
TURDAY FEBRUARY 12th. 1938THE ATLANTIC VOICE Page 1938 INFORMATION WANTED If prematurely aged, NY Fertilinets use the rejuvenating hormono proparation FOR WOMEN according to Dr Rich Weiss Ask for our illustrated booklet The whereabouts of the following persons is desired by the British Vice Consulate at Port Limon Costa Rica.
Please communicate, as early as possible.
BARRETT, Septimus.
BRUDY, Mrs. Lilian.
DANBY, Mrs. Ethel ELLIS, Wiliam Charles.
JAMES, Betina Adina.
MITCHELL, Alexander.
MURRAY, Zacariah.
ROBINSON, Frederick SCARLETT, Mrs. Matilda.
WRIGHT. Ewan Alexander.
BAYER FOR SALE IN ALL DRUG STORES 6A BAYER HE COSTA RICA BURIAL SCHEME ASSOCIATION o Am Hereunder we produce a complete statement of the financial sactions of the above named Association during the period ary 1st. to December 31st. 1937, which shews that while the nue aggregated the appreciable amount of 8, 491. 15 colo the necessary disbursements totalled 9, 168. 85 an excess of 17. 70 which was covered, as will be noted, by withdrawals the Society Reserve Fund.
Why CAFIASPIRINA Edgar Young IY THE JUVENILE DEPT. received for Entrance fees and monthly dues 307. 05 COMERCIANTE por más de 20 años Establecido en la Provincia Vende al detal, Vinos y Li.
cores extrunjeros y del pais, MISCELANEA abarrotes en general.
5stablecimiento esquina Norte del Mercado, Entre 40 allowances to members. 53. 00 Mom payment of cost of Hearse 100. 00 spaper propaganda, Stationary, Printing Rituals, Cards, Cleaning. Light, repairs to piano, Colon to Church, Cash assistance to non financial abers, Anniversary celebratior, Annual outing, record eshments, music, Minute book, Financial Secty ipt books, membership Cards, Ink, pencils, the al etc.
184. 85 PEFor many years CAFIASPIRINA has been recognized as an unfailing remedy in colds, headache, influenza, and rheuА BAYER matic complaints. You should insist on CAFIASPIRINA, not only because of its sure effect, but also because it does not harm the heart, stomach or kidneys.
The world famous Bayer Cross, which appears on every tablet, guarantees the excellence of wa ORUBA OIL FIELDS NEED MEN 12 pe AFIASPIRINA Wireless Ne.
Britain Fortifying West African.
aters urrences C337. 85 withdrawn from the reserve fund to meet ciency Some weeks ago we mentioned 30. 80 in these columns the passing through SICK BENEFIT DEPT.
here of forty. three men on their a received for Entrance fees, and monthly dues 990. 95 way to Oruba to do carpentry for 16. 50 ections on meeting nights the Lago Oil Transport Company at that place. On Saturday last anoI bet ther batch went by on a Dutch LiBara 1, 007. 45 (From page 7)
ner from Jamaisa.
preparatory to using them in ang tak no United State Army men on trasatlantic service. The two There has been a strong rumour Chinese soil only Marines.
district DISBURSEMENTS Pilots remained in telephone not be allownaces to members 586. 00 that a secret Agent was here conLONDON England revo contact with each other until tracting men for similar work on 100. 00 sequent payment cost of Hearse.
lutionary Piekaback the Oil Fields at Oruba, but this plane at 700 feet, they simultaneous40. 00 ta spaper propaganda. Application forms, grant to sick non financial members 96. 00 is false as a result of enquiries. It took off in mid air for the firstly pulled levers, releasing a dewas even said this government was time on the 7th. instant The vice that had held the smaller ute books, stamps, ink, pens, pencils, Letter head 26. 50 ionery, etc.
averse to the migration of Negroes test, in which a plane was la plane on top of the larger one.
from here; this also is untrue.
unched from the back of a lar The invention is to enable plae attes. insignia of Dept. 00 News has reached us that the men ger one that had helped carrynes heavily laden with mail toward rental of meeting house 40. 00 who went down about Christmas it into the air, was made from and gasoline to be launched in 50 aning (part payment to Janitress)
they time are much dissatisfied and an water near Rochester. The pla mid air for long flights instead xious to get back home. They were, nes took off as one aircraft and of risking takeoffs from groC 902. 00 we understand, contracted at the ra came down as two, in :h balance 105. 45 tests und level.
te of 55 cents, Dutch Currency, fr which at 12 to one brings 22 1, 007. 45 cents gold, and at eight hours to the day gives them 76 dollars per From Page Port Dues have doubled in the past BURIAL DEPAT.
the Italo received for Entrance fees, monthly dues and Ethiopian war brought three years. It is alleged the govThe men, however, complain higher insurance rates for the Suez ernment intends to convert the port C7129. 40 es by lection on meeting nights rightly or wrongly, we of course more profitable and less liable to of Freetown, Sierra Leon, into an 47. 25 cannot say, that the cost of living Canal and made the longer voyage important naval Base in addition to hos is exceeding high and in conse interference and delays.
Cape Town for which latter a harantity 7176. 65 quence the day rating is inade During the forst six months of bour extention scheme to cost both quate to provice a margin for sav 1936, ships coaling at Cape Town 15, 000, 000 pounds has been already ations DISBURSEMENTS ing as was expected by them. increased from 1, 960 to 2, 351 com planned. Heavy gun emplacements emmin paid to relatives of deceased members as Death pared with the previous year, while are said to be under contsruction.
blints C3735. 00 most payment cost of Hearse 1287. 95 co pair parts for hearse including Inner tubes, new, es, pump, etc.
345. 35 yspaper propaganda (part payment by Detment)
65. 00 jancial assistance rendered sick and non finanI members 63. 70 payment cost of Anniversary celebration 53. 00 st of Stationery for department 14. 00 (CUTTER RODEN)
king of Rosettes, insignia of department 20. 00 Our prospective Patrons, Friends, and the Public in general are hereby st of society Almanac Lehmann Cº 280. 00 informed that nation to King George, Coronation fund 25. 00 id Avelino Pena y Cia. for Rental of House 920. 00 THE LIMON BRA CH OF THE TIENDA MIL ORES ctric Light 252. 00 pairs to Piano, Cleaning. Kerosine Oil, Electrical opened its doors on the 19th. instant to ALL who pride in being ctures, Gratuity to Accountant, Financial Secy: WELL DRESSED.
cording Secy: Asst. Rec. Secy: Guard; Collector Our Price: and Service are the lowest. We carry a full assortment of English tstanding accounts; Ice for meetings; Sanitary Tweeds, Serges, Flannels, Linen, Drills, etc. Everything for the well dressed man.
ps: glasses, candles, Lamp shades, wicks, burners, lbs, Musicians 868. 00 Our Line of Haberdashery is unequalled Price and Quality The last word in Hats, Shirts Socks, Ties, Belts, to match your particular 7, 929. 00 ish withdrawn from Reserve Suit.
Funds meet Big Assortment of Tailoring Articles.
752. 35 SPECIAL PURCHASING FACILITIES Stal cost of Hearse including new spare parts, was 1, 833. 30 The Services of Mr. Roden, the Well known Ladies and Gents Tailor and paid for by contributions from Burial Department and Cutter, have been secured 1, 633. 30: Sick and Juvenile Departments 200. 00.
Certified as a true and correct statement.
Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.


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