
NUEVO INVENT El Rey Farouk, de Egipto, destituyó viol prexeribes the driver of a camion tamente al Gobierno de Nahas Baj formo otro que preside Mahmud TIEit Tramway Rails for Sale The Union Grand Lodge of Me(Por GARZA REAL)
Cirujano Dentista Americano American Surgeon Dentist chatics had their annual session at De la Universidad de Loyola, From Loyola University, the Concordia Hall on the 4th. Ins ESOS NOMBRES EXOTICAS. entonces nada menos New Orleans, EE. UU.
New Orleans, tant instead of the 24th. January Realmente, existe furor porjaira.
Ya se han olvidado por Ofrece sus servicios pro Offers his Professional when the fixture was washed out los nombres raros. En contrasfesionales en su moderna Services in his New Upby the heavy rains.
te con apellidos tiquisimos, ve pleto de los bellisimos no Clínica Dental instalada to Date Dental Clinic.
Many communications from the mos nombres importados de los hispanos (o en español Grand Executive Council in Eng mas lejanos países. para ha Carmen, Rosa Marin, Ey contiguo a la oficina Located next to the del Cabie.
land were read and acted upon, cerlos más raros. se les cam. Irma, Arabela, Lilia, Zoi All America Cables particularly the approval of the bia la ortografía, intercalandosa, Alicia, Isabel, Flora, formation of an Executive Commit les haches y metiéndoles y ta. Margarita, Elena, eta tee in these parts with the view griegas en todas partes. Ve los detestables nombres CASE OF THE LOG IN THE GRAVE of securing a greater co. ordinamos por ejemplo, como las que único mérito para los tion of the Order in countries of llevan el dulce nombre orien es de ser extranjeros the Western Hemisphere, and so tal de Zaira. lo escriben aho Sally. Jean, Mae, Helga afford better protection to its memra, en su afán de exotismo:Jennie. Minie, Greta Truly the contacting of the, from the Insurar. ce Co. the bers in times of sickness, death or zahyra. lo que a nuestro hu rutia: grita. Maureeris poor and lowly with those of 1, 590 on the Insurance po distress.
milde entender, se pronuncia rriet, Shirley, June, ete.
the smart set is having a great licy by falsely representing great idea at this meeting was influence in criminology among that the man Wight was alive the adoption of a day, to be approvour people, and possibly the when the insurance was effec ed, as the Annual Mechanics Day smartest Sought of a criminalſted and that he died on for the concentration of all members the at a ritualistic festivity, as a means nature to originate among the 28th. July 1936.
women folk of the small Island The two women had a fun of creating greating intercourse and COPENAGUE (I. guno y que es sencillon of Jamaica, kept observers is eral ceremony carried through comradeship in the Craft.
Un científico danés acaba de uso, puede ser aplicado high excitement during the past on a property near the town of few weeks inventar un líquido consisten, por medio de una brod while the case in Port Maria, and brought the ACCIDENT AT RAILROAD te de una solución de sales or por medio de presión which two women, of apparent Undertaker to Court to prove CROSSING ly lowly birth and little edu he measured the corpse to magánicas de cobre y de zinc, es enormemente penetr que tiene la propiedad de pre y, además, de ser un exe cation, were being tried be ore ke the coffin, also the grave servar y proteger la madera te preservativo es un ger the Criminal Court of the ci y digger, who dug the grave and y las materias textiles. Estel da de primer orden.
of Kingston for Contriving to assisted in depositing the cof An awful accident occurred last liquido que carece de olor alfleece the Manufacturers Life fin therein, and the Lay Prea week at the Echeverria Crossing Assurance Company of 500 cher who conducted the cere on the Pacific Railrond in the vion the insurance of a man who mony over the grave. The cost cinity of Alajuela.
was already dead, buried and of this ceremony was said to Instead forgotten but to a few.
be three pounds.
Ellen Louise Wight and De The prosecution proved that loaded with passengers, attempted borah Saunders have just been, Wight died and was buried in to rush across the railroad tracks convicted and sentenced to a the city of Kingston long be just at the unfortunate moment the very mild term of nine months dre the Insurance policy was Alajuela passenger train was ap 922995 imprisonment each as the re effected, and on the body in proaching the roadway. This resultVeinte personas resultaron CAIRO. diciembre, 30 sult of two indictments which he grave at the place called ed in the camion being very nearly disper El Rey Farouk, que cuerd charged them with Conspira Islington being exhumed. cut in two, and nine of the o ridas cuando la policia cupants injured a los manifestaciones que se reu 18 años de edad, destituyó cy to Defraudl and Attemp was discovered that all that eron en los alrededores de mariamente al Primer ting to obtain money by false had been buried was a LOG circulo watdista.
Mustafa Nahas Baja e insta pretences. Under the Cirst OF WOOD. The women plead La brusca nota de Faroul de gobierno de su agrado en charge it was stated that oned that the grire may have al jefe nacionalista que el Tey figuran varios ininistros que the 28th. April 1936 they cons been tampered with by Scien2, 000 Metros of Track at a ridiculously low Price ha decidido formar un buen conocidas por sus simpatia pired together and with other e men. as had often been do bierno que reemplace al que ha Italia.
persons who were unknown to ne. In this however, they failApply: NATION estado gobernando ilegalmin Los partidarios de Nahas Box 137 Limon defraud the Insurance Compa ed to convonce the Court and te.
su partido wad lista inmedia ny of 500, by effecting were accordingly convicted and El Rey llamó a Mahmud state se reunieron en los alrede Life Insurance Policy in thientenced to what may be reEIGHT IN HOSPITAL mañana y para la caida de toa del Palacio real dando grito sum on the life of one Ar garded a very lenient term of che habian prestado juram Yoto Abajo Farou. drew Charles Wight, who was only nine months.
