
Page 10 THE ATLANTIC VOICE SATURDAY, JANUARY 22nd Fingerprinting For Visitors to Fra the Engineering Engagements tive LIMON BASE BALL lo que pu RALROAD ACCIDENT BARELY AVOIDED PARIS. Mars Dormoy, Asment where the ford That which might bar Ter Extra. with Engine 54 burst nister of the Interior, was redes minated in an awful wreck was ing around the curve at the Lic. DANIEL ZELEDOX ported to have urged that is Opposition of trave only avoided on Wednesday Pump. Fortunately he had suf the future all visitors to Fran may lead to the dre the 13th. insant by reason officient time to reverse and run ABOGADO ce be fingerprinted. The propo the compulsory Visa the straight line from the Li back to the point from whence sal is the direct result of the feeture deelarations, mon yard to the 12 mile cur, he started, thus avoiding what y NOTARIO PUBLICO popular demand for checking are likely to be repla ve at the Pump.
would have otherwise been a influx of undesirables, gerprinting.
Orders were, it is undertood serious wreck.
Oficina: Altos Pas which has grown recently.
In order to get given for a Funeral train to This sort of negligence OD cual Ingianna series of stringent rules discrimination treat proceed to the Cemetery with the part of some one results for foreigners have been promul with a number of cod threr corpses. Soon after the al times in the loss of many gated by the Ministry of Interior Ministry pro convoy.
which was a rather for lives and should not, the rior, including compulsory con make fingerprinting Icng one, left the yard, the En refore, be lightly regarded. AS MAN LIVES SO HE sular visas and declarations acry for French citizen gincer was confronted by an the prefecture of the departDIES AUTO: ACCIDEN HEAD FATALITIES Jacob Jackson, one of the oldest established Tailors WASHINGTON. Fatal a list, followed by fall of this city, was laid to rest oncidents caused by automobile ing. burns, railroad Monday last, after just a few have jumped from percent in firearms and mines days illness.
1910 to 34 per cent of the maries.
Valuations: Denouncements: Estimates: Land tional total of deaths from acer The Census Bure Many years ago the deceased dents in 1935 the Census Burean are published in a pa Levels: Hydrographic Measurements: Surveys: was admitted in the fraternity has recently revealed. Ftitled Monument of Mechanism, but he left. headed the list in 1910 with a ness. Fortified by Projections for Tramways, Rods.
shortly after and joined the So percentage of 18, followed by charts, graphs and to Water Works. Building: Heliographic ciety of Jehovah Witnesses: deaths from accidents on railshows the trend of the when however his ed came, the roads, drowning, burns, poison portant types of accia Tracings: Mining.
Concordia Lodge, ia order to ing, in mines and quarries, bying a period of twee cire avoid gossip, charitably dona firearms and automobiles.
De Propert es Bough and So ted the sum of seventy1935 automobiles topped the colones toward the interment.
Oft Any of the above undertaken on Contract This should be a striking les POR PRIMERA VEZ EN COSTA RICA SE CELEB fes or Comission.
son to those in our community CIL who abstain from association CONCURSO DE FLORES NATURALES with some useful benevolent TAMBIEN SE CELEBRARAN JUEGOS FLORALES Rafael Roig Society. Many actually malign CONCURSO DE MUSICA EN LA CIUDAD DE CA such Societies and live riotou para fin de año se prepara una gran exposición agi Member of the Feculty of Engireers of Costa Rica lives, then when calamities dustrial en el Colegio San Luis de dicha ciuda overtake them The stone Box 523. San Jo e. Telephones 2929, 3201 which the builders rejected has to become the head of the Cor El Colegio San Luis de Car drá en prueba a las ner.
tago viene desde hace varios modernas de la ciud May the Soul of our depor años colaborando en el resur nial, además se agre The gimiento intelectual. econó concurso de música ted citizen find eternal peace. mico de Cartago y entre las mostrará cab!
uctividades que desplegará es dedicados al divino a Standing of Teams Anglo Saxon Protection te año se cuentan cuatro, lira.
an parte de otras más Para fin de año y ed.
