
Page THE ATLANTIC VOICE SATURDAY, JANUARY 22nd. 1938 GROWTH OF POPULATION on Excursion to Panama Olympics Carnival al iu led La Pulpería Dallas beco. The Bureau of Census the decade, the greater part hington has released its an coming from the excess of nual estimate of the population births over deaths These of the United States, as of July figures may be viewed with 1st. It sets the number of peo alarm by the advocates of ple living in tint birth control who vision the ti ted States at 129. 257. 000, comme that continental United Sta Tured with 122, 775. 000 at the tes will be congested through The Grand Excursion will leave Limon on time the decennial census was the natural increase. Sill the talten in 1930. The immigration re is always Alaska where the FEBRUARY 9th. 1938 fieures show that only 10. 504 inhabitants only number about aliens were permitted entry one to the square mile.
by The Motor Ship Bocas del Toro during the year, which indien The increase in population tes that practically all of the fron 1920 to 1930 was a little No Restriction as to Nationality Book Now inerente of 828. 000 over to over 17. 000. 000, but there was with Deposit of Five Dollars. Space Limited.
estimated number of fahabi lcnvier immigration during tarts on July 1, 1936 come that period and no great depres ROUND TRIP First Class 15; Second Class 10 about through natural such as has occurred in a that is to say, excess of birth is decade which has had For further information sce or write Mr. Nelson, Over deaths.
tendency to cut down the size Box 529, Linzon, or Mr. Rogelio Gutierrez.
Maintaining more or less the of families. Then, too, there same proportion of growth and was possibly a less strist borAs Prooi of the General Confidence placed in her Seaworthiness, the assuming that the census estimader control, although even now Bocas del Toro leaves here on the 3rd. February on a Special Trip to Crisfor the fall securate, the Unithe immigration figures do not tobol with the Team of Players who will be representing Costa Rica at the ted States, by the next decen take into account the numbers Olympics.
rol census 1940. shoula that seap across the frontiers.
OT have a total population of Taking it all in from a purely 132. 035. 000, which would be numerical standpoint the figu England Surfers Prince Napoleon Aloof a gain of some 260. 000 for res make a good showing. Serious Storm Damages COSTA COSTA RICA SODA From French Quarrels LONDON. As the result PARIS Prince Napoleon, of gales which buffeted the WATCR FACTORY pretender tothe French impeS British Isles with hurricane rial throne, declines to force at times over the past weekend me involved in the political LIMON thirty three percontroversies.
sons are already reported Ofrece dead although much anxiety Many have suggested to me Fábrica de Hielo is still being felt for several he wrote Prince Murat, his re Legumbres y frutas frescas y refrigeradas. small craft in that the English presentative in France, y Refrescos Channel and Irish Sea which tha Cagoulard plot, Jamón. Embutidos de toda clase. GalliColonel 10 have not yet been heard from.
Francois de la Rocque lawnas limpias y refrigeradas. Leche pura The sform is descritetas FLORIDA ICE AND suits and the Duc de Guise y fresca a toda hora. Los mejores the worst in many years.
manifestoes called for a stateHELADOS de la plaza.
Ships reaching port in battment from me. frankly reply ered condition reported men FARM CO.
Co. that this is not my sentiment washed overboard or injured The two Napoleons never fighting the tremendous seas.
LA FLORIDA had but one idea the unity Waves were describel by macf France and that is why WORLD WIDE BRIEFS ny incoming sailors as towerthe French people gave them ing to the height of 70 and 89 Fábrica de Hielo absolute confidence. have no Under an agreement said to amounted to 5, 621. 715.
other aim, no other method have been recently come Venta de Leche to The worst damage was reTherefore, have every reason between the governments of Regarding the cause and cu ported from the Welsh coast to hold myself outside these y Maderas Germany and Italy, 30, 000 na re of unemployment now being where several houses were questions dividing public opitionals of the latter country considered by a Special Commi wrecked. General property rioa.
will be going to Germany dur ttee of the Senate of the United damage was estimated at seing the month of March next States of America, The Presi veral thousand dollars.
to work as farm labourers. dent of the American FederaIMMUNIZATION AGAINST CANCER POSSIBLE tion of Labour, in giving evi The Automobile Manufactu dence, suggested the following MAN SUCCUMBS AFTER rers Association has given pu as likely remedies.
blicity to the very interesting working hours; a higher wage statement that for the second standard: slum clearing pro TAKING OATH LONDON. The possibility doesn itself develop cancer, lut time in the history of motor ve jects; expansion of low rent that a means may ultimately its blood also develop anti. bo hicles, factory sales of Ameri housing subjects and a conti We are informed by the be found to vaccinate human dies not only against rat cance manufactured cars and nuation of the Public Works Gleaner of the 7th instant beings against cancer is sugges but against all cancerous growtruke passed the 5, 000, 000 mark Programme He also favour that one Herbert Johnson of ted in a report of the British ths, it is asserted.
last year. The year sales to ed encouragement of home the district of Golden Grove in Empire Cancer Campaign, re. It is added that these antitalled 002, 188 whicles, while construction by private enter the Parish of St. Thomas, Jacently published.
bodies are so developed that in 1929, the record year, they prise.
maica, whose duty it was to Researches by Dr. Luns they can be drawn off in the butcher a pig every week for den and associates at London shape of a serum which can not a District Constable named Le Hospital are said to have shown only immunize other rats but wis of Hampton Court, was be that if a rat in which cancer has actually in many cases destroy having in so disorderly a man been induced, recovers either existing tumors in them.
ner that his boss, who was then spontaneously or after destrue The report states: The great on duty reproved him and tion of the tumor, its blood de significance of this is that man threatened to arrest him lievelops anti. bodies that kecp usually reacts immunilogically LUMBER YARD did not desist. Johnston got it immune from further cancer. like other animals, and although terribly infuriated and swore These antibodies are said to there may be a far road to travel May God burn me up and steibe highly poisonous to cancer these facts do at least open up We have opened a Lumber Yard ke me dead instantly if kill cells and yet harmless to 101 the possibility of ultimately ya ihat pig tomorrow.
where we carry in stock a complete mal cells. Moreover, it a sheep ccinating humans against canGoing about his business as is inoculated with rat cancer, cer.
assortment of all kinds of Native oral the following day, John ob Hilled the pig in question Lumber. Special sizes to order.
few moments later he ward to cry out Lord, my We also have Portland Cement, RoofCon 3, 00 usted puede sacar 6, 000. 00 en el ca and fell prostrate to the nuevo plan de la LOTERIA NACIONAL Lind. He was rendered iming Nails, Paint, Linseed Oil, TurpenCon la Loteria que más te importa, con 00 mediate assistence but was tine and all other building materials.
found to be unconscious, ana sólo saca 500. 00 died while being conveyed to SEND IN YOUR ORDERS his home. Johnson is said to COMPRE SOLO LOTERIA NACIONAL have been in the habit of tak ing vicious oaths and so one became effective within y sacará MAS dinero gostando MENOS plata, very short space of time. Per Además, que, asi ayuda al Hospital y al Asilo Limon Division sons similarly disposed should wowe online takeng this as a warning.
can تمام اسامLIMON TRADING COMPANY LIMON TRADING COMPANY Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.


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