
TUE ATLANTIC VOICE SATURDAY FEBRUARY 12th. 1938 Page RE UNION OF CHURCHES Arms Trade corres from rem all might find themselves unit with China and Japan with China and Japan LIMON TRADING COMPANY Semilla BRACATINGA para sombra, tapavientos y madera Centro Comercial LIMON TRADING COMPANY Germany Political Situation The announcement London this arther effort is being without the loss of what is speseriously made for the re. union cially valuable in their distinctive of th Anglican Church with the traditions, it is expected the plan WASHINGTON. Chinn add LUMBER YARD Non. Conforming Str. Althouthill produce the keenest contro Japan purchased an almost the scheme ben deasury equal amount of arms, amunt joint conference of the leading re Resolutions recommending the tion or implements of war in presentatives of the Church and the scheme to the attention of Church the Urited States during DeWe have opened a Lumber Yard Federal Council of Evangelical men were passed in both Houses of where we carry in stock a complete cember, according to the State Free Churches, representing the the Conventioa of Canterbury Methodists, Baptists, resbyterians well as in the Free Church Cour Department analysis of export assortment of all kinds of Native.
license mode public Exports els. an denvisions a church wieto China to ale 290. 832. 27 Lumber. Special sizes to order.
in value, while those to Japan were isted as worth 250, 252 We also have Portland Ceinent, Roof63 cent.
ing Nails, Paint, Linseed Oil, TurpenJapanese purchases were almost entirely confined to airtine and all other building materials.
craft equipped for bombing together with their necessary SEND IN YOUR ORDERS parts. The Chinese supplies Venta de paquetes 00 y 00 en San José consisted mainly of machine guns, grenades ar bombs During the month 411 licenses were issued, under the NSLLimon Division San José. Teléfono 2198 trality Act, for the export of www amazon such war materials to the va lue of 930, 747. 52. In the BRITAINS VITAL STATISTICS same period import licenses COLOMBIA HOPES TO HAVE CARDINAL were granted for such materials amounting to 10, 478. 68 LONDON. Marriages, divorces, Divorces were the highest recordbirths and deaths are on the in ed excepting 1931 and births numDOGOTAColombia. Liberal, Sulpice Seminary in Paris. Later!
crease in Great Britain.
bered 720, 129. higher than the prenewspapers here publish as well he received a doctor degree in The statistical Blue Book issued vious three years, founded the report of the early de sacred theology and canonical law by the Board of Trade disclosed The death rate rose from 12 per parture for Rome of Mgr. Juan Ma at the Gregorian University in Rothat marriages reached the biggest 1, 000 to 12. per 000.
nuel Gonzalez Arbaleaz, Archbis me.
total since 1923 hop Coadjutor of Bogota. It is ru The Archbishop does not admit mored he will become Colombia the receipt of any official commuDuring the past week or so there first Cardinal and the third in South nication from the Vatican on the has been several important changes NEW DISPENSARIES Amerion. The others are at Rio de subject of a Cardinalate. He is con in the Military and Diplomatic DeIn keeping with the provisions of or bites of venomous reptiles.
Janeiro and Buenos Aires. sidered a liberal an din favor of soportments of Germany, with Hitler the Banana Concession Law, the The Archbishop is 41 years old. cial legislation and other action to suming direct coromand of all the Minister of Public Health has, it is eated at El Pozo, Coronado Bar and These new institutions will be loHe was born is the State of Antio improve the material condition of nation armed forces and tightening noted, decided to institute three new Sixaola, and will will a long felt quia and spend two years at St. the masses.
his imrnediste control om the Mihospitals, or Rest Houses, in order want in these far away districts Tristry of Foreiga Affairs to afford better medical facilities where medical attention cannot be The changes, regexded as the most to the labourers on drastic since the start of the Nazi the Banana readily ucprored and in consequenfarms who fall sick from the rigource of which many lives are at times regine, care about it is underof their labours or from the stings prejudiced.
stoca as a consequence of the Army forcing the xesignation of Von MATINA y 24 MILLAS Blomberg from his position of War Minister, on account of their opposition, for indisclosed reasons, to Los más surtidos Establecimientos de the Carpenter daughter he recently The Library at the Universi are being discovered in this mancied. In addition to this control, ty of Bristol, England, has been country week SO ago LICORES, TIENDA ABARROTES directly, of the armed forces, Hit appointed a depository for do about six tons of the IpecacuaHáganos una visita.
ler has created a secret Cabinet cuments abpertaining to the nha Roots were exported from Council on Foreign policy, and has Island of Jamaica and the West Los Chiles located on our fron summoned the Reichstag to meet in Indies generally, according to tier with Nicaragua Berlin on the 20th. instant.
the Bristol Evening Post Disease Threatens Trinidad Banana Industry General Werner von Fritsch, who Over 800 of such documenta According to one Olur is said to have been instrumental are said to have already been Spanish Dailies, much interest Port of Spain news item states The disease, which is suppossed in bringing about the resigpation of received from the British Re is at present being evinced by the Banana Industry of the Islnod to have appeared first in Honduvon Blomberg, has in tuin been decordis Association and every certain American business houof Trinidad is threatened by the ras, is also we observe causing Posed at Chief of Staff of the Ar effort is being made to locate ses in the quality antuantity most serious disease yet known in much concern in the Republic of my.
the fruit growing countries the Panama where the government is These and other unexpected Casimilar documents to add them of our Coconut supply on both to the littores. Their irivestigations Leaf Spotting Fungi. which is gra arranging for officials of the Agribinet shakeups have precipitated are with the view of determindually spreading aecording to somewhat serious conditions in the a cultural Department to work in con Very few persons are proba ing the possibility of establishreport by the Government Mycolo junction with employees of the Unit country, it is alleged, although the gist.
ed Fruit Company in combating the rumour of the closing of the fron by aware of the fact that many ing a factory for the manufae An esperimental programme of plague. The Company is reported to tiers and the revolutionary out herbs of great medicinal value ture of the Oil on a large commercial basis.
invigorating affected plants by im be installing the necessary equip breaks have been officially denied.
proving the tilth and adding manu ment on their extensive Chiriqui res, where possible, is being con plantations to spray affected plants ducted in that Island, but no us with a composition of copper sulcess has yet been attained in check phate, muriatic acid and calcium, ing the ravages of the parasite, it said to be the most effective of all is said, nor has an immune stock, the remedies used against the diup to now, been discovered.
scase so far.
HOP LEE LUNG Briefs From Here And There Banco Nacional de Costa Rica NICARAGUA BUYS PLANES FOR INTERIOR SERVICE MANAGUA The ly operated a mail, nagsenger en government has purchased two tri freight service from the interio motored transport planes from Pan the Atlantic coast accidents and American Airways Company. They lack of traffic foreed them to di will te used by the Nicaragua No continue operations. The river tional Airways for tourist travellinent believes the new gore wel from the interior to the east coast and foreigners to know Nicaria of Nicaragua better and later to invest in the Three private companies former country BANCO DEL ESTADO SOLE BANK OF ISSUE UNICO EMISOR STATE BANK ofrece al público offers the public los servicios de su the services of its SUCURSAL BRANCH OFFICE EN LA IN THE CIUDAD DE LIMON CITY OF LIMON para toda clase de all kinds of bank servicio bancario service rendered NEW FIRM new Commercial Firm with a incorporation and inauguration as capital of 40. 000 dollars and carrying la consequence of jealousy on the the business name of Dabah and part of several of the big traders Sasson, have established themselves who do not view kcen competition in San Jose, but much opposition with pleasant eyes, as it is princiis being placed in the way of their pally the poor who benefit thereby.
Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.


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