
ANUARY 21 Nisilois lat at where the Thought For The Week Tienda MIL COLORES ppositions lead to be compulenty ure de likely to rinting orda imination to a number of por udrys Freak ALITIES allowed by rns, rade as and the Census Be lished in a Monun Fortilled Eraphs and trend of Spes of a Dr. MEDAL Jr.
WOSE Cellfesionales en su moderna Services in his New UpFLORALE AD DE sition dicho a rueba al de la a as se le mus STEADFASTNESS Steadfastness is like an anchor in the sea of life. It (CUTTER RODEN)
holds us safe and firm in storms of adversity; it keeps Our prospective Patrons, Friends, and the Public in general are hereby us secure in times of difficulty and danger. steadfast informed that mon is one who possesses a steadfast mind; and the most THE LIMON BRANCH OF THE TIENDA MIL COLORES steadfast mind is the one that is stayed upon God, the Unchanging One, with whom is no variableness, neither opened its doors on the 19th. instant to ALL who pride in being shadow of turning.
WELL DRESSED Our Prices and Service are the lowest. We carry o full assortment of English Tweeds, Serges, Flannels, Linen, Drills, etc. Everything for the well dressed man.
POCOMANIA ALTRATIONS Our Line of Haberdashery is unequalled Price and Quality The last word in Hats, Shirts Socks, Ties, Belts, to match your particular Sui. Big Assortment of Tailoring Articles.
While Stage Artists in Ja tient named James Walters SPECIAL PURCHASING FACILITIES maica are placing before the who hailed from Cedar Creek public at the Ward Theatre, and was there to be cured of The Services of Mr. Roden, the Well known Ladies and Gents Tailor Kingston, Miss Una Maison Blind yess which had, afflicted ond Cutter, have been secured latest play Pocomia or Pohim for many years. The man ENRIQUE YANKELEWITZ Propietor.
comania. with Eric Coverly was practically naked when acting the Shepherd and in found, he was taken away.
which is protrayed the effects native is supposed to ha THE UNITED FRUIT CO the weird singing and drum ve lodged the information that ming of the Obnoxious Cult ha a young native child had been WATER SUPPLY ve onthe mind of a sensitive detained in the home of young girl whose life is endan man, a member of the faith, riod of Cirujano Dentista. Americano American Surgeon Dentist It is noted that the Engineers gered while in the Spirit as a for the purpose of unearthing De la Universidad de Loyola, From Loyola University, in charge of this undertakin consequence of the rude, noisy some bones and other mysteNew Orleans, EE. UU.
New Orleans, have changed the overhead loca atmosphere of the Barn Yard rious objects, and on refusing Ofrece sus servicios pro Offers his Professional tion of the piping over the Li and also by the Jumpings and to do so was threatened to be moncito. Concrete columos, to Dancings, we here find our butchered with a knife. The na Clinica Dental instalada to Date Dental Clinic, bear the strain of the piping, energetic Comandante and his me of the woman was given as FURALES contiguo a la oficina were first built to a height of men on Saturday last at the Carusa, it is said, but the vera Located next to the del Cable.
eight feet above water level Balm Yard of the Cult in city of this and other state All America Cables These have, however, bean blas Camp One Road, ments cannot be vouched.
ted away and the pipes located Nothing of any consequence On Tuesday last El Diario underneath the water on the was found at this Balm Yard carried the picture of Alti and OUR CRICKET mud bed of the river. To o lay asthe Shepherd, Davis, had his wife Gwendoline who were BY STRAIGHT TIIROUGH man this seems a rather surpris long ago, abandoned the prac deported last year for implanting feat, though scientifically, tices of Pocomaniacism and ing the rites of Pocomia here, the Engineers must know what now directs his attention to and it was stated the governThat which is ordinarily prac Ciubs are each four points. If is best for the flow of water in the faith of the Penticostal Bapment would be deporting all lo que cable is not permissible in Com this be true then there is a Tie tituted by them. As Mr. Munch tist Society for which the and the successors of Alti.
