmastiin the City David, a Sarviur, de, we should pray to be led, so de la FABRICA is Christ the Lord. Yes that all mankind may be happy: NACIONAL de La unxicus. poor. Emall la all may be or goodwill and all busy making their bedding be blessed.
LICORES ng the numerous beast of n, for there it was that the y añada el aroma y el gusto digoroso of Love and Priace of Francisco Fonseca Ch.
urid in all humiliation and que solamente ese dermouth puede dar LAWYER NOTARY this time, when there is PUBLIC hless slaughtering of manOffice: ity cruel warfares, and Adjoining to the City 1 discontent is manifestPublic Library Si nscesita VERMOUTH para Diciembre pidalo con tiempo the proud nation of ENGLISH SPOKEN th, we do well to remom a lowly coming of the ea FORMER JUDGE OF THE 11 mar. kind had but heLIMON DISTRICT COURT teachings. peace, pros and happiness would come universal long ere unfortunatley. instcad ving the dictates of the Nos permitimos lamar su alerción a la nota al dorso We beg to call your attention to our remerk at the boek Love and Price of Peace de su recibo que dice: of receipt which reads.
a: alles other Gods and misery o zelves. The Este recibo debe pagarse en la ofi This bill must be paid at our office ASO! JESIS would. how cina dentro de los primeros 10 días before the 10th of the month ave to be first individuaireli so that we become de cada mes Be so good as to comply with this request and do not the Lord of Love a Le rogamos recordar esta cláusula y evitarnos la per a oblige us to suspend our service a step which eafter be Ambassadors de tener que cortar su servicio.
we would much regret to take.
ce and living witnes His salvation alig Christiands, we be forh againg and be VERMOUTH Compañía Eléctrica de Limón Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.


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