
SATURDAY, APRIL 9th. 1938. Page 11 238 THE ATLANTIC VOICE Abolish Games of Chance The Naval Rearmamen Race Нор HOP LEE LUNG ional UE are conducted, one cannot fail and correct knowledge of their clause limiting such ships to France Proposes New Detensive Paci Chelt OX The intention of don Leon personal interests because when overnment is to extinguish all their terms of official service ompetition with the National are at an end, a large porcentage MATINA ottery is only natural of our high offiicals depend on y 24 MILLAS This nd we laud his efforts by foreign Financira and Industrial seans of the rigid campaigns Concerns for positions of trust to The international race in is Comandantes and Chiefs of which attractive emoluments are the construction of larger and Los más surtidos Establecimientos de istcal Guards have been wag attached. It is, however, also more powerful dreadnaughts LICORES, TIENDA ABARROTES ng during recent months. Ilav well known that the present Re is reported to have begun ofng regard, however, to the gime is by no means partial to ficially on the 1st of the preHáganos una visita.
nanner in which the raids in any one, therefore so soon as sent month, when the United Tickets our Chief Executive has a full these are of proceedings it is expected a fair a one sided nature. Certain ho and just enforcement of the law to have been delivered to the mes have been ramsacked, the will be accorded all without dis British and French Embasoccupants of which are known tinctions.
sies as also the Canadian LePath to be entirely above the sus. The Game of Cuban Poker gation advising them of Amer segun picion of intervening in illegal may not, of course, come under ica intentions.
England having declined to aggression against Checoslocompromise herself in con vakia materialize.
ultiuso games, people who are sensible the law of 1922, but as the city le pre enough to know that in these is to be cleared of games which ar nature is also stated An announcement of a siminection with the Checoslova As is already known, Franto kia Nazi menace, France has. ce now has an agreement of vicious speculations, the only lesen the purchasing power of have been dispatched to Wash it is noled, started a move a similar nature with each of ones who benefit are the Bank the community and hamper the ington by Britain on the same ment to apparently off set these Powers, but in view of Toms ers who have 99 per cent of sales of the tickets of our na date. France has however de whatever disadvantages this the recent happenings, she the possibility to win. Yet, knowtionai lottery, we would beg to cided to delay the construc decision might cause her. She desires to have them substitut ing of the right to search, if the call the attention of our zealoustion of such battleships until has invited the governments ed by the suggested joint one.
la fué duty were perfomed with a sem omandantes and Chiefs of Fiscal other European Powers do so. of Russia, Poland, Rumania In Parisian official circles it homo blance of equality no one could Guards to the several rendezvous and Yugoslavia to join her in is believed that Poland may take offence, but as a matter of where thousands of colones a defensive alliance to take offer the greatest difficulty cubi. fact, not a home of a native fa change hands weekly among the alremily has been searched since the players of this game, for alth Francisco Fonseca Ch. effect should the threatened in view of her recent pro Ger man tendencies.
di commencing of seathing ough these haunts are no hall LAWYER NOTARY papropriety, although it is known a mile from the Comandancia PUBLIC ha there are many who deal in and within hall. a dozen blocks Chances. Nor has there been of our Courts of Justice, they Office: FERNANDO DEL BARCO noticed a display of sufficient do not seem to be known to Adjoining to the City LUIS BONILLA courage to carry out a single those who are doing the clearPublic Library search among the extranjeros ing. No citizen, however angelABOGADOS NOTARIOS ENGLISH SPOKEN element, many of whom are also like his conduct and mode of (Lawyers and Notaries)
known to deal in Chances, fo living, could take offence when FORMER JUDGE OF THE reign lotteries and foreign his haven is seached as a part LIMON DISTRICT COURT OFICINAS: Sweeps. Wby all this one sided of a general and impartial cam nese? We would suggest to those paign, but until then innocent Limon San Jose in charge of the enforcement of men cannot be blamed for be.
