
THE ATLANTIC VOICE SATURDAY JANUARY 15th. 1938 Page BRAZILIAN FLOUR DECREE The Mysterious Coco Island Again in Public View Excursion to Panama Olympics Carnival LIMON TRADING COMPANY THE WINTER SEASON Washington. The addition 30 per cent of domestic flour to all wheat flour manufactured to in or imported to Brazil will Numerous have been the at early Pirates He proposes be required under a decree re tempts made to recover the vast convert the Island into a new cently signed by President Var treasures supposed to be hidden Monte Carlo a new Internatio gas, according to a report to the on this Island during the time nal Centre of attraction for Tour Up to date Hotels and Departament of Commerce from of the noted Pirate Henry Mor rists The Grand Excursion Will Not leave Rio de Janeiro gan, but all have failed with Baths would be constructed and the Limon on January 26th. as announ All flour except that used for the expeditions ending in bank a regular Casino run for During last year two benefit of visitors macaroni, pastries, biscuits and ruptcy Regular ced, but on February 9th. 1933 diet bread will be affected. propositions were placed before steamship communication To arriva Calon February 11th, leave there Wheat flour a foreign origin this government for the privi would also be established as well February 23rd, and arrive Limón February 25th.
may be used orly in domestic lege of undertaking further sear as aviation connections with Pa.
establishments which, at the dis ches, but they were not enter nama and the erection of a wir cretion of the government, are tained cles station prepared to In order to facilitate those wishing to Attend The However, another and more make the proper The proposition has been reCarnival we will run noiher Excursion to leave mixture of domestic flour, ac serious proposal is now under ceived from the representatives British Limon Fi Fonty 25th arrive Coton Fa.
way cording to the report.
Industrialist of Mr O Sopwith in bruary 27th. Leave itere March 9th. and arrive Limon The decree further provides Millionaire desires to further Panama and the matter is receiv March flih for the exemption of import du invetigate the possibilities of lo ing the attention of our SecreRenten ber No restriction as to Nationality. Book ties on machinery and equip caling this hiding place of the tary of State for Foreign Affairs.
now with her sit of Five dollars. So re is limitel.
ment for the manufacture of siarch and tour, which will be ROUND TRIP es semelhandelen imported under speciat license.
First Class 15. 00 Second Class 10. 00 Further Housing Plans de For further Information write or see Mr.
veloped by Ford Motor Co. Nelson. Box 529, Limon, or Mr.
An annonsentent recently from Detroit, sales We have opened a Lumber Yard that development of a further large scale honig programme where we carry in stock a complete by Henry Ford in suburban Dearborn, near his principal mo asso:tment of all kinds of Native to plant been disclosed The Escautive of the Ford MOLumber. Special sizes to order.
Of all the Seasons of the will bring them greater enjoy tor Company old Mr and Me We also have Portland Ceinent, Roof year, this is the most conspicuosment in their future your Ford and the Company We first of all notice that the The sentry scene is not too, transferred 197 bares of land ing Nails, Paint, Linseed Oil, Turpenname was given by God Him without its peculiar charm in the heart of Dearborn in the self for when the blessed Noah the snowy fields, the trees stand vicinity of the main Ford Fac tine and all other building materials.
for his offerings and made nint like so many severe sentiory and the Ford Foundation, promise to generations yet un nels, the hedgerows white and a nonprofit corporation which SEND IN YOUR ORDERS born. He said is the earth cold. It is a rand, though sey owns and operates Greenfield renigineth seed time and har ere picture. Few birds are to be Village and the Edison Institute vest, cold and heat, summer and seen and fewer lovers. It is a form the establishment of home.
winter day and night shall not scene which chills the hearts of sitos.
cease, Limon Division It was further announced by all but the strong, who tools for It war in this season that the ward with joyful expectation to the Mayor of Dearborn that 155 Shepherds watching in the field the more kindly Springtime ores of the transferred land heard the Voice saying. Tear which follows.
not for, behold, bring you good and school sites, and the remaind tidings of great joy, which shall DAVIDSON er divided into homesites of approximately one fourth acre Arising out of te to all people. For unto you the Military Air Ministry had spent three is born in the city of David a each. enough for about 4, 000 Estirantes for 1937 1938 which times as much money on their homes.
shewed an increase of tive and a Aviation Service, the French Saviour which is Christ the half million pounds over those Ministry boasted of possessing Lord. The Season is a time of of the past year for armaments bombing and pursuit planes cap joy; a time of sorrows a time of to improve the Air Force of able of 300 miles per hour pleasure and a time of pain.