titions for the reason that the match to be played to determine and his colleagues are known his associates have erected a din The Bible and other things are Laws which must be obe: the Champions, and until this to be very efficient and expe fine chapel on the hill at the taken from Davis chapel by de año ed. There can be no Declared be done Excelsior retains her orienced engineers in such con old yard Limit, near the Ceme the police have been returned che de hampions in a Competition sition. hope the Captain of this structions and have taught us tery. After breaking the lock to Davis, as it was subsequent Colegence am very sorry that the Club will cause a letter to be many lessons in Engineering of this buildir: the Authori ly considered incorrect for the una eclaration of our 1937 Cricket sent to the Gleaner on this sub feats, we confide in their abilities made a thorough search men to have broken into the ampleague Championship should haject.
ty in this instance, but discovered nothing myste building which belongs to a been published in the Glenrious only a Bible and some Registered Society without a nas labier. December 16th, page 4, torch lanterns. Leaving here special warrant having been anto schere are several kinds of Com ED. NOTS. Unfortunately it they went to the nearby premi first secured, and as there was piciadietitions in Jamaica and al was not our privilege to see the ses of a Mrs. Olivia Reid who also the absence of proofs that Luis lare conducted in an up to dia article in the Gleaner of the is supposed to have been con Davis was jumping or healing Cents manner, so this act of ours 16th. ultimo. It is however to COMERCIANTE ducting a Balm Yard of her therein las ill leave a most unfavourable be hoped that it was not the por más de 20 años own. Here they found a paCegradi npression in so far as our Cric cutcome of one from Lord HarEstablecido en la Provincia Victcting matters are concerned. ris which was allowed to Das Vende al detal. Vinos y Lirector or a Club to secure the Cham through these columns ac cores extrunjeros y del país, RICHARD WEISS an MISCELANEA esordionship in a Competition su, nearlier date, as this was only abarrotes en general.
ron one must win the greatest num permitted in the hope that some stablecimiento esquina a Agu er of points. To make this correspondent among the Clubs Norte del Mercado unida uite clear would suggest that concerned would have taken up Entre 40 be he Secretary of the Cricket As the matter and replied to Lord El nuevo específics contra com ociation show the playing table Harris ruminations regar ling la arteriosclerosis y presión detail.
the declaration of Champions. SUCCESSFUL FUNCTIONS It is not correct to say there He is not an authorized personade sangre dumentada In spite of the adests no Body governing our com ge on Cricket. and his Club persistency Recetadas por los médicos alemanes.
de Cactition. There is, only it does could not declare who should of the inclement weather, not function as zealously as itbe Champions. In so far opportunity was afforded pleasu as Pidanse muestras y folletos He aplicados ERWESAL un Iverhould. Every Society or themselClub we have heard since, no other re seekers to enjoy paciente de to aos con éxito optimo descriptivos Ilustrados de depends on its Secretary for its Club of the Competition was ves on Monday night in view, las congestiones cerebrales y margos Dr. Richard Weiss se disainuyen considerablemente aple o progress.
even consulted on the natter no doubt, of the good causes.
cando su remedio.
Berlin No Dr. med. EL Itant As far as am made to unders let alone having a hand in such The variety Concert, staged motend Excelsior and Pathfinder declaration.
at the Arrasty Theatre by the Si. Anthony Sick and Burial CONSULTE SU MEDICO Aid Society, was a great De venta en todas las Boticas cess. The talent exhibited by our local Artists was exceptio nally good and deserves encou ragement. There was a very LIMON, COSTA RICA good audience, and it is hoped Importación that on the next appearance of Imports and Exports Mr. de la Bastide Troupe, y they will again be well pa Exportacion tronized as a mark of appreDepósito de Madera Lumber Deposit ciation for their laudable efforts The Boy Scouts also brought Compra de Cacao en off an interesting Garden Par ty at the St. Mark grounds grano Cocoa Purchased where the Lads and Lasses en Limón joyed themselves immensaly according to their fashion.
Edgar Young we an Yur sucALLAN SIME Big Bargains in Remnants during JANUARY at JACK ORANE STORE Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.


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