Frente Almacén Peña Sucs. Frente Botica Francesa law of 1922, that they institute ing resentful when their homes Apartado 446 Aportado 626. Tel. 4420 a house to house, man to man, Jare, for no legal reasons, made woman to woman, search then the object of ridicule in their no one could feel hurt. Of cours vicinities.
se, this may be inconsistent with hereby beg to express my sincerest gratitude to my very numerous admirers and friends among all classes in the community, for their expressions of sympathy for, and dissatisfac. Secretary Hull has express 1, 100, 000, 000 Naval ExpanCon el orgullo del que hace el bien tion with, the recent unjustified his opposition to a stay at tion Bill, that the establishable outrage commited on home policy for the United rent of a Naval tle Fsontier he con beyond which the warships by the malicus Search of States Navy which Ayude al Hospital, donde hay suficiento y dolor my home last Sunday for evi tends should be left free to of the United States should que ahviar. a donde todos poderos llegar. Protegiendo dence of illici. trading in pro.
defend the rights of Amer not operate, would give rise a los que padecen, nos protegemos a Rusotros mismos. hibited lotteries, throught the ican citizens in any part of to an imaginary Chinese Wall the world. He warnea promptings of a would be anethe and expose to attacks those Compre sólo LOTERIA NACIONAL Committee of the my whose evil intentions have Senate American citizens who may which is giving consideration be somewhere on the other done me more good than barm to by the realization of a spirit the Administration side.
of appreciative goodwill to ward me. also take this opportunity REQUEST On of sending but thoughts of non resentment, goodwill, toleration Mr. Moore and Mr. George Sawyers of Guacimo Three thousand Church of some 2, 000 others are in sym and sympathy to him or they and Dondonia, respectively, ore osked to be good of England Clergymen will, it pathy with our aims and join who plotted the attack for my enough to repl yto the communications sent them from is noted, be charged before the us every year, with their parish humiliation. regard it as bui this office Box 137 Limon.
Assembly of the Church, with ioners, in a novena (period of one of our disciplinary expeoffering prayers to obtain res prayer) for the return of the riences for union with the Catholic Church Anglican Church to the Papa. God being my help in every The charge is to be based on cy. neel, the following docuinent alleged One of the Clergymen pro He walks with me and quities to be in the possession of one minently associated with the my ways of the Lay Representaives in Reunion movement, while de Through each moment of my the Assembly nying it had been caused by days We are exactly 016 Cler the recently published scheme NATION symen who have in these last for reunion of the Free Chureh eight years subscribed to the jes, said its membership was faith of the Council of Trent growing 90 rapidly that the Bi CONGRESO DE CRUCES ROand pledged ourselves to preach shops cannot longer regard it JAS DE CENTRO AMERICA it in our parishes. Moreover, as a negligible Body DEL CARIBE Blessing In Disguise NO CHINESE WALL FOR AMERICAN NAVY Compre Lotería Nacional me os CHARGED WITH REUNION MOVEMENT Dr. Jiménez Guier San José. IPS. Aunque todavía no es oficial, se asegura que en el próximo año se celebrará en esta ciudad un CIRUJANO DENTISTA DOCTOR OF DENTAL Congreso de Cruces Rojas de Centro América y otros países SURGERY del Caribe. En dicho Congreso (Medical College of Virginia (Medical College of Virginia Centro americano de Cruand Atlanta Southern College aud Atlanta Southern College UU. los ces Rojas, se presentarán Ofree sus servicios on fecha Offers his services to the pu.
problemas comunes a dichas orDOUGLAS MONTGOMERY, JACQUELINE WELLS y OTTO próxima al estimablo público blic or Port Limon in near ganizaciones, y se buscará un de Limón.
KRUGER, presentan un triángulo interesantisimo, en los fatore.
medio eficaz para su propio a.
principales roles en el intenso drama Columbia cercamiento y solución benéfi LA NOBLE EXPIACION o ca Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.


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