
NO WATER. The The Atlantic Vaice to 11, 857, 000, 000 Spent On Arming in 1937 to Wireless News o de gan.
ne The Cry of Water, Water, is again heard throughout Devoted to the interests of the people of the Allantic the city. From an early hour last Tuesday morning hunEditor English Section: C. NATION dreds of men, women and children were to be seen running bround in search of the fluid. It had been bad enough Year IV Limón, Costa Rica, Saturday January 151. 1938 No. 178 during the past few weeks, when our housewives and laun117 drywomen were afforded o supply only of certain hours, but on something going wrong with the Pump on Tuesday MONTH OF EXCURSION REGARDING THE CONFLICTING NATIONS motters became much worse.
When, Oh, When, will our Municipal Fathers be able ACTIVITIES to satisfy the community with an adequate supply of this most necessary fluid. Several surveys in connection with The coming month of Februa.
The past week has brought us Canton and is determined ry will be one of great activi information that the forces of oust all the European nations the proposed reconstruction of the entire system have been undertaken and the reports of the Engineers turned in.
ties in so far as Excursions are the Spanish government have from the country, and while it concerned been victorious in their offen is said the United States, Great Estimates of the financial outlay have also been submitted By the handbills arourd it is sive movements against the re Britain, France, Russia and the and o promise given by President Cortes to allot the cash seen that our great Organizer, bel or national party. Teruel Netherlands are determined to required for o copious and permanent supply, but up to this Mr. Nelson, will take two and its surrounding strategic safeguard their interests nothnothing can be seen of anything like an attempt to verify Excursions to Panama; one on points have all been captured. ing definite is being done.
the 9th February for the Olyin This is considered a very decithe many promises. Should o fire occur at this time, the In Ethiopia the Italians are pic Games, and the other on the sive engagement, and accord. still being pressed by the Abysentire city would be at its mercy: We have the information 25th. for the Carnival. Both willing to some observers the end sinian Warriors, and Emperor that no less than ten of the leading commercial houses in go by the comfortable and sea of this destructive warfare may Selassie asserts he has been ofthe city of Managua, Nicaraguo, have been destroyed by a worthy motor ship Bocas del be seen within the next six or fered monetary considerations Toro under the care of Cap eight weeks. As a result of this to return to conflagration. May the Lord keep us from such on outbreak the Empire as a tain Surgeon, who is weli ct this time.
battle, Madrid is now thought to Vassal of Italy in order to quel ue el anown for his experience on be safer than ever since the out the warfare his countrymen are er el these waters as well as for the break of hostilities.
waging against the forces of erba care he ever extends his pas Japan is still dominating the Mussolini, but he refuses to be del sengers better part of China. She is now a Traitor to his country.
lim preparing proceed against será As advertised in El Diario de Costa Rica, another Excursion is entro to leave here on Sunday the eran PARIS. The League of Na organs of many nations nor the 13th. February. It is being run, fin tions armaments year book, costs of construction of strate apparently, by som eone in San com cently published, showed that gic roads and airports, frequent Jose, but its success scem loubt evi the world expenditures on ar ly serving military purposes. ful in as much as neithe: the WASHINGTON. The pro sult of alleged communist achormaments in 1937 will totai of the 1937 total 7, 68. name of the Organizer nor those rosed amendment requiring a tivities.
or 11, 857, 000, 000, nearly three 000 has gone for the upkeep of of the ships are mentionel. It popular voie before a declaROME Determined, it is lican times as much as in 1913, the Europe war machines, nearly is further stated that this Exeur ration of war could be made tege year before the World War be. 65 per cent of the world total. sion will go by two luxurious was defeated when the House, alleged, to make his fleet refused, 209 to 188, to have topnotch in an unsettled Four years ago Europe spent and rapid transatlantic Liners The world standing armies 60 per cent of the total. belonging to one Company, and, brought forward. Prior to the Europe, Premier Mussolini le, y totaled 8, 500, 000, as against on Returns from sixty four na will leave our port for Cristo vote of the House being taken has decided on the inmmediade ly 6, 000, 000 in 1913.
