
Page TEE ATLANTIS VOICE SATURDAY, MARCH 5th. 1938 Matters Ethiopian Concubinage Illegitimacy Brising from the meeting at the burning of the main Tlathe First Anniversary of the lion Bank by the Ethioplars As the two above named tunate woman who finds her Voice of Ethiopia. we find a who had possessed themselves BOOTH evils are eclipsing the marria self with one child and no resolution was adopted by the of bombs which were effect BEST ge vows in this country, we father within sight or hearir, fluential Negroes and their vely used, and threw the entire BAKED PERLIN take pleasure in giving Missing to bear his share of the friends which runs: Be it city in a panic. The attack was BREAD Amy Bailey opinion on the responsability, and who, in resolved that: We Black peo made during the night, and BUNS condition of illigitimacy as it her effort to support herself ple here assembled, and repre when the fire started the huBISCUITS CAKES exists in the Island of Jamai and child, adds to her bursenting every part of the world gry populace began tooting the ca; and as we understand a den twice or threefold. Such where our people reside, have business establishments The project is to be introduced in women and there are many me; this 28th day of January Bank was also looted while in THE PEOPLE EAKERY our May Legislature for the of them are more to be piP Box 179 Limon 1938 to commemorate the first the grip of the fire, the buildenacting of a law to govern tied than condemned, for anniversary of our Orgas, the gras completely destroyed.
the situation, we think it op many of the fathers are in Voice of Ethiopia. and we Several portune to do so.
Cumps cmmunition a position to look after these By Miss Barley children and will not now proclaim that our people were also destroyed.
The illegitimacy question, Lack of education is a vithroughout the world shall nev The Italians dare not go out has been encircled by the forwith tal point. The majority of er recognize the Conquest of side the city except in large ces operating under Dyazmach like the poor, is ever masses leave school Ethiopia by her brutal enemy groups, and even then they are Mangasha Aboye and the popu us. Like a recurring decimal the a smattering of Fascist Italy. We believe that in dread of what may loppen lace are being starved into sub it has no ending, and this is with but o country or government as te Ethiopians are opera jection. There is constant figh because the roots of the trou knowledge. Indeed, what soble lie deeper than appear on me possess cannot with any which recognizes such a Con ting in the neighbourhood, and ting throughout the province.
quest. is an enemy to Justice, have aroused the entire inha Hailu has also succeeded in the surface. Until our entire degree of truth, be dignified social structure is changed by that name. Due to irreDemocracy and Civilization. bitants.
recapturing the territories locat (a consummation devoutly to gular attendance, and an ovand should not be permitted to Because of their belief that ed in Jamma and Warra. Not be wished for. there seem encrowded and ill got up govern: and in accordance with civilized people are not barbe an Italian can now be found to me to be no certain way curriculum, many leave our strong determination we rians, it was said at the begin in Tygre, where Gabra Hai of solving the question.
school unable to read and natives shall aid her financially and inning of the war that there was wot, along with the The churches have and al write properly, with the reevery other possible way, di no unity among the Ethiopiars, from Rayes and Azebo. are ways will set their faces stresult that a few years after rectly or indirectly, until she but since witnessing the operating and have caused the nuously against this social their school age is up they has completely exterminated controlled savagery of the Ita Italians to discontinue the use blot. From the pulpit as well have forgotten what little her vicious enemy.
lians and the cruelty inflicted of the roadways leading into as otherwise, have their utte they ever knew, and thus He it further resolved, that on their people, the natives are the region.
rances shown in no uncer we find that they are really Fascist Italy is the Black man now of a different opinion and tain terms, that they do not illiterate. Tehy have not greaterst enemy. We must fight are united to drive out the inGirl. How do you sell this condone this matter. But, for learnt to read and to love reher tooth and nail, we shall not vader.
tunatelo for all concerned, ading, and so books and all fail. We shall die for the liber In Gojjam, the Grandson of Grocer. often wonder my. they have come to regard it they offer are strangers to self, Miss.
from a much more human them. What chance have ty of our brothers and sisters Ras Hailu is leading the people.
XXX standpoint than they did thir their minds to develop and in Ethiopia. The war has just After he had slaughtered the Salesman. Well now. will ty or twenty years ago. They reach after beauty, their ambegun Italians stationed in the Provinlet you have this coat for one have exchanged rigid, almostbition to be aroused, and ce, he succeeded in preventing half the catalogue price.
inhuman condemnation, for their self. respect developed DJIBOUTI There has been others from crossing the Nile to Customer. That fine, what sympathy and helpful inte and maintained? What else a srcat disturbance in Addis. enter the Province and several was the price of the catalogue rest. And this is what is ex is there for them to do but Ababa which resulted in much expeditions sent against him pected from a Church whose have children as a reaction 1oofing and the shooting of have been annihilated.
