
Page 10 THE ATLANTIC VOICE Saturday January 8th. 19 ka DANCRESALE acc. to Dr. Richard Weiss MORE ABOUT AFRICA ing, soccer, basketball tennis DIABETES mellitu Regular reduction of sugar excretione 3mproved tolerance for carbohydrate no undesirable after effects Mexico has already com Sold by all Drug Stor NOTICIAS MUNDIALE in a THE OLYMPICS ATTRACT ATTENTION Guillermo Niehaus Co.
THE REMEDY WHICH IS AN EFFICIEN Panama Olympic meet, ocuSUBSTITUTE FOR INSULINA, LIMON, COSTA LICA pled with all the other attractions that Panama will have to MADERAS EXTRANJERAS DEL PAIS offer at obout the same time, TAKEN BY WAY OF THE MOUT Compro cacao Material de Tranvia is commanding attention every wehere, and the Pan American Blessing for Human Senii de cabotaje a Cahuila y Pro. Vieio Union recently relcosed a preview of the Olympic program its statement says: Importacon de mercaderia en general Athletes from 14 nations will compele in 17 different sports to include track and field events, baseball, swimmthe only activated efficac fencing, volley ball, boxing, riile shooting, peroral treatmer water polo, The Africans are quite a stu, boosts a very up. to. date col dy. people decidedly Eas lege which takes care of the wrestling, weight lifting, cycltern in outlook, whom decades educational progress of the ing, equestrian contests, and golf.
Christianity cannot persua country. Teachers and CheThe keen interest in the de from reverting, at times, mists are trained there and na to fetichism. In almost every tive art is being promoted. gomes was magnified by Jamaica, one of the countries part of the country one goes, the African would only be sen invited to toke part. The Brione will hear English spoken in sible to discard all tribal dir tish Empire Olympic games will some form or other. Every pro ferences, and adopt ore com also toke place in February, in Tince, however, has its own mon policy, the future of the Australia, but the Jamaican idiom which is not always very Nero would be more assuring: delegation decided to forget pleasant to ears accustomed to hut, from present appearances, all about the British events and the more Western, musical lanhe day when he will be his send a team to Panarna.
own leader is yet distant. The anThe African ia averse to the only thing that would help a nounced a selection of a basWestern Negro coming into his migration of West Indians, country like Liberia is mass im ketball team. Three of the ploLt. Ia uray yunta: FUILLEBOIS, CARV. LHO AR ccuntry. Most of his antipathy oodly number of whom should tet that took part in the intera yers ramed were in the quinSI JO JE. BOX 329 is due to the fact that these we he men of known character and notional meer held at Cali, re used by the White men to ability, men who could take Colombio. Severoi Central Acenquer his country. a fact he has never forgotten. Anot from the present Rulers.
over the reigns of government merican and Mexicon Oympic records were broken during her thing that has caused his There are a lot of gold mi the national swimming meet Se inaugura una nueva biblio Una nueva sinfonia de dislike is that the White men, Yes, but the Africans are not held there in October Bosteca pública en México.
maninoff who first came to Africa, told llowed to operate them. The ketball feams from Panama him we were not to be encoura overnment takes charge of have recently scored victories Ciudad de México. Filadelfia. ged as we are dangerous. On them and turns them over to over teams from three other Con asistencia del secretario de las mejores atracciones the whole the African consi.
Europeans, who operate them, countries. In Panamo, thel de educación, don Gonzalo Vássiers us the sons of ex slaves, and after defraying all expen home boys registered a trumphouez Vela, se inauguró, en temporada musical 1936el ez el estreno de la nueva the people he sold years ago as ses hand the balance to the over the Mexicon team which ex templo de Santa Clara, una fonía por Rachmaninoff. purely business transaction, covernment; the owners of the was returning from Coli. In and therefore not his equal.
nueva y suntuosa biblioteca pú él la llama sinfonia núme lond are then given a certain Peru, Ponoma rolled up a se blica.
