
THE ATLANTIC VOICE SATURDAY MARCH 26th. 1938 gina 10 911 CAFE EMBARCADO EN LIMON LIMON Pedestrians Pelted along Railway Lines Cosecha 1937 1938 AGENCIAS FEBRERO 1938 FECHA CIA LIND RESC0 FJACO VAPOR Total 10 1000 200 150 231 10: 150 12 100 2879 2002 743 151 479 100 SA BIS COL MBI CHIRIQUI SAN JOSE MALIN COLOMBIE CORDILLERA TALAMANCA LIMUN VENEZUELA QLIRIGU SAN BESTO SMALA ANTIGUA 121 The tables are now turned. Dios, they were pelted with Formerly. passengers on Pie the green fruit by some Vinic Trains were accustomed, cious boys who were seen in while passing certain sections the cars.
along the lines to be stoned The Company has been very by criminally minded youths. liberal with respet to labour It is coming the other way ers getting in and out of Liabout now, as news has reach mon on these trains, but ed us that boys, riding on tie should this sort of Banana trains, are fostering pastime by indulged in, Mr.
the habit. after stealing their John. on attention will nalupassages of breaking the fing rally be called to it. Mrs. Foote ers off the Company fruit, was confined to bed for sev ral (which by the way gives such days as a result of the blows stems a ragged appearance she received in her head. The when required for shipment. se lawless habits give rise to and of using them for pelting orders which tend to urta pedestrians along the lines. the many privileges permitted We have been particularly by the Officials of the Company informed that at about pm and for which all sorts of unon Friday the 11th. instant, kind statements are made awhile a Banana train drawa by gainst them, whereas it i: the engine Ne 58 was passing Mrs. lawlessness indulged in by this Doris Foote and Mrs. Gre and other vicious minded par.
gory, traveling by foot bet sons which cause such restricween Rio Hondo and Madre de tions.
11 17 19 21 21 03 4n 2106 299 793 496 914 4, 979 426 189 183 419 271 9914 119 300 TOTAL 752 1875 2249 63 TOTAL 96, 308 COMPAÑIAS de VAPORES SELLING OUT FECHA UFCO. F.
SAN BENITO SAMALA ANTIGUA 151 2, 479 3, 048 793 496 9, 114 4, 979.
4979 426 999 91 61 09 6, 199 19 ai JACK ORANE STORE TOTAL 8662 8230 798 8008 TOTAL 6, 509 Mr. Horde exhorts his People LIMON BUY EARLY. Es wir. Editor any world importance; that we can be exploited and butchered without tear of complica: ON THE Emperor Selassie Rejects SICK LISI Anglo. Italian Plan To to we May once more instrude on tions arising thereafter. We your generosity for space for are uniting to save ourselves the following from the destruction with Alie Races have practised which we are threatened.
It is reported from London destroy all traces of Ethiopian It is with much regret we that Haile Selassie has reject civilization. They make away oll manner of iniquity on the save one self however, is not mention that our friend Mr. ed any arrangement to rein with all works of art and staBacks. They have systemaica enough, we must live a full William McGregor of Siquinem; placing thein human life, taking advantage rres has for some weeks been narch of his country so long manuscripts they come across.
state him as 11 divided a limited no tues; they destroy old historic opping camps to continual of all possibilities intellec suffering from a serious at ns it remains under Italian They are also said to be turn1 fight each other. will tual and spiritual.
tack of malaria. We underdomination. He brands as ab ing their attention to the desluas been produced and encoustand he is at present stay surd the reports that such an poiling of the churches.
nged between those of diffeThe Limon Branch of the ing at the Hotel Metropoli. arrangement would be work Church in Harrar was rent shades of colour. The Ethiopian World Federation is San Jose, and is under the ed out during the Italo Brit reported to have been violat Have also been divided acrolli, along; it grows as it care of Dr. Roberto Quesada, ish Peace negotiations. Under ed on the excuse that the tercording to locality those rolls. Italy cannot butcher our whose professional skill and no circumstance, he declared, ritory on which it stood was comiciled in one country being people and get away with it. attention have so consider will he consider any arrange required for the building of made antegonistically dispo ed We have something to ably helped him that she is ment incompatible with Ethio residences for Italians. The 15 those of another.
about it. Those of our people now much improved. We wish pia right to existence as an bodies of him a speedy and complete independent nation.
many persons of We, the membres of the Ra long the Lines who wish high rank were taken from ce are however entering on a become members of the Fede recovery.
The report that Graziani their graves in the adjoining new manner of thought; ration can communicate with had, on arriving recently in cemetery and burnt. The staare closing ranks. Why.
Mr. Hanson, Secretary, Rome presented Mussolinitues and other memorials ebcut the injustice done Box 524, Limon.
with Haile Selassie Crown, rected to their memory were to Mr. Uriah Powell of this ci is denied by those closely as also destroyed.
Ethiopla by Italy and the rest Edwin Horde o Europe, shows clearly ty is also, unfortunately, on sociated with Abyssinian mat! Desertions from the Erithe sick list and has had to ters in New York.
trean army are said to be on regarded as not having seek special medical aid in From Djibouti it is announc the increase, the majority the Capital; we wish him, too, ed that the Italians are now joining the Ethiopians with an early return of his usual doing all the possibly can to their arms and ammunition FERNANDO DEL BARCO good health.
LUIS BONILLA ABOGADOS NOTARIOS It is exceedingly gratifying (Lawyers and Notaries)
to know that the youngster who fell in the tank of the OFICINAS: Electric Light Company as Verta de paquetes 00 y 00 en San José Limón San José related in our last issue, is not dead. He was somewhat Frente Almacén Peña Sucs. Frente Botica Francesa miraculously saved by the Apartado 446 Apartado 626. Tel. 4420 splendid attentions of the Medicos of the Fruit CompaSan José. Teléfono 2198 ny local Hospital.
Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.
we Semilla BRACATINGA para sombra, tapavientos y madera Centro Comercial


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