
CHRISTMAS DOLE BY JAMAICA BURIAL SCHEME SOCIETY Thought For The Week tizenship were seen wending sequent benefits to extend tion would overshadows The Ethiopian Struggle ins aour secfrom sanas An Old Landmark Passes a pas a We were fortunate in hav though the gift may have would be if all our Fraternal If we wish to be healed, or to be deliveng a fine dry night for the been small, it was highly ap and Friendly Societies could 938. Christmas Eve, so pleasure preciated as it is the thought set red from our troubles, or to achieve some aside selfishness and eekers had all their accustom of giving, not the gift, which egoism and combine, in one great Victory in our life, we must apply our ad enjoyment. The Churches counts.
great Committee, to relieve minds to God and Divine Truth with much were well attended and the It is a pity the other two the distressing conditions ob earnestness, determination and perseverance, members of the Shepherds Burial Scheme Units could served among the unfortunaFraternal Society held their not see the necessity of put tes in our midst.
so that Divine action may take place in all usual display.
ting aside petty differences True charity should be the our affairs.
During the earlier hours of and sentiments of aloofness real aim in all these distributhe Xmas morning scores of to co operate and so enable tions, then the blessing of the needy its con Divine care, protec, their way to the St. Mark over a much wider field of and the funds required for ber Hall to receive the Dole pro usefulness. It is hoped that on such sincere purposes would The Italians are still suffer med the Italian Minister in mised them by the Jamaica the next occasion the three always be obtained without ing serious reverses at the London that negotiations will Burial Scheme Society. About Societies will blend their ef any extraordinary effort or cot hands of the Ethiopian Wa soon be commenced for a betone hundred packages, each forts into one great action anxiety. Alas, most of such of rriors.
ter understanding between containing rice, sugar, beans, and so make their Power for ferings ARE NOT MADE From Djibouti it is said the two countries bat he debeef, bread and fifty cents in Good more pronounced in the with that true charitable in that more than 15, 000 Egyp finitely stated that recognicash, were distributed, the Community.
tention, that sincere feeling tians have gone over to help tion of Italy Ethiopian EmTecipients expressing their Society may expend of our responsibility as Ste the Ethiopians rid their coun pire could not be considered sincere gratitude to the Of much from its funds in plea wards, for the dispensing of try of the Fascist Aggression. as a part of the Anglo Italian Tanage ficers of the Benevolent So sant celebrations among mem the good things of this earth Religious War is brewing Deal.
consi. ciety for their thougthfulness bers and friends, while others to our less fortunate fellow in Egypt, Arabia and Ethio Genevieve Tabonis in an dred. in instituting so charitable an may pay their officers ap beings, BUT RATHER THAT pia as a consequence of the article in Oeuvre of Paecting idea Mr. Harold Smith, the preciable sums to attend to the community may think atrocities committed by the ris, December 11th. said the point President, and his colleagues their affairs, but to the truly well of us and with an idea Italians against the Coptic, Italian troops in Ethiopia are must arred, be complimented for charitable mind there is no that we may regain the Church of these countries. being constantly attacked and back their kind intentions toward real satiafaction in such dis mounts so expended by an in An appreciable number of ravished by the Native Wardeserving poor, and bursements. How glorious it flux of membership. Such in troops have landed in Kenya riors, their loss at times, in a sincerity will never ensure us with vast quantities of mili single ambush, being betVery that blessedness by which the tary equipment which include ween two and three thousand unseen, Omnicient Hand will machine guns, armoured cars, men; that the morale of the provide us with the better tons of high explosives, etc troops is bad and that a shortis a things of life. Every FraterFrom Basutoland it is stat tage of gasoline makes the nal Society of Limon should ed the Ethiopians have problem each day more difis and HENRY RICHARDS, known The premises at the corner get together and formulate a wrought havoc among the Ita ficult.
