
Saturday, December 25th. 1937 THE ATLANTIC VOICE Page lpparent Murder at Cieneguita The Thought for the Week anodent Trabajos de Ingeniería, Peritazgos, Denuncios, Presupuestos, Nivelaciones, Levantamientos Hidrográficos, Medida de fincas, Trazado de tranvías, Caminos, Cañerías, Construcciones, Compra y venta de Propiedades, Copias heliográficas, Minas.
Ingeniero RAFAEL ROIG 10 ALLAN SIME Distribution to the Poor At about noon or thursday of referred as being present at the of herseli and children and week They who come victoriously through times of the entire vicinity time of the beating, was arrest. abu el her. The woman coinbus throwa into excitemented bous she too was ako se: a painet to the Agent of Police trials and adversity with equanimity, are those who in Phen the body of Mrs. Leticia liberty later on and Narine was fined 25 colotimes of peace and prosperity, have never neglected ncKinley, formerly Minott, was veral women of the vicinity nes. She appealed to the Gober their DAILY COMMUNION with God. It is they who when the Governor The dead or she floor of her and others who were presen at nacion, have stayed their minds upon God, when things went the sentence of a yom at the foot of her hed. the invcstigation and examined upholds the the fins well with them, who are able to find an available God leith her two small daughters, the body cay that the neck was Agent bui increases dme about five years, and the brok:n as it could be twisted all to 40. In the meantime she in the day of their adversity.
cdher three. crying beside it. aro ind, which apparently, le deceasei claims maintenance biriends of the woman soon gatin Doctor did not examine. Son for herself and children before red a dthe older girl McKintod after the head got swollen be che authorities, and her heh that her father was at yond recognition which indicat ley was sentenced to pay the home on Wednesday nighted it was much battered. erde 90 menthly. It is said that ind vas fighting and ating signs of strangulation were evi the fine imposed against Narineph: Mama. and that ne was paid on the Wednesday veher woman was also there who, The furniture in the room and auring the night the woyhen her smaller sister started where the body was found, we man, wife of McKinley, is appa Po cry, took her up, kissed her re all knocked about. One ta rently murdered.
20 ind irled to hush her.
ble was thrown on the ground Cieneguita is certainly grow jer so soon as the police heard and everriring thereon broken ing famous as a district of ilregistered two 9f this Cyril MsKinley, the hus up: a nichine was also thrown fame. It has la band of Leticia and father of one side, while the necklace al murders in adjoining premises, first within nine moths. The do he children, was arrested unways worn by the deceased was bebuspicion. An enquiry was hd broken ana thrown on the was when a crazy youngman th the Alcalde and Medical Offi, ground.
chopped up his three year old piele, when statements were tasister and now Mrs. McKinley y ken, and the child once more ANTECEDENTS is most suspiciously murdered repeated her story of the father In the statements there is a Me hago cargo de dichos trabajos por contrato quchaving been at the home the It was well known that Mc declaration by a native family, o comisión.
stprevious night and was beating Kinley had abandoned his wife who live about thirty yards from the ili fated home, who riz up her niother, etc. etc. McKn and taken up with the roman no ley was lowever, soon after set Narine. Narine wont to the ho said they heard a great noise de at liberty and Narine Howard, me ofthe deecased, who kept as groaningss in the house, ard the wonian to whom the child a small school for the support bout the thoor. They rushed to as of things being thrown a(Miembro de la Facultad de Ingeniería de Costa Rica)
ED the preinises with a searchtes Apartado 523 SAN JOSE. Teléfonos 2929 3201 light ard gui: in hand, but the building being well locked they could not get in, and as all was then quiet they returned hoLIMON, COSTA RICA me and later left for the city Importación my way of the beach.
Through the generous and most benevolent act, so it is Imports and Exports Theertire community is charitable disposition of the Di hoped they will be amply reM y much aroused consternated rectors and members of the lo warded by the grateful appreExportacion and enraged over the cruel cal Branch of the Jamaica Bu ciation of each and every reci.
death of the poor woman who rial Scheme Society, the poor pient.
Depósito de Madera Lamber Deposit liv exemplary life and was a useful member of of our city are to be provided the Compra de Cacao en with a bit of good cheer. As he vicinit. hence much respecthave grano Cocoa Purchased retofore, arrangements od. Th funeral was attended by a great gathering sympa most deserving ones as might been made to give each of the thizers, and so enraged weig the wɔnen that they beseiged tuff, the handing out of which be possible, a parcel of foodsthe office of McKinley at The Diamond and he had to will take place during the fotelephone the Cuartel for Police renoon today at the Town Hall. VIENE de la página SIETE)
The Society genial Secretacontrolled. not from the outer. humble child of God, It was strongly rumoured on ry and his Committee have not De ventech.
who uses his or her powers of prayer from a contrite mind the Friday morning that the been sparing in their efforts to attuned to the mind of goodness, can exercise more power Juez del Crimen had ordered successfully carry through this in world affairs than any Dictator who works wholly on the this. calde to institute, in co surface of material things. Any citizen who is a lover of operate with the District Me dical humanity and life, the most precious gift of God, by sending tion of the body so as to Officer, an exhuma. THE REMEDY WHICH IS AN EFFICIENT COM out his goodwill or love to all mankind and in such an ef duct an autopsy to satisiy the SUBSTITUTE FOR INSULINA, fort pours out his Soul over the world, ean generate and demands of the relacives, radiate an invincible power of Good because Love is the the findings of the doctor, wit TAKEN BY WAY OF THE MOUTH supreme Power for Peaceful inclinations and the basic law hout au autopsy, seemed to a upon which our creation is founded.
ve been in doubt from the fact May this Christmas be to us a joyous, loving, happy that be said that (pareciera it would appear that the dene. May all remember to do some good to those around ceased was suffering from cro us, and especially to those who are in lesser circumstances nic (myacarditis) hardenings of than ourselves, May the Churches and Fraternal Organizatthe arteries, which caused ions labour in sincerity and in truth to bring home to the cardiacal attack. On hearing of minds of their members that as they are all children of God this, newspeparmen, and other and, interiorly, are intimately connected and bound up with interested parties as well as the curious ones, prepared to go to Him, they may live their lives in spiritual contact with the the cemetery to witness the ope peroral treatment for one Source and Substance of Love, Peace and Joy, so the ration, but all were disappointcommunity may be guided by their examples into ways ed as the doctor refused to go of Goodwill, tolerance and friendship one with the other. cu the ground that it was unnecesary, but at the same time amplifying his former report The case, therefore remains mystery with all sorts of conFine Two Storey Residence Hermosa casa jectures and insinuations being de dos pisos y and Land at Madre de Dios. terreno en Madre de Dios.
cast by the angry crowd regard Propiedad que fue de Mr ig the verdict of the doctor tes Property of late Carr. Carr timony and the consequent deci ision of the 1st. Alcalde.
Dolore. cale. Christmas Bells.
Orienie: as Blessing for Humanity PANCRESALETS a OCC. TO Dr. Richard Weiss the only activated efficacious DIABETES mellitus FOR SALE SE VENDE Regular reduction of sugar excretion Fmproved tolerance for carbohydraies no undesirable after effects Juformel: ISRAEL BLANCO Pensión Costa Rica Pulpería Flor de Asturias. Pacifico. San Jose Literatura by the Agents: FEUILLEBOIS, CARVALHO y APPEL SAN JOSE. BOX 310 Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventuu, Costa Rica.
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