Most of the people in these parts Leopoldo Stokowski y 1; ies of victories.
series are clothed in Enopean style Se considera que esta es la questa sinfónica de esta ciu The Season warmest Crew played between the winning rejor biblioteca de la capital, serán los encargados de e though some can be seen in natings to all.
teams of Cuba and Panama, tive costum and, not unfrequen por los valiosos volúmene: que tor, por vez primera, esta Adrian Wyatec the latter scored a clean sweep tly, one comes across others Late in October, a track ond contiene, siendo alguno de ellos va producción del conocido who prefer continual sun bath. Dec. 22, 1937 field squad went from Panama ejemplares sumamente raros positor, el dia 26 de Energ The Churches Los amantes de la músic are not as to Jamaica to take part in the Este nuevo paso que da el goED. NOTE bierno grand as those of Kingston, Ja. Mr. Wyntee meet held at Kingston por la cultura de Mé peran ansiosos este acon maica, but are better than SO is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Wyn xico ha sido recibido con gran miento. In conjunction with the reentusiasmo.
me in Costa Rica. The services ter of Madre de Dios. He left gular scheduled events are well attended, halt being some years ago for Jamaica, chess tournament will also be conducted in English and half and went from there to. to place in the native tongue.
Accra is a large town with us, from time to time, bits of of the Olympic this tourney is loteria extranjera, si sa neither mud nor primitive buil, information on African customs open only to national teams. Que In LOT 211 NACIONAL da 21 premios más en cada dings. It is gratifying to note which we and our readers to be composed of five memthat the Gold Coast Colony highly appreciate.
bers. Also on the program is. Que o 00 ca UL 6 000 en la LOTERA NACION en la fase beca 10.
the beauty contest to select Que la LO PRIA NIONA vuelle en prem os 65 cén the Queen of Sports of Centrai de cada colon que recibe La ord: comprand. a el America and the Caribbean. cites. Son de ce ve en premios 50 cémios de cada cols.
Ul. 30 Mayor número de Premios. Mayor ganancia para Ud. en premio. Más cantidad de co. ones devueltos en PREMI 300TH Bests Baked En México se celebrará el primer congreso indigena he Grand Excursion Will Not leave Berlin Mexico Co del propio estado.
mo consecuencia del programa Bread El pre fide e Cárdenas, Limon on January 26th. as announde regeneración del indio que persona, efectuará la aper Buns ced, but on February 9th. 1938 el presidente Cárdenas está lle del acto. Al establecer y 11 Biscuits Cakes vando a cabo, se celebrará, el este congreso, el presid To arrive Colon February 11th, leave there The. People Bakery primer congrezy indigena que Cárdenas tiene por prin February 23rd. and arrive Limón February 25th.
se efectúa en México desde los objetivo el que los Box 179. Limin indig tiempos de la independencia. puedan expresar libremente Dieho congreso se llevará a necesidades y problemas de. cabo en Ixmiquilpan, y concu do orden, para asi poder In order to foci ilate the wishing to Attend The rrirán a él delegados de todos car, más fác:Imente, la Carnival, we will run Another Excursion to leave los núcleos indígenas otomies ción de ellos.
Limon. Friday, February 25th arrive Colon February 27ih. Leave there March h. and arrive Limon March 11ih.
Remember No restriction as to Nationality. Book By a general Decree of Amnow with Deposit of Five dol. ars. Space is limlied.
nesty for all political and social misdemeanours committed in CuFIRST CLASS 15. 00 ba up to the 19th of December Round Trip Ex President General Machado, SECOND CLAS; 10, 00 who had been accused of Murder For further Inforination write or see Mr.
and Misoppropriation during his regime and was being held under. Nelson, Box 529, Limon, or Mr.
Extradition proceedings in New KOGELIO GUTIERREZ.
York, is now a free man. The DeEl más surtido en Matina cree exonerates him from all responsabilities under such charges.
o Coast Africa, whence he sends four days before the opening Por tonto lo cogerian a comprar איוושוחווית Excursion to Panama Olympics Carnival Amnesty for all Cubans HOP LEE LUNG Estable ini::tɔ de Licores, Tirda y Abarrote Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.


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