
The Attack on Addis Ababa En el Depósito de Maderas de Avelino de la Peña Cía. Sucs.
PEACE ON EARTH, Among The Lodges GOODWILL AMONG MEN his all Trening TOT Pastures New The Djibouti Correspondent out the entire night, the Chiefs of The Voice of Ethiopia al withdrawing their troops on By the Costa Rica the leges that the Ethiopian Chiefs, the approach of dawn.
re arrived here on Thursday, a who launched an attack on Ad Although their objective las week ago, forty three (43) cardis Ababa some weeks ago, not obtained, the Ethiopians are penters from Jamaica. They we.
pould have carried their objec stid to have inflicted serious re on their way to Aruba, Dutca tive if altogether unlook loss among the Italians as three Guiana, to work for the Sinclair ed. for occurrence did not take trains were used to convey the Oil Company.
Encontrarà un permanenplace.
wounded to the coast for embar These men were selected by te surtido de maderas de This Correspondent states kation on two hospital ships. It Officials of the Public Works construcción de la mejor that according to the informa is also stated that during the Department in Kingston at the tion received through indepen progress of the fighting several request of the Oil Company, who calidad de la plaza y a the dent and reliable sources, Ad trains were kept ready to move entered into contract with los mejores precios dis Ababa was attacked by the the Italians and others from the government of that Island for thousands of troops who had city if necessary. This clearly the emigration of the men.
been cautiously advancing on indicates how nearly successful The travellers spent quit the city for some time past und the Ethiopians must have been happy time among their co paer the command triots and left for Cristobal on a num is this attempt to regain posse of 9Sgor 86 ber of noted Native Saturday last.
War sion of their Empire Capital riors, and the Italians are said City. Preparations for another to have been so hard pressed assault on the city are apparent that if the Warrior Kenyas ly already under way, as the mach Ababa Arragas had Ethiopian General Dedjaz Finot been late in bringing kir Imaram is reported to have BY into position and shape, preup troops. the city sent warnings to the Consuls During this Festive Season sents us with Christmas in surely have been entered and other friendly foreigners As customary, much activity our thoughts turn anew toward its loveliness, Christmas comes It was at night and after the advising them to vacate the is being displayed among the Peace. The Spirit of givind is only because we are instrufight had been in progress some city, as the warriors were so an many Fraternal Societies of our about. There is forgiveness in ments of the Spirit. Whether hours that Kenkyasmach ar xious to revenge the many City during this period.
the the atmosphere and goodwill we hang the holly and rived, and fearing his men wrongs committed on their inMany Installation ceremonies we string might, in the dark, have attack nocent women and children have been held amid much feas. seem abundant. There is laugh mistletoe, whether us the floral decoraand merriment, ter everywhere. It is the Sea around ting ed their fellow natives, he retir that they may on entering dia mông ed without attempting the flank rect their attacks against nathem being those by the Concorson when Peace and Goodwill tions, or gather mysterious par no cels in our Bags, we do so only movement against the Italiansitionals of some friendly nation dia Lodge of the Mechanics of fill our hearts. There is the because we have taken the spi as had been previously arrang for which he and his brother English Rites; The Royal Hope possibility of forgetting ed. The fight continued through Chiefs would be very sorry.
and Phoenix Lodges of the sa voices which sang. On earth rit of the season into our hearts, me Rite someone of as well as that by the Peace, Goodwill toward inenfor thought Foresters Court. Many more li But what is Peace? Whay is the Christmas The spirit of ke ceremonies will be witnessed re more happiness at this pe Christmas, or the spirit LIMON MERCANTILE Co. during the ensuing week in orried, more giving and more reot Crist, should be our one der to enable the Societies conceiving? What magic causes concern day by day, as the MADURO LUMBER YARD cerned to properly start on their Christmas, which is much mo Voices which gave forth the Dealers in native lumber and produce year proceeding.
re than a mere Festival? The message of Peace and GoodP. 215 beauty and the peace of the South of Post Office the will are never still, and season do not depend on the Ong Voice which they heholly and the mistletoe, nor ralded is ever whispering if are they the result of the la we will but listen.
vish decorations. They spring This My Commandment, Depósito de maderas nacionales EL ATLANTICO from the Spirit and were born that ye love one another as Al sur del correo Apartado 215 of a human soul. Christmas is have loved you. This is the Venta de maderas Compra de productos.