SCORE OF GAMES PLAYED: for Latin America están en perspectiva, por lo rrar con broche de or han Team Games que felicitamos al señor Di tividades del Colegio enc Played Wom Lost Pet. BUENOS AIRES, Argentina ector y Profesores por su ar se preparará una graecla Cubs 8 889 The Argentine Foreiga Min lua labor en bien la ciu sición en los amplioseas Caribe 6 750 ister, has declared that del San Luis.
le br a. Motive Power 6 756 protection Latin. American Sta Como dichas laborger Unifruitco 2 285 tes might need against outside rales y adelanto pard her Pathfinders 2 250 aggression always would be bago serán auspiciadas petit Surtidora 1: 9 100 sed on the Anglo Saxon couu Wee. Le Colegio San Luis ha sire tries the United States and to un Comité Central Motive Power. Pathfinders Great Britain ESTRADA las actiil rigirá todas and Latin ACaribe.
13 Unifruitco merica itself.
Precios Economics quedando integrado mp Cubs 13 Surtidora. señores don Victor seti Pathfinders 17 Motive Power Artículos del Pais Hernández Director Unifruitco for 24 Unifruitco The Foreign Minister spoke at gio y los Profesores Cubs pion 11 Surtidora.
the inauguration of a statue to Abarrotes y Licores Joaquin Calderón y dd Caribe 13 Caribe the nineteenth century Britih sta LA IBERIA Ramón Bonilla Aguila Cubs 19 Unifruitco tesman, George Canning, who En su oportunidad Cubs 12 Surtidora 11 was a contemporary of Presa conocer las bases Motive Power Unifruitco ident James Monroe. Mr. Candad brumosa que ha sido tan electos los sub comite the Pathfinders 14 Pathfinders ning efforts to guarantee the abatida por la crisis.
Tendremos al tanto foci Cubs 16 Surtidora independence of Latin America no Para el mes de mayo o abriltros lectores.
Caribe 14 Pathfinders coincided with the development del año en curso se prepara TE Motive Power 12 Surtidora of the American Monroe Doc el primer concurso de flores Nuevas actividades dels Cubs 12 Motive Power trine.
naturales que se ha de cele Arte Cultura de Carpet Caribe 11 Cubs.
brar en Costa Rica, cuyo fin not Cubs 12 Surtidora Senor Saavedra Lamas said será el de conocer cuál es la De nuevo vuelven a neho Carile 10 Pathfinders Mr. Canning activity influen flor más bella del suelo tico los componetes del cendep Unifruitco Unifruitco ced President Monroe and ga los preparativos para dicho rural de Cartago deno pro Motive Power 23 Pathfinders ve rise to the concurrent activi concurso aunque se encuen Centro Arte Cultura, Motive Power Caribe Caribe.
ty of England and the Unite tra en los primeros pasos va nes son los de impulsartan Pathfinders States. Both Mr. Canning and despierta entusiasmo entre los tura provincial. Ya er Motivo Power 11 Surtidora Mr. Monroe, he said, wanted artagos y los de otras propo de que dicho centro Surtidora 17 to halt the action in Americe vincias.
vo volviese a sus pasos Cubs 12. Games Scheduled for Jan. 23 Para dar mayor realce of a reactionary, despotic Exa sus componetes se habil Surtidora Unifruitco vs. Pathfinders.
dicho concurso se Surtidora preparan rezado olvilando comp rope. Caribe vs. Motive Power.
unos Juegos Flores que pon para con Cartago.
Todas estas labores tran que la juventude nesa poco a poco y a Nos permitimos lamar su atención a la nota al dorso We beg to call your attention to our remark at the back de su recibo que cice.
tortuga va tomando of receipt which reads.
das de la vida de did Este recibo debe pagarse en la ofi This bill must be paid at our office dad nor lo que nos ale mucho cina dentro de los primeros 10 dias before the 10th of the month de cada mes GENEROSIDAD Be so good as to comply with this request and do not Cuando yo era chiro Le logamos recordar esta cláusula y evitarnos la pena, oblige us to suspend our service, a step which dad, hijo mío, me comia de lener que corlar su scricis.
we would much regret to take.
migas del pan. te gustaban, papa. Por cierto Bueno, o te importe no seas nino; puede com las mis migas.
OCCO SALOMON CHIN per ul Compañía Eléctrica de Limón Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.


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