
1938 URDAY JANUARY 15th. 1938THE ATLANTIC VOICE Page slandi Why AFIASPIRINA. 100 Allain Dr. MEDAL Jr.
AFIASPIRINA WEDDING BELLS GHTER OUTLOOK FOR CREDITORS OF THE KEITH Investigating Pacific BANK BANKRUPTCY Railroad Accident the information carried in it is said that expert Miners President Cortes is deterposes to sue of El Diario de Costa and Geologists are of the opi mined that no stone shall be to a ne of the 6th instant, it is nion that a vast quantity of this left unturned in the rigid inInternatio that the Sulphur Mine at mineral, of the very best quality. vestigation into the cause of for Toro in the Province of Ala exists around Zarcero the value the ecent collision on one ucted and ruptcy, has been found to million dollar As there exists person was killed and several for the much value Several tons a great demand for sulphur for injured.
The excellent reputation that Regular mineral were gathered and the manufacture of steel for the The Engineer is said to CAFIASPIRINA enjoys the. the have over run the signals gi world over is sufficient proof dawet been realized that several making of railway rails, arma ven him announcing the other of its excellent quality.
with Prican firms have become ments and high tensioned machi train, but he swears he saw CAFIASPIRINA can be des of a wis ested and are willing to nery, it is expected this discove no red flag as stated in the pended on in colds, headache, de the cash necessary for ry may be the means of realizing proceedings.
influenza, and rheumatic combeen texploitation of the Mine. sufficient wealth to pay the deS. HONOURED BY plaints, and has no harmful efentative e Sulphur deposits of Cos positors cent for cent of the BRAZILIAN STAMPS fect on heart, stomach or kidneys.
wwith is ca are much in demand in monies they placed in the keepWashington. An issue of The worldfamous Bayer Cross, is receivian and European coun ing of this unfortunate Banking 000. 000 postage stamps comwhich appears on every tablet, Secre due to its greater strength Institution memorating the 150 th anniguarantees its excellence.
volvonle influences, and versary of the United States Therefore insist on Constitution was recently eirCAFIASPIRINA.
culated by the Brazilian De partment of Posts and Telegraphs, says a report to the Trujino Dentista Americano American Sturgeon Dentist Department of Commerce from la Universidad de Loyola, From Loyola University, Rio de Janeiro New Orleans, EE. UU.
New Orleans, The denomination of the frece sus servicios pro Offers his Professional stamps is 400 reis, about 25 sionales en su moderna Services in his New Upcents in United States curienB linica Dental instalada cy to Dale Dental Clinic. The new stamps are printed contiguo a la oficina BAYER Located next to the in blue and are of rectangular del Cable. All America Cables shape bearing the United States emblem in the background with the words Sesqui cente RITAIN INVITES COSTA RICA TO PUBLIC HEALTH nario da Constituicao Norte Americana on the central shield, CONFERENCE and the words Brazil. Core relo. at the top.
e 49th. Conference on mar latitudes of the Universe, thus HTE SAINT ANTHONY of the Public Health of securing experiences from SeienTROUPE Britain, her Dominions and tists and Specialists not only in The Sick and Burial Society hles will take place at Parts diseases common in temperate of St. Anthony has arranged to At a, m, Wednesday las the the Groom and the pair proli on the 11th of July 1938, and cold climates, but also from stage a Concert at the marriage of Miss Hilda Maud ceeded to the altar where Arrasty ir the auspices of the London those versed in tropical diseases, Theatre on Monday next, the Rogers to Mr. Samuel Farrell ceremony was performed the tute of Sanitation, and the their causes and cures. The Me 17th, which will afford, an appre toolt place at the Seventh Day enchanting melody Smiling sh Minister resident in Pa dical Faculty of this Republic ciable break in the present mo Adventist Church in this city. Through falling softly from has intimated to our Mi should consequently gain much notonous life of the city.