As in Spain, the situation As. generally as Dick Richards, of 6th Avenue and 7th. Street Committee forthe purpose of lians twenty five miles from unfaof passed on to the Great Bey was donated by the deceased taking care of those among us the border of Kenya. During for Mussolini is most to road ond last Monday afternoon to the Shepherd Institution who may have ben overtaken the months from June to Devourable as he is unable at the advanced age of 75 under the conditions that the by evil times; perchance the cember last, 152 fascists pla achieve his aims. The Ethioyears.
entire building be renovated re may eamong these seve nes were reported destroyed pian Tribes who were subjural who once were zealous and more than 1, 700 aviators gated are The deceased was a promi by that Body, the upper floor members of one or other of killed. In demanding the ac fight their fellow nationals, now refusing to ment and faithful member of continuing to be used as the such Societies, but who to ceptance of his resignation they assert they were deceivthe Shepherd Order for over Lodge Rooms and the lower day are almost without the General Graziani designated ed in the promises held out forty one years, and enjoyed one remaining under his con wherewithal for their merest Ethiopia a Hell Hole. The to them. Thousands have gothe confidence of the entire trol.
brotherhood. He was also Strange to say, the deceased existence. In all these Orga Duke of Aosta was appointed ne over to the ranks of their Samaritan and a member of had decided to visit Jamaica nizations the theme that Mer to succeed him, but refused, African brothers.
the Wesleyan Denomination by the Excursion which cy is the Mother of Charity point blank, to go. General In a recent attack near Mafor more than three decades should have left last month, is much impressed, yet how Badoglio has also refused as kale, the Ethiopian Chief, Ded few exhibit during which time he disch as this failed to materialize this virtue in he assures Mussolini he would jazmach Gabra Haiwot, is be unable to subdue the Ab reported to arged the duties of a Steward. the inevitable their every day lives?
have captured has occurred His remains, followed by land one more great landmark It is for this reason, therefore yssiang in a thousand years. fifty Fascist Officers. They Radio News has confirmed are held as prisoners of war, an inmense throng of mour of Aspinwall and Puerto Li that we highly appreciate its Haile Selassie diplomatic but are being used in the ners and sympathizers, were mon colonization has gone manifestation among the mem victory. The British Foreign meantime, to teach the natiinterred on Tuesday afterno the way of all flesh.
bers on. Major Perry of the Salva Henry Richards of the Jamaica Burial Office having officially re ves the use of the equipment tion Army took the lead in the Uncle of Mr. Davidson Scheme Society, apart from cognized him as the Emperor captured with them.
33 ceremony over the grave, of our city as well as of Mr. our knowledge that enrolled of Ethiopia, Mr. Eden inforfollowed by Mr. Angus of Marcus Garvey of the as members of this Society the Wesleyan Body; after He is survived by two ful of their obligations as are some who are ever mind lidate, WIHT THE. and that the measures adopted whom Patriarch Malachi Cox daughters to whom THE Stewards in the and his colleagues of the ATLANTIC VOICE tenders Vineyard. From Page 7)
by authorities of the Settleand realize Province of Shantung. Chuſu, ment to check the violence ha Shepherd Fraternity closed its most sincere condolence, and who know that disbursements made in the with a very exhaustive expo May his Soul find eternal birthplace of China Ve not buen sufficiently drassition of the faithfulness of Peace.
the true spirit of Charity at Great Sage, Confucius, has tic.
tract much from the unseen been taken and air raids are the deceased.
rit forces of nature, hence their being made on several of the efforts will be crowned with much prosperity.
more important cities, including Hankow.
There is indeed a very wi What is regarded in foreign Lic. DANIEL ZELEDON 0de scope in this suggestion of circles as a very grave istours, and it is to be hoped sue is Japan threat to take that every Society will give action in Shanghai InternaABOGADO it serious consideration dur tional Settlement unless AnValuations: Denouncements; Estimates; Land ing the ensuing year. There ti. Japanese y NOTARIO PIBLICO outrages are about fifty of these well stopped. They are supposed to Levels; Hydrographic Measurements; Surveys: intentioned Societies in our be in fear of a Chinese camOficina: Altos Pasmidst, so if each would dopaign of terror developing cual Ingianna ne Projections for Tramways, Roads, nate say twenty colones for against their efforts to consoCharitable purposes what Water Works, Buildings; Heliographic fine fun could be raised and under the aegis of an influenTracings; Mining.
tial Gommitee merchants and private individuals could be Properties Bought and Sold.
approached for gifts of various kinds to augment the LIMON, COSTA RICA itAny of the above undertaken on Contract annual contributions from the Importación truly charitable. With proper Imports and Experts or Commission.
y management can it not be foreseen that much could be Exportacion Rafael Roig done toward relieving the sufLamber Depósito de Madera ferings of the many unfortuDeposit Member of the Faculty of Engineers of Costa Rica nates among us, and would not such a movement evenCompra de Cacao en Box 523. San Jose. Telephones 2929, 3201 tually secure governmental grano Cocoa Purchased recognition, assistance and protection?
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