
REGARDING THE WARRING FACTORS The Atlantic Vaice a to ruel Wireless News Sthe The past week has beer The Chinese are reported one of almost continual to have succeeded in pushing attacks and counterattacks back the invaders on the NorDevoted to the interests of the people of the Atlantic between the Spanish contest thern, Central and Yangtze ants now engaged in what is Valley fronts so that re inforEditor English Section: C. NATION described as the most sangui cements were being rushed nary and obstinate struggle to Hangchow by the Japanesince the commencement of se, in an effort to halt the IV No. 179 Limón, Costa Rica, Saturday January 22 nd 1938 the conflict. The insurgents counter attack. It has been are making every effort and disclosed that at least 100employing every means at Russian made planes and a GITATION IN JAMAICA FOR DOMINION STATUS THE EXCURSION their disponsal to dislodge the similar number of pilots of government forces from the that nationality were operatTO PANAMA Strategic position of Teruel, ing from Nanchang, the Cac. Adolfe Robert, Presid Mr. Robert topic wasbut which they yet control pital of Kiangsi Province, raiof the Jamaica Progress Moulding Jamaica Future, Mr. Nelson wishes to despite the loss of certain ding Japanese air fields and League orgun zed in New and his address was received remind the many minor positions during persons the military concentrations. addressed a Conferen with profound seriousness by who intend embracing the last couple of days and the Lated advices inform that of the Union of Teachers all the assembled Teachers.
recent he Island of Jamaica and The case of Southern Rho opportunity of visiting Pana heavy casualties suifered in as a result of more e an appeal for co opera desia was cited, which until ma to witness the great con consequence of repeated air fighting the insurgents have captured 3, 000 of the govern in the schools toward 1922 only enjoyed a Charter tests in the Olympic Games, bombings.
As a preliminary to what nent forces including 500 who plete self government and by the Britsh South African that they should call and seediate Dominion Status Company; but by intense agi cure their passages not later military authorities are of the had deserted with all their the Colony.
than the 31st of the present opinion will be an intensive arms and equipment. It is tation and propaganda, a month, in order not only to and general offensive on their supposed that the governme pointed out that up to local election in that year, avoid last moment hustlings part, the air forces of Gene ent men are gradually giving time of the rebellion in declared in favour of self goparish of St. Thomas in vernment and this was con and delays, but so as to have ral Franco have been bornb wav to the pressing assaults year 1865, Jamaica had a ceded by Downing Street. all the names of expected Ex ing Valencia, Barcelona, and of their attackers, In Ethiopia the Italians are Glitution of her own and Newfoundland was also men cursionists entered in time other important localities in the Mediterranean on the goverment list región still suffering from the native ved the principles of self tioned. Here the population Mr. Nelson further desires with terrible loss of lives and warrios who, aided by the ernment, and although was only 290. 000, about are incessant rains, key sniping was withdrawn as a con quarter of that of Jamaica, to once more mention that the property damage. Some ince of the uprising, yet yet Dominion Status was en Panamanian government has of the further opinion that at them, and effecting regular one of the oldest units of joyed. There was therefore, conceded the privilege of per the insurgents are endeavo raids on their outposts where in this manner, it is impossible for the fascist British Empire, she des concluded the speaker, no re mitting all to enter the Rep uring to.
operate their os consideration for her ason why Jamaica should not lublic without restrictions as weaken the tension against invaders Teruel Sector, heavy war machinery on acsequent years of loyalty. be similarly favoured as the to colour, or creed in matters them in the speaker also stressed the result of proper representa Jof Consul Visas. As such a a direct assault on Madrid. dition of the srrounding couch of Passport demands and cost and thus aid their plan for count of the unsuitable conthat various British Station.
135 miles to the West of Tetry and the damaged roadnen have asserted from tiagain After delivering a similar concession may never ways.
be obtained all who can posMaria Ito time that self governm address at Port Mr.
the would be granted the se Robert left the Island for sibly do so should seize ate units when they were New York.
opportunity to visit their relatives and friends in our Sissidered fit for it, that is. enever they show an ap Nicaragua Doubles Salaries ter Republic ci.