FROM FEUD FIGHT dos los miembros del nuevo cibo La policia disorció las mi then dead; and by connivance This is certainly one of the nete.
taciones y arrestó a veinte with another, by falsely re most ingenious tricks in crimiEl nuevo jefe del gobierno hanas antes que Mohamed presenting the man was alivenology conjectured in the West MANAGUA, Nicaragua.
declarado que disolverá el Par mud, nuevo Primer Ministro. feud at the time of effecting the po Indies by women of very ordi of many years standing between the lamento y convocará a elecciosestara el juramento y tomara licy and that he died subse nary scope of intellectual rea Mendez and Davila families brought en el caso de que su gobierno nosión del cargo.
quently, they together induced sonings. It is said to have had fresh trouble when the two femi obtenga mayoria en las Cámaras. Las autoridades militares the Company to part with the all classes in Jamaica bewillies clashed in the house of the En el nuevo gobierno no tienen to sas siguen con atención los sum of 1, 500 in payment to dered regarding the concentra. Davilas. Eight of the group are now presentación los wadi stas quecimientos, derivados de la them. Under the second Charge tive minds of the in the hospital suffering from componen la mayoria en el Parla tez que desde hace it was declared that the accu their smart attempt to get away wounds machetes and clubs. mento.
dias existen entre el Rey y sed women on the 17th. Au with 500 of the Insurance Four who were unwounded are Mahmud se hizo cargo del Aunque la Embajada ingle gust 1936, and other occasions Company money. One cannot in jail. Six women participating in nisterio Interior y figuran en el muestra disgustada a causa thereafter, attempted with in but smile at the subtlety of the the fight were badly bruised, but nuevo gobierno del ex Premier selección de Mahumud para tentions to defraud, to obtain whole play.
all escaped.
Ministro Ismail Siddky Bajá. CO mer Ministro, a causa de su The judge said that all those hos mo Ministro de Hacienda; el ex patias italianas, se tiene en pitalized would be jailed when they Primer Min stro Abdel Fattan Yedo que la Gran Bretaña no are better and that all the women hia como Ministro de Relaciones rá refuerzos militares a men would receive jail sentences when Exteriores, el general mussein que se agraven las cosas. special committee of the small laboratory experim captured. He further said the feud Rifly como Sinistro de la gue Las primeras informacione New York City Cancer Com ents to the modern, fully would be stopped even if he had ban cuenta de que Inglaterr mittee is preparing a compr equipped hospitals and clin to imprison the members of the two La tirantez entre el Rey y Nataba haciendo preparativos ehensive cancer exhibit fories of today. It will bring out families for life.
has llegó anoche, al colmo cuando trasladar a Egipto fuerzas a the New York World Fair the importance of the part el Gabinete rechazó una proposi lestina al objetivo de pro of 1939, to cover 500 square the public must play in the Personal feet in the Health Building crusade, ción de palacio a fin de que emphasizing that se los intereses británicos.
on the fair grounds. Dr. Fran cancer can be conquered with formara un gobierno de coalición Mahmud, que tiene 61 ano cis rter Wood, director of knowledge and that it is cuo sometiera la crisis a una comi edad, es graduado de Oxford the Crocker Institute for rable if detected and reportAfter spending a short vasión de arbitraje designada por fuó Primer Ministro desde Cancer Research, Columbia ed by patients in its early cation in the Capital our much el Rey 1929, y no dio señales de ce University, is chairman of stages appreciated fellow citizen, Mr. Nahas consideró empequeñeci cooperaria en la ejecución de the committee e. Blackman, returned home da su autoridad por el nombra tado anglo egipcio del cual The Fair Exhibit Commityesterday. He was accompa miento porel Rey det anti wadfis. mante.
tee already has met to map BOOTH nied by his wife.
ta Ali Maher, como asesor politi Uno de los primeros actos the subject matter to be covAs Mrs. Blackman had not co de la corona. Farouk también Mahmud como jefe del 100 ered in the exhibit. The plan BESTS been enjoying the best of health se había negado a fimar un de ha sido la disolución de los is to show, in a group of diBAKED recently, she took the opportu creto del gobierno estableciendosas azules o wadfistas BERLIN oramas, the methods of using nity of ndergoing special me un fondo secreto de 195. 000 pesos BREAD Nahas dijo omorgamente ray and radium in the tredical treatment. The ATLANT para combatir la propaganda ex comisión ejecutiva del Wald BUNS atment of cancer and the deBISCUITS CAKES IC VOICE wishes her a speedytranjera.
habin sido destituido por el velopments in operative teand complete recovery. and El Rey pide que se le reconoz. ven Rey como si se tratars chnique.
THE PEOPLE BAKERY also hopes that though his stay ca el derecho a nombrar una ter zapato viejo y que los hom The exhibit also will trace has been very short, don Pedro cera parte del Senado y controlar que han servido bien al pals Box 179. Limón the development in the treathas benefitted much from the los nombramientos de los altos fun arrojados como criados ment of cancer from the first milder clime of San Jose. cionarios Facilitia For Voting Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.
vomen un died Cancer Exhibit Planned rra.


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