President Roosevelt wrote ve construction of two 35. 000 tions were included in the 1937 bal on the exclusive account of The steady growth in the tabulations, but seven of them the Agency having charge of the Speaker declaring the ton battle cruisers, 12 destrode suns spent for war machines spent 76 per cent of the total, the Excursion. This has the apamendment would, if carried, yers and an important numwas shown by comparison with 9, 018, 000, 000. These seven, the pearance of an exceedingly tall believe inėy could violate officially encourage other nations to wer ol submarines it has been announced Italy del the totals for 1932 and 1935, res United States. Britain, France, undertaking, and should there merican rigths with impuni will endeavour to have her 50 pectively 7, 181, 000, 000 and Italy, Germany, Japan and So fore be accepted with a few en 59, 352, 000, 000.
y new vessels afloat a full year viet Russia increased their ar grains of salt. transaction ababefore completion of the Ame book emphasized maments spending 80 per cent such as this would certainly be LISEON. Rumours regar rican, British and French Chat its figures did not include since 1932.
a record for our Port. two luding an impending revolution programmes.
muy the expenses of semi military xurious, rapid transatlantie Liabain Portugal were attributed ners conveying excursionists to des by the government to inter GEORGETOWN, Br. GuiaCristobal under special arrange national elements who were na. Relief Expedition is e ha ments with and for the exclusiendeavouring to stir up in on its way up the treacherficave use of a Costa Rican Excur ternal political agitation.
It ous Cuyuni River with food sion Agency, and on which there was however admitted that supplies for the four Ameritrian will be taken only third class the military reforms, soon to cans, including one woman, el SERVICIO DE VAPORES passengers at Seventy five Co.
be carried out, have caused who are stranded deep in the lones.
much preoccupation in cer jungles, and are members of Intending Excursionits are ad cain quarters. Drastic meas the Waldeck Expedition searSalidas semanales de LIMON para NUEVA YORK vised to be careful with regard ares have been enforced by ching for Paul Redfern the con escala en HABANA solamente to how they make deposits for he country President dur American Aviator missing for the projected trip.
ing the past year as the re ten years. TO AGE 11 Estos vapores no llevarán café.
According to the further in Salidas semanales de LIMON para CRISTOBAL formation recently published.
Banana production in the RepuLlevando café para todos los puertos europeos y blic of Haiti continues americanos con trasbordo en Cristóbal a los magsteadily increase that it is exnificos vapores de la Colombian Line que prestan pected exportations will reach servicio semanal hacia Nueva York, con conexión four million stems by the end of rapidísima.
the present fiscal year ExtenEL SERVICIO MAS RAPIDO PARA PUERTOS sive plantings are also being esEUROPEOS, INCLUYENDO LONDRES tablished, it is stated, in new regions under the control of the IRIONA Enero 20 concession held by the Standard Fruit and Steamship Cº Ltd. for the development of the industry ELDERS FYFFES, LTD.
so that the areas under cultivation within the next three or PROXIMAS SALIDAS DE LIMON: Llevando café solamente para Londres four years may aggregate at NICOYA least 000 acres Vapor CRYNSSEN Enero 22 Enero 14 The industry is being assisted Oficina San José: TELEFONO 34 17 ALVARADO CIA. Sucs. by a wide irrigation system and Agentes ED. JANIN Cº Agentes para Puntarenas y Limón the fruit obtained is of the best FRENTE AL ALMACEN KOBERG marketable quality. In some Para otros informes dirijase a las oficinas de la localities the production avera Agente en Limón: FELIPE ALVARADO Cia.
UNITED FRUIT COMPANY ces from 90 to 95 bunches en los bajos del Gran Hotel Cosra Rica en San José Transportation is alleged to be pany is now contributing 1, 000 ment with the government the TELEFONO 3156 the industry greatest handicap. dollars per month toward the Company has agreed to increase but this will soon, it is expected, country road building program the purchase price for the fruit be overcome as the Fruit Com me. Under a subsidiary agree from 30 to 40 cents per bunch The year UNITED FRUIT Co.
to so Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.

    CommunismFranceGermanyItalyMussoliniWorld War

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