
ALLAN SIME Wedding Bells Dr. MEDAL Jr. IMOX, COSTA RICA Importactón Imports and exports Exportacion Depósito de Madera Lumber Deposit Compra de Cacao en grano Cocoa Purchased On Wednesday, the 30th.
March, a most pleasing ceremony was witnessed at the Baptist Church in Matina when Miss Joyce Murray, daughter of our well known townsman, and Mr. Jonathan Bryan of La Junta, were inert in Hol Wedlock by the Rev. Forde.
Cirujano Dentista Americano American Surgeon Dentist De la Universidad de Loyola. From Loyola Un vers ty.
Now Orleans, EE. UU.
New Orleans, Ofrece sus servicios pro offers his Professional fesionales en su moderna Services in his New Up.
Clinica Dental instalada to Date Dental Clinie: contigo a la oficina Loca ed next to the del Cable. All America Cables formed the duties or chier Por las oficinas.
Outraged and. Abarrotes einigeneral que se apliquen.
Bride Maid, while Mr.
Morgan undertook those of (VIENE de la Pág. UVO)mero de los compadres a preBestman. The other Maids of sidio indeterminado, al segun petuado en Rogelio Meléndez do a cinco años y al último honour, and Train bearers (FROM PAGE 7)
above the law. Officials of any consisted of the Misses. Blanco, del que se sindicaron a dos anos y un pico de preof the previous Regimes could Ferand, Louise Anglin, Eloise como autores a los Tres Com sidio en San Lucas.
padres Patrocinio Moreno, guilty of the offence of specu have, had they been arked, giv Anglin, Concibell Anglin, Fe Eduardo Altimany Esteban lating in the Game of Chan en information regarding SAM licia Anglin and Ethlyn SinEscartin, del que dió amplia Doce años para el negro maces. sincerely, by the way. NATION and of the unnecessi clair. The Flower Girls were información la prensa y quel tador de su mujer hank the Colonel and his asso ty of suspecting him of crimi the little Misses Milicent ration and gentility extended nology. Those, therefore, who Wright. Marcella Mitchell, las características con que se causo gran inaignación por doce años y un dia fué me during their rigorous search advised or recommended this Lena McKenzie, Azel McKen for Tickets and other parapher procedure must be they who zie, Mabel Langlin, Norma tima flotando en la poza Sison, quien de varios machetadesarrolló, descub, rta la vic sentenciado Altredo ThompMialia appertaining to the ille are, by nature, opposed to a vir Clarke and Maizie Stewart, sipuedes del rio Telire, seis zos dió muerte a su concubigal game.
tuous manner of living and They all made días después de haber siaol na Ilitia Wently por los alrewould consequently like to see tractive appearance and carA Display of Malice could consequently like to see ried out their respective du matoneada, con dos rieles yid lores de esta ciudad, el dia una escopeta amarrada a all residents of unimpeachable ties in an exceedingly pleas cintura Esa repugnante cau saco, dejándola luego de ha13 Veintiuno de enero recién paIn consequence of an article characters inmates of the Col ing nammer, opearing in the columns of lege of Correction. But insAt the close of the religious sa acaba de ser fallada en pri. berla herido de muerte, con The Atlantic Voice a fort tead of pointing out the homes ceremony, the party adjourn imera instancia condenando ell el machete clavado en un cos night ago and another in last lof persons who live above reed to the Hall of the Juez Penal de Limón, al pri taco.
week i cue, in which it was proach, why not direct atten. where all enjoyed themsel SB900003 co. 90046059 0009000320. 00 suggested that the searching tion to the Clubs of gambling ves by partaking of the many IMPORTANT NOTICE of the homes of private citizens fame? It is well known that nicities prepared for them should be carried out in a man these could be aristocratic Clubs and indulging in dancing to The Public is hereby advised that ner more in keeping with legal are rampant the melodious strains of the with gambling Mr. PETGRAVE practises, instead of, as is now Why should Tip Toe Band the eyes of our being done, has removed his office and Tailoring establishment to the ni. Correspondent by four or five Authorities be closed to these place formerly occupied by the Alcaldia of Siquirres where Guards ramsacking the premi places while innocent homes he will, as usual, continue to give satisfaction in his Juses at one and the same time, are raided?
LUIS WA CHONG dicial and Commission Agency as well as in his Tailoring thus giving rise to the possibibusiness.
lity of an old ticket being seI would like to ask Coro GUACMO y GUAPILES YOUR PATRONAGE IS. SOLICITED creted by one of these while nel Pantoya who could have ad Remember Upstairs the Peña Store at the the occupant of the place may vised him to desecrate my back of the Market.
be engaged with the Chief of home, whereas gentlemen who the party and then declared to have preceded him in the OfCantina, Licores Ex0009 0910 20S2 00306DLC have been found. hence the rices of Governors of the Protranjeros y del país.
display of Malice.
