
SATURDAY MARCH 26th. 1938 THE ATLANTIC VOICE Page W QC BAYER Why CAFIASPIRINA In Interest of Our Bauana Indusual Puntarenas versus It is expected that as soon as our Legislative Body Limon meets next May in Ordinary Sessions much will be realizod for the development of the Banana Industry on the Pacific side of the Republic. The supplementary proposals for exSt. Joseph Day, Saturday pansion of the concessions in so far as they concern that re last, was a record one for gion will then be discussed, and having regard to the many Puntarenas, to which Port modifications and facilities now embodied therein, it is ge the government Railway ran nerally believed they will be accepted and accorded the ne four excursion trains return BAYER cessory legal status.
ing to San Jose the following A Under these present proposals, the Fruit Company will day. 3, 500 persons are report of herself place four thousand hectareas under cultivation ed to have seized the opportu within a period of five years, one thousand to be fully estanity of the short outing while blished during the first twelve months. She will also consthe Railway department earn truct two wharves one at Punto Quepos and the other at ed something, we understand, Golfito and establish a hospital nthis locality. Provision like 18, 400 colones and if each has also been made for the construction by the Company of excursionist spent, on an aver railways leading from the regions of our frontier with Panoage, ten colones, the very tidy mo to the wharves, and connecting Puerto Cortes with the sum of 35. 000 colones would Gulf. system of tramways, for operation in connection have been distributed in the with the railways, will also be establised.
commercial life of that Port.
Al these roadways will be available for public service What a pity it is that our though under the Company direct control, as regulated by Atlantic Railway Company For many years CAFIASPIRINA has the necessary legislation. There is also the stipulation that do not institute such excurbeen recognized as an unfailing remedy the Company will facilitate the government with and advan sions at certain intervals, ce of one million colones on accunt of the Tax on the fruit even though they are not in colds, headache, influenza, and rheuwhich may be shipped from the Pacific Ports; and from willing to entrust the manaBAYER matic complaints. You should insist on which sum the government will establish a village for the gement of these to private CAFIASPIRINA, not only because of accommodation of the working people at a cost of not less concerns or individuals. If its sure effect, but also because it does than one million colones.
we could have such trains Up to the present we have not been able to ascertain occasionally they would chan not harm the heart, stomach or kidneys.
if the prices at which the fruit will be purchased are to be ge our monotonous existence The world famous Bayer Cross, which appears increased to place them on level with those prevailing on assure the Company some ad this side. This was one the principal points raised by the on every tablet, guarantees the excellence of ditional revenue, and assist, Executive when the matter first came up for discussion. the commercial life of our ciIt is obvious that as soon as the two suggested wharves have been constructed and placed in service, there will be much competition in shipping matters between our Atlantic Port and those on the Pacific, and we fear this division will be the loser, for the many thousands of stems of fruit which now pass through this port on their way to the world markets, will leave the country direct from the Pacific diCOMERCIANTE to black crepe on their caps until, Germany for distribuition vision; provided, of cource, the tollage for the transit of the por más de 20 años March 31st. the date on which remote localities so that Nazi Panama Canol, when needed, is sotisfactory. There is howe Establecido en la Provincia Lithuania agrees to exchange oratory could be heard in the ver, one thing which soothes our anxieties on this score, and Vende al detal, Vinos y LiDiplomatic Envoys with Por far corners of the land.
that is, the ownership of the system of railroads on this side.
cores extronjeros y del país, MISCELANEA land Whatever may be the inducements offered by those inte abarrotes en general, LONDON CAIRO. The InternationThe Cunardi rested on tre Pacific, the Fruit Company must see that she stablecimiento esquina secures sufficient business for the proper maintenance of White Star Line has withdrawn al Olympics Congress has anNorte del Mercado our Atlantic Railroads. Were it not for this necessity, the the 52. 000 ton liner Berenga nounced that the 1940 OlymEntre so commercial prosperity of our Province would, in all probabili ria from Transatlantic service pics would be held in Tokyo ty, become very embarrassing when having to face such a following three mysterious fires from September 9th. to Octostrong competition. However, Divine Care has provided that aboard her during the past five ber 26th. The proposal by the weeks. Ihe third fire hinese Delegate, Dr.
