
ike Atlantic Vaice THOUGHT FOR THE WEEK Devoted to the interests of the people of the Atlantic Zone Editor Englbh Section: NATION Sin is a departure from the Divine Order, a falling short from the Divine Perfection, a working against the Will of God, instead of with it. We can find no happiness, no peace, no joy, no satisfaction until we cease all this antagonism and strive to make our will like unto the Will of God, and our heart to throb with love and compassion and mercy for the unfortunates around us.
Year IV Limón, Costa Rica, Salurday March 5th 1938 No. 185 The Delayed Water Project TRANSFER OF OUR COMANDANTE OF POLICE WIRELESS News 5 00 At last it is noted that the, for execution at a cost estima that if the work were placed Report of the Engineers, who ted at 600. 000 colones.
in the hands of the Public investigated the project and As we further understand Works Department, the necesIn consequence of the deck while Colonel Luis Valenzuela cost of an adequate supply of the Minister of Finance, don sary cash would be apportion sion of the president of the Re. Canet is promoted Director Ge Water for our city, has been Francisco De Gutierrez, hased by him. Now that this has public, who is also Comandanteneral of Traffic, and Lieutenant delivered to the Executive Co been consulted regarding the been done, and knowing as we in Chief of the Military DepartColonel Marcial Chaves Argue uncil and received the appro manner in which the money do the Lively interest these ment, to have certain changs llo goes to the Bella Vista Forval of the President and his is to be found, we feel the mat two Ministers of State have among his high Military OL tress as Second Comandante; Advisers. The matter is now ter is getting under way, for from time to time exhibited in ficials, we have lost the as Lieutenant Colonel Juan Vega with the Minister of Fomento President Cortes guaranteed all public matters, particularly sociation of a most energetic Rodriguez takes charge as Sethose tending to the improve and affable Officer, Comanian cond in comand in Heredia, ment of our Province, we feel te Colonel Arturo Loria Mon and Capt. Rafael Fonseca Zuñi a sigh of relief can be expres tenegro, who goes to Cartago! ga receives promotion as Lieut.
sed, and a thought of hopeful to fill a similar position whica Col. in charge of all Airports.
ness encouraged that the un became vacant by the promo Our old and well known cipleasant situation through ton of Colonel David Peralta tizen, don Abel Robles has also Pacheco to the office of Direc resigned and don Claudio MoLONDON Prime Minister de BARCELONA. Febus. Span which the residents of the city tor General of Police, in placera Molina has succeeded him Valera of Ireland has renewed, ish News Agency, announces that have been passing will soon be of Colonel Daniel Gallegos who as Sub. Inspector of Hacienda his demands for the union of all Insurgent naval and serial attacks alleviated.
goes to the presidential Palace in Limon. Don Jesus Montero Ireland under his government. He on 28 cities and towns in Cataluna It will, however, require as Aide. de. Camp to the Pre Araya will occupy a similar po presented his demands at a confe Province had killed 1, 542 persons many months before this prosident.
sition in Estrella in the place rence with Prime Minister Cham and injured 1979 since he civil war ject can become an accomplish Colonel Carlos Gonzalez Raof don Santiago Chaves Barrie berlain and other members of the began.
ed fact, and should, in the nean mirez replaces Colonel Loria; tos.
British Cabinet. In view of the time, another break down ocdefeat the advocates of a United NEW YORK Following the cur to the Pump, by which we Ireland sustained in the FOR DEVELOPMENT OF BRITISH COLONIES recent recent arrest of three alleged are blesed with our scanty supelections in the North, the Cabi spies, acting for an unnamed Eu ply, what will happen Will our net is understood to have refused ropean Power, a heavy guard has poor householders have to aGEORGETOWN. royal, ing convened by Mr. Thor to grant De Valera demands.
been thrown around the big Army gain experience the same suffor commission to probe social and ne, Barbados born educationist, air base at Mitchel Field, Long Is ferings? Is it not possible the WASHINGTON The Supply land It has also been disclosed that our Municipal Fathers to provi economic conditions in British politician and president of Indies British Guiana Workers LeBill for the Nation Interior De the Guard was heavily reinforced de another Pump as a security Guiana and the West. TO page 10)
partment was received by the Hou around the building where a su in case of such an occurrence? Was urged at acrowded meetse of Representatives on the 26th. per bombsight invention is kept The cost of an aditional machiFeby. It asked expenditures of the device which, it is alleged, ne should not be considered nearly 125. 000. 000 dollars during would enable American Bombers an unnecessary outlay, as imthe coming fiscal year, which is in wartime to bomb small target perfections are encountered in about eight million dollars below arces from a height of 20. 000 feet all human provisions, and as a In addition to the many felicita ficer of the Most Excellent Ordthe amount appropriated for the with devastoting accuracy.
consequence of the ordering: tons already received by him, er of the British Empire, which current period Proposed allotof nature, most freaksome at we desire, on behalf of ourselves, cerries the insignia The ments included forty million dol. TOKYO. The Cabinet has sub times, anything may happen the members of the British Com decoration was done by Mr. Alars for the Bureau of Reclamajust when least expected; munity of this Zone and his nu dams the British Minister, at a tion should, therefore be prepared TO PAGE 11 merous admirers and well wish reception given the Officers of the for any eventuality.
ers, to tender the sincerest con Canadian Destroyers last Monday Le us hope we shall never gratulations to Mr. Cox, the Brit afternoon in the spacious rooms as the result of the thought ish Consul, resident in San Jose, of the Union Club, San José, and fulness of our Municipal Orficers, experience a repetitioned on him by the Sovereigns of the for the distinctive honour bestow which was attended by most of of the suferings from which Diplomatic Representatives Great Britain SERVICIO DE VAPORES resident in the country.
we are emerging.
Mr. Cox has been made an Of Salidas semanales de Limón para Nueva York con escala en Habana solamente Estos vapores no llevarán café.
British Consul Decorated we UNITED FRUIT Co.
Anti. Italian Demonstration in London VAPORES SALIDAS VERAGUA Marzo CHIRIQUI Marzo 14 Salidas semanales de Limon para Cristóbal Llevando café para todos los puertos Europeos y Americanos con trasbordo en Cristóbal a los magníficos vapores de la Colombian Line que prestan servicio semanal hacia Nueva York, con conexión rapidísima.
Llevando café 30iamente para Londres TILAPA Marzo 11 ALVARADO CIA. Sucs.
Agentes para Limón According to a London advice, ten thousand demonstrators mar ched to the Italian Emlassy on Wednesday last bearing a resolution condemning what was ter med Pri me Minister Chamberlain surren dering to Italian Threats.
The throng kas halted short of the Embassy by a wall of moun ted Police and only two of their number permitted to approach the entrance. They rang the doorbell but as there was no response, they slipped the resolution under the door and rejoined their comrades.
Meantime opposition speakers, throughout Britain are demanding a general election to test whether the electorate is behind the Prime Minister policy of bargaining with both Italy and Germany: policy which will, it is alleged, head Russia toward isolation from the councils of Europe. CARIBIA MARZO 14 HAPAG LLOYD Para otros informes dirijase a las oficinas de la UNITED FRUIT COMPANY en los bajos del Gran Hotel Costa Rica en San José TELEFONO 1 56 Agencia Costa Rica AVENIDA CENTRAL TELEFONO 2086 Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.

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