
IHOUGHT FOR THE WEEK THE ATLANTIC VOICE 23 Devoted to the interests of the people of the Atlantic Zone Editor Engleh Section: SC. NATION In happy homes, parents are not valued only for their gifts, guidance ond protection, but above all for their presence. Some children are so acutely conscious that home without parents would be desolote that they feel their lives would end if their parents were taken from them.
What a divinely purposed intensity of Love and Understanding revealing a deeper and more interior Truth. The ever present guidance of God Love by His presence about us If God Presence were withdrawn from us, could we continue to exist?
Be ye thankful unto Him and bless His name.
Year IV Limón, Costa Rica, Saturday April 23rd. 1938 191 117 The Season of Easter Wireless News 0an Jios to By the ordinary evolution of time he becomes a pest to society, and There are, however, many who we have once again experienced the godliness is to him a mere jest. are sceptical as to the birth of Season which recalls the Truth that In his protrayal of the believer Christ. His coming as God and the Wages of Sin is Death and in Jesus the Christ and Him cruci man. His death and resurrection forcibly brings before us the realited, the Psalmist sees a happy. They question the existence of evi TOKYO. The Seventh Day and injuring several other per zation of the fact that in order to blessed being. He says. happy or dence which the true believer pos Adventist Mission in South Chi sons. Official reports said the obviate the eternity of the unhap blessed is the man who walketh not sesses.
na has been paid the sum of bombs were found in suspicious py, sad consequences which the enor in the counsel of the ungodly. His They regard as most absurd the 2, 365 dollars by the Japanese packages on the train which was mity of our transgressions would lot is compared to the beauty of a claim that whatsoever the true Chris zovernment for damagos caused loaded with employees of the have occasioned in opposition to tree, planted by the rivers of wa tian doeth it shall prosper. It is a hospital at Waichow during a Iraq Petroleum Co terminal His plans for the everlasting hap ter, that bringeth forth its fruit in nevertheless true that each Trustbombing raid some months ago. Plant here. Arab and Jewish wor piness of His creatures, our Crea due season. He is continually re ing Child of God finds a satisfying kers on the train got involved tor, in the intensity of His Love, freshed by the strean which flows aswer in his own heart and that LUCKNOW, India. Three in a fight when they accused decided to permit the sacrifice of from the throne of God, and his the trusting disciple enjoys the won persons were killed and around each other of having planted His Son as the propitiation there blessedness or happiness is endu derous advantage of a God directdes one hundred injured when poli the bombs.
for. Hence the ignominious Death fring because. his leaf, also, shall ed life, and a divinely mapped out 1200 ce fired into a crowd in on Calvary and the triumphant re not wither. Hence, instead of de future. He holds the key with jor attempt to halt rioting between DETROIT. More than half a surrection which all Chritian peo terioration and decline, there is which to interpret his daily expeHindus and Moslems.
million persons signed a two ples have been celebrating at this growth and blessing, and his liferiences and to measure their sigMile long Scroll which was pretime.
is attended by increasing benedic nificance to him, for he has learnt ha PALESTINE Bombs explod sented to Mr. and Mrs. Henry As an allegory, nothing can be Ltion for whatsoever he doeth it to realize, by such experiences that rio ed in the hands of Police Inves. Ford on the 12th. instant, the more appropriate than a thought shall prosper. For such a man the All things work together for good la tigators aboard a petroleum wor occasion of the fiftieth Anniver ful consideration of the mediations re is. Delight and happy media to those who love God.
er kers train killing three Officers sary of their marriage. The of the Psalmist David which comestion, day and night, in God Law. TO PAGE de Scroll is a giant Petition, wound to us in the first of his Psalms, THE CONSECRATION OF on a Reel, and was circulated by as a sort of prelude to his subsethe Pioneer Club of Dearborn, quent writings. In this, he portrays RELEASING OF FLOOD WATERS LESSEN MOSQUITO OUR NEW. VICAR Michigan. It praises Ford and the critical existence of the unbecondemns what is termed Un liever, who, he says, cultivates evil MENACE APOSTOLIC ou the warranted and by walking into unrestrained associaties As we have previously mentionattacks on the Motor Magnate counsels of the ungodly. thus he keeps bad company and stands in ed, the consecration of our new Vi WASHINGTON stronger the way of sinners. Sin becomes car Apostolie, Monseñor Odendahl, We are glad to note that as a quitos. With the re opening.