France, the oppositionists criti which was much faster than The mention of Winter brings After being without a regu cized the carelesseness of the those of Britain and Germany to many minds happy thoughts lor Priest for a period of so Air Ministry in allowing other of the same class.
of blazing fires, new pleasures LIMON me six months or so, the An nations to build bombing planes It came out during the course tind increased opportunities and glican Mision in these parts capable of 60 mlies an hour of the debate that for the period to others the feelings of dread has been placed under the more speed than the best French July 1936 to August 1937, Fran against the biting cold; the sea Fábrica de Hielo charge of the Rev. Riones.
ce had sent 540 planes to Spain, son of snow and ice, the season dley who arrived from Eng The criticism was repudiated while 437 had gone from Russia of the fire ide. Who can deny land ch the 12th. Of last by the Minister of Air, who ar and 110 from Holland.
the pleasure of the time spent month frimed that while the British by the blazings fires? Winter also As the lev. gentleman serutfords new joys to the healthy and the young: the brisk walk cn and is consequently no on the frosty morning, the invistranger to a troreal climate, Neolistnos are being conductor 250, 000 which the Republic of Eorating games, the boisterous it is hoped his stay among used for collecting the amount owed in this respect are under way, but playing with snowballs; and will not only be la lengthy. Sc Republic of Panama by ein view of the delicate nature af during the long evenings the LA FLORIDA one but be also full of the United States for overdue annuities the question, the strictest nerve Kentler enjoyment of dancing, greatest bencfits to all conof the Panama Canal, it was reveal was being maintained Billiards and cards, with the adcerned.
ed by the Secretary of Finance and Next vorutry a total of five anFábrica de Hielo ried opportunities for sell imTreasury, when questioned by a re nuities will be due the Republic of provement Correspondent Venta de Leche presentative of the Prous in visw Panama, which has been demandWinter is study time as well cf the day in the entification of ing payment in sold or its equins play time. The year golden the new treaty bet. com We wo valent in devaluated dollars, and the y Maderas opportunity when the young amount that will then be due, acRead the ATLANTIC VOICE countries may learn those thnigs which cording to estimates of the Treasure Every Saturday It was stated that negotiationery Department will be 2, 150. 000 at the present dollar value.
The payment of sinntities was sus Nos permitimos lamar su atención a la nota al dorso We heg to call your allention to our remerk at the back pended in 1934 when Panama first de su recibo quit cica: of receipt which reads.
exacted payment in gold as provided by the treaty. Every Februa Este recibo debe pacarse en la ofi This bill must be paid at our office ry, on the date payment is due, the United States has deposited check cina dentro de los primeros 10 dias before the 10th of the month for 250 000 which the Republic of de cada mes Be so good as to comply with this request and do not Paanma has invariably refused to Le rogamos recordar esta cláusula y evitarnos la pena accept in recordance with its dooblige ys to suspend our service a step which de tener que corlar su servicis.
mand for sold or equivalent in dewe would much regret to take.
valuated dollar The question of the payment of the Canal unuities is one of those decls with by the new reaty vow pending ratification LIMON TRADING COMPANY gamiseminen ihren Diensten zanzariemmaema?
would be set nodile for streets The Air Force of France COSTA RICA SODA FROM BOCAS DEL TORO WATCK FACTORY y Refrescos FLORIDA ICE AND FARM Co.
ved some years ago in Jamai Panama Seeks Payment of Overdue Annuities Compañía Eléctrica de Limón Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.


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