man always entangles himself in the manipulation of matediscovered in a tourist Wang, that the games be not rial affairs, unconsciously, for the future protection of all bin while the His children, therefore, we must survive.
ship held in any country at war was. From Page in her Southampton berth just rejected.
yilee. The Aguila Company. after arrival from New York.
largest of those expropriatea, VIENNA. The new Auschartered three planes to re tro. Germany Nazi administra Francisco Fonseca Ch.
move 35 Americans and 54 emtion has thrown its propaganda LAWYER NOTARY ployeers of other nationalities machine into high gear to turn PUBLIC has obtained its rapid and great popularity by havwith their families from the out a heavy vote in favour of ing cured an immense number of persons who sufIsthmus of Tehuantepec Zone. Austria union with Germany Office: fered from LIVER and STOMACH complaints. These KAUNAS, Lithuania, Lo in the April 10th plebiscite. Adjoining to the City now gratfully recommend it to all who suffer from cal Student Associations have branch of the propaganda Public Library such complaints as declared a 10 day period of Ministry has been set up in the ENGLISH SPOKEN mourning to protest the na. old Austrian Parliament build COSTIVENESS, FOUL BREATH, HEADACHES, LOSS OF APPETITE, SKIN ERUPTIONS, NAUSEA, tioa capitulation to Poland. Jing to carry out the job. One FORMER JUDGE OF THE The members of the Associa. of the initial steps was to order LIMON DISTRICT COURT BILLIOUSNESS OR INDIGESTION ions have decided to wear 20. 000 radio receiving sets form ty FIASPIRINA Edgar Young Wireless News was cawas THE DR. MAX PERALTA MIXTURE Movimiento Marítimo Tienda MIL COLORES ΕΙ vapor inglés Patia. nova, vía Nueva York: 57 saque zarpó el 19 a las 10. 10 pa cos café oro; 10 sacos azúcar.
ra Garston, Inglaterra, vía El vapor Tivives que zarKingston, llevó la carga si pó el 18 a las 11 horas para guiente: para Garston, Ingla Boston vía Cristóbal, llevó la (CUTTER RODEN)
terra, 627 racimos de bana carga siguiente: Our prospective Patrons, Friends, and the Public in general are hereby nos.
Para Londres, vía Nueva informed that. El vapor Sixaola que ork: 151 sacos de café en perTHE LIMON BRANCH OF THE TIENDA MIL COLORES zarpó el 22 a las a. para gamino; para Stockholm, vía Nueva Orleans, llevó la car Nueva York: 95 sacos café opened its doors on the 19th. instant to ALL who pride in being ga siguiente: 408 piezas ma oro; para Cothenburg, vía WELL DRESSED.
dera de balsa; 31432 racimos Nueva York: 70 sacos café Our Prices and Service are the lowest. We carry a full assortment of English de bananos.
oro; para Malmo, via Nueva Tweeds, Serges, Flannels, Linen, Drills, etc. Everything for the well El vapor Talamanca. que York: 35 sacos café oro; para dressed man.
zarpó el 21 a las 30 pa Londres, via Cristóbal: 240 ra Nueva York via Habana, sacos café en pergamino; 95 Our Line of Haberdashery is unequalled Price and Quality llevó la carga siguiente: sacos de café oro; para HamThe last word in Hats, Shirts Socks, Ties, Belts, to match your particular Para Nueva York: 40. 544 burgo, via Nueva York: 200 Suit. Big Assortment of Tailoring Articles.
racimos de bananos; 186 sacos sacos cacao en grano; para café oro; piezas plantas de San Francisco, California: 300 SPECIAL PURCHASING FACILITIES hule; bultos. Varios; para sacos cacao en grano; para Londres, via Nueva York: 32. Cristóbal, Canal one: 176 bulThe Services of Mr. Roden, the Well known Ladies and Gents Tailor sacos café oro; 141 sacos cafe tos frutas y legumbres; car and Cutter, have been secured en pergamino; para Amster tones chocolates; paquete ENRIQUE YANKELEWITZ Propietor.
dam, option via Nueva York: tornilos para rieles de tran105 sacos café oro; para Ge Ivia.
Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.


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