Tienda bien surtida.
vince as also Comandantes of also advised the government Police and Fiscal Guards, such that rather than making crimi as don Antonio Castro, don Ri(Viene de la Pág. UNO) estas ficiencias y enviarle nals of otherwise honest peo cardo Mora, don Juan Roma Precios sin competencia copia del reglamento, para ple, it might be better to legagosa, Colonel Miguel lize this Game, Robles puertas en mal estado y ror que lo haga cumplir en todas in the Colonel Abel Robles, Colonel consecuencia, el edificio lle sus partes. Que aplique sin manner as the National Lottery Rogelio Gutierrez, Colonel Ful NAZIS TO HONOUR SLAYER has been done, and so obtain gencio Campos, Colonel Juan OF DOLLFUSS no de moscas y por último, contemplación las disposiciolas carnes sin protección, pornes reglamentarias para estos much additional revenue for Arias, don Aurelio Castro, to VIENNA. Otto Planetta, naber roto todos los cedasos establecimientos según las leour Charitable Institutions. Any legalize because, in nearly say nothing present who was hanged in July, 1934, de los tramos; Que se hi yes; y las penas en casos de all highly civilized countries, young and much respected Gov for the murder of Chancellor zo y aprobó pot el Ejecutivo, infracción a estas Leyes. DeLotteries and games of chance ernor, don Ricardo Alvarado, Ongelbert Dollfuss, is to be un reglamento interior del es creto 10 Reglamento de Car who was born here and grew honored by the regime.
tablecimiento, que no se cum nicerias publicado en el Foare contrary to law and order, up with us. None of these gen His case will be brought before ple. Por todo lo anteriormen leto de la Secretaria de Satherefore, as our National Lot tlemen would ever have enterter yter ds to imbibe the spirit tained the thought of rummag, court and at the conclusion te expuesto, Acordo. Que lubridad Pública y Protección of gambling in sin pérdida de tiempo, el Jefe Social, Página 48. of the trial the body will be ex. de Sanidad y Agente Princithe minds of ing my home for evidence of hurned and buried in a grave pal de Policía de Salubridad, Muy atentamente, our people, and is the example illicit speculations for they from which this prohibited of honor.
know character is above proceda a dar las órdenes ne Francisco Castillo Game has emanated to domin suspicion. Mr. Pantoya has neHeinrich Himmler, chief of cesarias para corregir todas Secretario Municipal.
ate the gambling temperament all German police, accompanver seen me engaged in pugilisof our citizenship, it may also tic combats in our theatres as ied by Austrian Elite Guard be legalized. Hence, apparentleades, laid wreaths in Elite a consequence of the bettings ly. my outrage.
Guard colors yesterday carried on in such places and of other Austrian must confess bitterly re If were not the cause of much contention. graves tempted by the Nazis who were hanged for sent this imposition by the Ins follies of youth to make mythe 1934 revolt. These Nazis BELOW COST PRICE: pection of Hacienda, because self objectionable to the mora were described in the press as the entire community of Limon lity of our community, it judicially murdered by the knows am never an encour reasonable to imagine my in regime. ager of gambling in any form, dulging in such acts as would The National Socialist Telethat have never been seen in discredit my moral propensities raf devoted half of the front any place where it has been and good name time ge to portraits fourteen PETER PAN PRINTS, conducted; that, in fact, live when am rising seventy years executed men with the caption of experiences. And after all they have been ZEPHYRS, victorious.
It might be well for our imBATISTES, partial, broadminded President. COTTON PIQUES.
Lic. don Leon Cortes Castro, COMERCIANTE to investigate the inadvisability por más de 20 años of the procedure being adopted Wee. Le Establecido en la Provincia Vende al detal. Vinos y Liby his inexperienced young of DSTRADA cores ex trunjeros y del país.
ficers among us, who by comMISCELANEA mitting outrages on respectable Precios Economic Blarrotes en general.
and lawabiding citizens may Artículos del Pais LIMON Establecimiento esquina cause unpleasant incidents to Norte del Mercado the country of our adoption. Abarrotes y Licores BUY EARLY. LA IBERIA NATION same of our new ענת on SELLING OUT is 2, 500 YARDS at this Edgar Young SALOMON CHIN ai JACK ORANE STORE Entre Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.

    León CortésPresidentes de Costa RicaSocialism

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