of. his be will taks place on Monday the 25th policy for the Pacific appears an attitudes are fixed on evil thoughts, consequence of the visit of the however, of the Culvert, which to instant in the Cathedral, San Jose, inevitable result of an agree lizcause he sits in seats of the Medicos connected with the Ro crosses the roadway to WestfaThe solemn ceremony will be ment between President Rooseckefeller Institute, whose cons lia, and the construction of a scornful. He is sceptical and uncarried out by His Excellency the velt and President Quezon tant aim is to lessen tropical proper concave concrete drain Nuncio Apostolic with the assis postpone the Philippine Economindful of the Birth, Death and Rediseases by the elimination of running out to the surfs, but surrection of the Saviour of the de tance of the Archbishops of Costa mic Independence until 1960 World. His habit of thinking and the malarial plague, our Gover. well supported by deeply set pil Rica and Panama an dother Bishops The Agreement has not interfer mode of living have led him into nor has initiated the work of lows so that the turbulent bilfrom the neighbouring Dioceses. As ed with the date, the 4th July moroseness, he loses sight of all releasing the waters held up by lows cannot very readily smash the consecration of His Lordship 1945, for the Political Indepen: elevating noble, spiritual land the unwise blocking, some years it to pieces, the drainage from the Bishop of Alajuela will also dence of the Islands, although it marks. He thinks of all other men ago, of the Black Hole Culvert. the swamps will be kept contitake place the same time, the im is believed by informed obseras being devoid of good principles; As there is no outlet for the nually running and the mosquipressive function will be given vers that it might eventually be waters thrown into the Creek by to plague very much minimized character most unique in the coun affected.
the flooding of. the Kingston as a consequence.
try religious history, Farm Canals, when this rivulet It is hoped that don Ricardo Monseñor Odendahl expects to be MEXICO CITY Archbishop in turn overflows, it throws its will see that the outlet of the with us on the 30th, instant, when Garibi y Rivera of Guadalajara THE MILK DANGER force into the potreros around drain is well supported, as if not he will be accorded a most enthu has called on Mexican Catholics the Cieneguita and causes nu it wont be long before the sea siastie welcome Wy the general bo to raise a fund to help pay the merous cesspools for the har make sa wreck of the entire dy of our Citizens, preparations for 17 American and British Oil LONDON. In the nidst bouring of myriads of the Mos construction.
which are now well under way.
To Page of the government sponsored campaign to increase the consumptiun of milk, the British Medical Association, representing 37, 000 physicians, has issued a public warning that unpasteurized milk commonly sold is unsafe.
SERVICIO DE VAPORES The warning appeared Solidos semanales de Limón pora Nueva York the form of a full page advertisement in the Time and Ticon escala en Habano solamente. de, one of the independent weeklies.
Llevando cafe para todos los puertos Europeos y Americanos All other London newspapers declined to accept the VAPORES PROXIMAS SALIDAS DE PORT LIMON: SALIDAS advertisement until further consideration had been given JAMAICA ABRIL 25 to the matter.
Para EUROPA via CRISTOBAL: Headed Is All Milk Safe VERAGUA MAYO to Drink? the advertisement flatly states that more than CHIRIQUI MAYO 2, 000 deaths occur annually in Britain as a result of bovine tuberculosis carried by impure milk. The advertisement is ALVARADO y Cía. SUCS.
the first of a series intended to waken the public to the Agentes para Limón y Puntarenas.
need for compulsory pasteurization, Para otros informes dirijose a las oficinas de la YO AGENCIA COSTA RICA In view of the exceedingly UNITED FRUIT COMPANY large amount of unpasteurizen los bajos del Gran Hotel Costa Rica ed milk consumed in this AVENIDA CENTRAL TELEFONO 2086 country, we would call special TELEFONO 3156 Attention to the above warning ir a UNITED FRUIT COMPANY HAMBURG. AMERIKA LINIE as in mn. PHRYGIA. Abril 27 HAPAG LLOYD Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.


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