Miss Rogers is the third daugh the orgonthe meanwhile. At of State for Foreign Af benefit by an exchange of opi From what has been seen at ter of Mr. and Mrs. John the close of the most impresthat His Majesty Minis nions and experiences with men the practices, the talent of the Rogers, highly respected and sive ceremony. Mr. and Mrs.
ce have been graciously pleas whose spheres of investigations various performers is good, and well known members of Our Farrell were ntroduced to the extend an invitation to Cos have placed them in the posi as they are a select group, there communtiy. Mr. Farrell resided audience and left the Church to three ca to be represented at the tion of being able to diagnose the will te an absence of those ob her ea few years ago when in the happy and well known many and varied afflictions to jectionable gyrations, termed charge of the Denomination sound of Mendelssohn WeddFrench the European Scientific which mankind is heir dancing, so disgusting at times Day School. He was subsequen ing March.
that essing lutes of Health of The invitation has been referr to a majority of an audience. Antly called to the Ministry and Mr. John Rogers, Jr. presimes cap in takes first place, by wayed to the Faculty of Medicine exceedingly pleasar. evening is now labouring as an Evange ded at the Organ, while Mr.
sur nportance to this country, whose privilege it will be to sel will, therefore, be afforded the list in the cause of Seventh Day Edward Rogers undertook the than the fact that it deals with ect the representatives best lovers of vocal renditions and Adventism.
duties of Bestman and Miss medical science suited for the auspicious occa stage performances The marriage ceremony was Thelma Rogers those of the ered from the Empire Co sion.
performed by Elder Cra Chief Bridesmaid. More than course es scattered over different ger, Superintendent of the De fifty guests, many from San nomination Central Ameri José and the Districts along the Fras зоотн can Union, and his arrange Lines, were present. The Spain, THE REMEDY WHICH IS AN EFFICIENT Berts ment in carrying out the Ordi Church was crowded with spec Russia Baked nance was indeed unique and tators.
SUBSTITUTE FOR INSULINA, Berlin consequently much appreciatBread The repection was given at TAKEN BY WAY OF THE MOUTH silies Buns As she walked up the Isle of the home of the Bride Parents, the sacred edifice on the arm when Mr. Brotherton( assisBiscuits Cakes of her father, the Bride looked ted by Mr. Angus, presided.
The People Bakery most charming; she was preced very enjoyable time was Box 179. Limon ed by her Bridesmaids and spent by all the happy pair shers as also the Flower Maids leaving immediately after by who strewed the beautiful em train for San Jose where they re path will spend their honey moon in blishment of way: the presidimg Minister the more refreshing climate of Bridegroom and Best Man the country loftier regions, the only activated efficacious Regiment were at the same time seen ap The presents received were proaching from the Vestry, the many and most useful, and the peroral treatment for Kingston. mecting to con Organ the while breathing forth ATLANTIC VOICE joins their of to the numerous friends in wishing be forwarder to His Majesty the the melodious strains of King, with a view to re establish Bridal Chorus. On all meeting, Mr. and Mrs Farrell a long, hap ing the West India Ilegalment, was the father place was taken by py and prosperous life, held a few days at Eldelweiss Parl Councillor RD. Evans, ponLIMON MERCANTILE Co.
abr of the move, outlined his ache MADURO LUMBER YARD me to the gathering, and after for ceful addresses from Messrs.
Dealers in native lumber and produce Reld, Codling (Chairman of the 215 South of Post Office meeting. Johnson and others a resolution was passed, unanimously COMPANIA MERCANTIL DE LIMON.
in West Depósito de maderas nacionales EL ATLANTICO ura by the Agents: Indian Colonies, requesting His Ma Al sur del correo Apartado 215 FEUILLEBOIS, CARVALHO APPEL jesty to re establish the ReVenta de maderas Compra de productos.
SAN JOSE. BOX 329 giment.
Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica. their erence on ermany ons period ea. Blessing for Humanity PANCRESALETS Jamaica. Wishes Re esta blems of purity in her ublic acc. to Dr. Richard Weiss is and the 2SM DIABETES mellitus dobe Regülar reduction of sugar excretion Improved tolerance for carbohydrates Mo undesirable after effects public no old by all Drug Stores posible in Jamaica and other We


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