Ir. Robert feels that Teaof Officials Tuf ankh Amen Relics WASHINGTON, An appro. of Indiana, asserted supportis ought to recognize their priation of 553. 256, 494 dollarsers of the Bill could muster in ponsibility in their task of Stolen in London for the Navy won approval sufficient votes to force such is paring the child for the of the House Appropriations contemplated procedure. Souponsabilities of life from a From Managua comes LONDON. correction of Commitee after that Body Ithern Senators have been tals, itical standpoint. He deadvice that the salaries of all lics from the Tut ankh Amen heard the Chief of Naval on king steadily against the Bill de red Jamaica is not a part Nicaragua goverinent em temb, consigned to an undisclo erations describe world con or the past ten days.
England, she is not a Eu ployees will ge doubled as from sed destination in New York ditions as being More ThreaTHSean country, she is an en the Ist. instant in order to enawas stolen recently in the Lor tening than at any time sin LONDON. More than four 10 in the Caribbean region ble them to meet the higher don dock district.
ce the World War. The total hundred persons were believthe North American Conti cost of living as well as the (Tut ankh Amen was an Egy nvolved is 26. 723. 286 more ed to have been killed in a 105 nt, and the curriculum of difficulty created by the de tian king whose tomb was di than the current year ap Madrid Subway explosion so or schools should be based preciated of the Cordon covered by Lord Carnarvon propriation and includes me days ago. traveller ret that unalterable fact.
TO and Howard Carter in 1922 funds to start construction of turning from Madrid said the Many treasures were found 18 warships and four auxi blast occurred in the quarter TH liary vessels. The the tomb)
measure mile tube between the Gova also provided funds to reopen and Diego de Leon Subway packing case containing the Torpedo manufacturing stations which the governmbeads, scarabs, an amulet, plant at Alexandria, Va, and ſent had closed to use as a muaxe, a knife, a figure of to recommission the ammun. Initions dump and explosives SERVICIO DE VAPORES monkey valued at 750 and other objects dissappeared whilbe ready to meet any possible con shiv Pvro so it would factory.
Salidas semanales de LIMON para NUEVA YORK le being transferred from FRANKLIN, NY. facon escala en HABANA solamente vessel from Egypt to a New ther and four children were York bound ship.
WASHINGTON. Srone burned to death in a fire that Estos vapores no llevarán café.
ors of the Anti Lynching Bill all but destroyed their two VAPORES SALIDAS BRITAIN BIG YEAR declare they will dcinand story frame house. The boANTIGUA Enero 24 night sessions in an effort to dies were charred beyond re VERAGUA Enero 31 get a vote on the measure. remition. The five were tranAccording to figures recen Senator Van Nuys, Democrat (TO PAGE Salidas semanales de LIMON para CRISTOBAL tly made public, Britain has had a bumper time, in so far Llevando café para todos los puertos europeos y a her import and export trade ROYAL NETHERLAND STEAMSHIP CO americanos con trasbordo en Cristóbal a los nag is concerned, during the nificos vapores de la Colombian Line que prestan ried. January to October 1937 (Compañia Real Holandesa de Vapores)
servicio semanal hacia Nueva York, con conexión It was, so far, the best ol rapidísima.
the last eight years with almos EL SERVICIO MAS RAPIDO PARA PUERTOS every branch of domestic inEUROPEOS, INCLUYENDO LONDRES dustry shewing improved co ditions IRIONA Enero 20 Exportations aggregated DARIEN Enero 27 497. 880. 279 which was increase of 86. 000. 000 ELDERS FYFFES, LTD.
the corresponding months 1936. During the same time Llevando café solamente para Londres imports rose to the high figure of 837, 940, 598, or CHAGRES Enero 28 150. 000. 000 more than those for the previous year. The ex ALVARADO CIA. Sucs.
PROXIMAS SALIDAS DE LIMON: traordinary re armament Agentes para Limón gramme is rewarded as beings N COLOMBIA Febrero mainly responsible for the noPora otros informes dirijase a las oficinas de la table rise in Vapor VENEZUELA imports. Rubber Febrero 19 UNITED FRUIT COMPANY rose from 6, 400, 000 to Oficina San José: TELEFONO 3417 en los bajos del Gran Hotel Cesra Rica en San José 10. 300, 000 founds, while metals Agentes ED. JANIN Cº TELEFONO 3156 med principally in the iror: FRENTE AL ALMACEN KOBERG und steel trade increase Agente en Limón: FELIPE ALVARADO Cia.
26. 000. 000 pounds in value.
a: need pe ar over of proEste documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.

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