MEXICO CITY. The Nathe fulfilment of an idea. Every secret, the magic of Christmas, tional Syndicate of Beggars, thing in this world is the re Not the gifts, but the Giving.
claiming a membership of sult of a thought, an idea; and The outward and visible sign of if we would regard the season an inward and spiritual grace.
1, 500. 000, have applied to the Labor Department for regiswith this realization in our Hence if the Season be one of Crasion.
hearts, we would discover a se Joy and laughter, one of peaOfficials of the syndicate cret that lasts for ever. ce and beauty, one of forgivegave its headquarters as the The Bells which peal out ness and good will, it is only entire republic, and said de their sweet music are nothing so by reason of the fact that we legates were now touring Me but shapen bits of metal and have surrendered to the spiWe note that since the 5th. Thursday and Saturday will de xico in an effort to increase left alone would be silent and rit of Love, that we are more instant our Railway Compnay part after the arrival of the Li the membership.
still. But somebody thought of conscious of Chirst and nearer have inaugurated a new passen món to San José train.
The Labor Department ringing them; sonebody thought to the Kingdon of Heaven. Our ger and cargo service from MaThis service will undoubtedly spokesman witheld comment. of the joyous sound; somebody lives can be one long Christtina along the lately constructed be of great benefit to the large lh thought of Christmas.
mas, one long season of goodGoschen Branch.
number of settlers and farmers There is a Power behind the will, if we will only recognize This mixted service will ope interested in the district, and is beauty and the Joy; a Spirit that the spirit of Christ is with rate on Tuesdays, Thursdays further evidence of the constant moves in our midst. There is us for ever and ever. Lo and Saturdays. The Tuesday desire of our Railway Officials train will leave Matina after the to do everything that is reasonaa hand which gathers things am with you alway, even unto COMERCIANTE arrival there of the regular pas bly possible to enhance the intogether and, sweeping them the end of the world.
por más de 20 años senger train from San José to terests of the travelling publie Establecido en la Provincia Limon, while those leaving on and the general community they Vende al detal, Vinos y LIserve.
cores extrunjeros y del pais, MISCELANEA a barrotes en general.
Jstablecimiento esouina Norte del Mercado, Entre 46 COMPAÑIA MERCANTIL DE LIMON.
Union of Beggars Aska Registration NEW RAILWAY. SERVICE Edgar Young مصمصاصی تمام سامان است Swiss Anti Aircraft Guns in Nicaragua LIMON TRADING COMPANY LUMBER YARD in SALOMON CHIN MANAGUA, Nicaragua at a range of seven kilometers 10 Tons Milk in One Year Anti aircraft guns purchased (about 35 miles. The guns, We have opened a Lumber Yard New World Record by the Nicaraguan Governm which cost 18, 000 each, will where we carry in stock a complete ent from Switzerland proved be placed at strategic points four. year. old Guernvery successful today in tests throughout the republic sey Cow at the McDonald assortment of all kinds of Native President Anastasio Somo Farms. Sortland, New York, za suid: is reported to have held an Lumber. Special sizes to order. would prefer to purcha unofficial world record We also have Portland Cement, Roofse these guns in the United milk production on DecemStates but the manufacturers ber 3rd by completing a Wee. Le ing Nails, Paint, Linseed Oil, Turpenare unable to make delive yield of 20, 012. pounds of ries: milk and 492. pounds of but tine and all other building materials.
ESTRADA sam sure Nicaragua will terfat in twelve months.
never use these guns in war The Manager of the Farms SEND IN YOUR ORDERS Abarrotes y Licores fare, but believe that she said this cow was the second Artículos del País should not lag behind too far under five years of age to pro Precios Economics in her armament program, duce ten tons of milk in one and so become an easy prey year. The other, he stated, LA IBERIA to countries seeking more to was attached to the Lynbrook 28 Limon Division rritory. Farm, Southboro, Mass.
wenn man Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.


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