Founder gave the lead in tho from the drudgery of their many Italians. The cause was The city of Dessie, in Walloo, PUBLICITY COMMITTEE se significant words Neiter work?
do condemn thee.
Not only is there the lack FOR BRITAIN Purity and other organisa of a proper education, both tions have done their best ac academic and vocational, but cording to their lights, to re there is the lack of education Official announcement has been medy conditions.
made in London of the appointin sex, which is so necessary ment of a Committee to consider strike deep down. may be The roots of this question in these days.
Valuations; Denouncements; Estimates; Land the question of British publicity out wrong but it seems to The tradition from slavery Levels; Hydrographic Measurements; side whe Empire me days cannot be ignored. The that the causes may be trac slaves followed the example The announcement was made by led to three reasons. 1) the that was set them by their Surveys; Projections for Tramways, the Prime Minister who said the economic condition of the peo masters. They saw that the government had been considering ple. 2) the lack of Roads. Water Works, Buildings; Heliopraphic. the problern in all its aspects for tion. 3) a tradition that has se masters were specially faeduca illegitimate offsprings of the Tracings; Mining.
sometime, and was convinced of the desirability of ensuring the of slavery. Let us come down from the days voured as were the mothers, PROPERTIES BOUGHT and SOLD fullest and most effective use made them and see how much examine and so in time they came to Any of the above undertaken on Contract of various efforts being conducted truth there is in these of regard this condition as a neor Commission.
to spread understanding of the Unit rea cessary and natural part of sons.
ed Kingdom and the British people the estate life. This has been RAFAEL ROIG abroad. So as to avoid overlapping, more than one side to it. The extent accounts for the comThe economic viewpoint has handed down and to a great Member of the Faculty of Engineers of Costa Rica it had been decided to set up a lre is this unwritten lay or placency and lack of selfP. Box 523 San Jose Telephones 2929, 3201 special Committee to co ordinate Jaxiom that two can live chea consciousness with the efforts of various other orgawhich nizations means, they enter into this agreemengaged in per than one! This publicity then, that a labourer or arti ent.
COFFEE TOXICITY REDUCED BY MILK work san, who finds himself earn am not thinking so much iing the wages he does, reali of the man and woman who To all of us black coffee egg yolk is much richer in ses that it is poor economics live together for a number of is strong coffee. Hence the vo fats than milk. If the genera to pay a housekeeper to years and have children. Ungue of the demi iasse. Butlly held assumption is correct wash his clothes, cook his desirable as that may be from wly does milk impede the the mixture of coffee food, and do generally the a social viewpoint, it has its and effect of the caffein? Rarely egg yolk should be work that falls to housekeep good spots. The constancy less is enough added to dilute an harmful than the mixture of ers, and so he combines the and devotion to each other ordinary cup of coffee mar milk and coffee. But the op post, and the inevitable chil which often marks these uniLIMON kedly.
posite proved to be true. The dren follow. The question of ons may well be food for The problem thus present fats heightened the toxic marriage is of secondary im thought for the psychologist ed was studied by Drs. Emil effect of coffee.
Fábrica de Hielo portance, as he realises that and others interested in the Starkenstein and Edith Win Comparisons also were ma it does not affect his social causes of things. No doubt ternitz. Their conclusions, de of coffee diluted with wa y Refrescos position nor his spiritual pea the absence of the sense of presented in the Schweizeris ter and coffee diluted ce of mind, and economica possesion which the marriawih che Medizinische Wochen milk. measured amount of lly, he has done a good busige vow gives, has much to do schrift leave no doubt that coffee, which proved fatal Co ness. Then there is the unfor (To Page 10 milk has a chemical action experimental animals when which has been suspected but mixed with water, proved.
not determined.
be either harmless when mix it has been assumed that ed wilk milk or only silghtly the effect of coffee was wea harmful.
LA FLORIDA kened not by the albumen but by the fats in milk (liDrs. Starkenstein and Win poids to the chemist. Ac ternitz decided that the albu Fábrica de Hielo the rejuvenating cordingly. Drs. Starkenstein bines with the ferments, prohormone preparation and Winternitz made two mix duced by coffee to lower the Venta de Leche FOR WOMEN tures of colfee, one with yolk resorbability, and hence the decording to Dr Rich Weiss of egg and the other with men of milk in some way com y Maderas Ask for our illustrated booklat.
mit, this for the reason that toxicity, of coffee.
FOR SALE IN ALL DRUG STORES Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.
Engineering Engagements COSTA RICA SODA WATER FACTORY FLORIDA ICE AND FARM If prematurely aged, use Fertilinets


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