
Página IHF. ATLANTIC VOICE SATURDAY APRIL 23rd. 1938VACUNAS contra el carbón Irtid Ibar Laboratorio CARLOS VIQUEZ THE REV. MR. PITT IMPORTANT NOTICE SENORES GANADEROS MUCH IMPROVED The Public is hereby advised that Mr. PETGRAVE The many friends, admirers has removed his office and Tailoring establishment to the and well wishers of our Paplace formerly occupied by the Alcaldia of Siquirres where triarch, the Revd Pitt, MAMITIS, ABORTO, etc.
he will, as usual, continue to give satisfaction in his Juwill be sorry to know that he dicial and Corsmission Agency as well as in his Tailoring is still confined in consequence Sueros contra MORDEDURAS SERPIENTES business.
of the collapse he experienced YOUR PATRONAGE IS SOLICITED on one of our city sidewalks a Acaba de recibir a precios bajísimos, el len Renten ber Upstairs the Peña Store at the few weeks ago back of the Market.
Although he has shewn so6000.
me improvement, the Doctors have advised our much regar LONDON POLICE FORCE LOSING MEN ded citizen to take the greatest LONDON Great difiche provinces Other London possible amount of rest, parti MR. ROPER SCEPTICAL OF ABYSSINIA culty has developed recently bobbies bave resigned and cularly, in view of the fact that in filling vacancies in the found other work.
his heart is not now as young Dear Mr. Editor:Convention was called in New London police force. The Me One of the most important as it once was.
will you please grant me suf York by the Associatropolitan Police Force is over reasons for these difficulties The Atlantic Voice prays ficient space to make a few re tion, invitations were sent va1, 800 short of its authorized is the low pay of the London may soon be restored to his marks on a letter appearing in rious governments; they all res strength of 20, 000 and enlist police force. patrolman accustomed good health and jo your issue of 26th March in ponded favourably and with ex ments continue to decline. starts out at about 3, a week, vial spirits.
which the writer, Mr. Edwin pressions of good will, except Already the required height which is increased to only Horde, enters a strong plea for byssinia, whose Emperor, a des has been reduced from feet 412 after twelve year servimembers for the Ethiopian cendant from King Solomon inches to feet The, Po ce. If he is promoted to sergBOOTH World Federation, an Organiza manifested his contempt for the lice Commissioner, said that eant he draws 3, but the BEST tion founded by Dr. Malaku offsprnigs of slaves by return under modern conditions maximum sergeant pay, reBAKED Bayen, Nephew and Represen ing the invitation unopened.
there are many police duties ached after five years serviBERLIN tative, in New York, of the exi The Blacks were also destined for the efficient performance ce, is only 12s 6d.
BREAD led Emperor of Abyssinia. to receive er rebuff from of which physique and inte The provincial cities pay BUNS fully endorse the writer this great Fx. or. When he lligence are of more importan slightly more, and in addiBISCUITS CAKES portraiture of the Black Man arrived in End on his flight DO ce than stature. but this tion they are not bothered condition consequent on the dis. from Mussolini poisonous gas, has produced few results and with the complicated routine advantages encountered by him the Blaclo element deputed a more drastic concessions are required to maintain efficien THE PEOPLE BAKERY everywhere, and while heart special Committee to greet him now under consideration. cy in the metropolitan foree. 0, Box 179 Limốn ily compliment him for the pro but he so completely ignored The situation is the more But probably more important duction of so good a letter, them that their representative disquieting because provin than all these is the fact that must emphatically express my had to chase after his Secretacial cities are having no us the ordinary London policeficulty in recruiting new po men cannot expect to rise hig disagreement with the remedy ry to deliver the address of wel WALL STREET MAGNATE recommended. What advantage come.
licemen. In fact, many Lon her than sergeant.
will the Western Negro gain The untrained Blacks of this don patrolmen have resigned CONDEMNED This is a result of the polifrom Abyssinia by assisting to Western Hemisphere, being acrecently to accept positions in ce West Point, which save her people from the des tuated by sentiment rather than established four years ago at The sensational case of Richard truction with which they are sound judgment, would actually Hendon for the training of all Whitney, five times Fresident of threatened? Although direct des want to swim across the seas candidates for higher renk in the New York Stock Exchange, re cendants from Ham, do they to drive the Italians out of Ethio the London force. Although cently indicted before the Crimi acknowledge themselves as be pia while Abyssinia next door Their hosts of friends will be over half the candidates were nal Courts for Grand Larceny to longing to indeed pleased to learn that a chosen from the ranks, the re which he pleaded guilty, was clos From a patriotic, humanitarian me, remain silent. Finding the the Black Pace. neighbour, the Africans at hoson was born to Mr. and Mrs. mainder were recruited from ed on the 12th. instant, when he point of view, our spirits must Black man in the Western World Blackman during the after public school and Oxford and was sentenced by the Judge in Gen rise at the inhuman, unjust and sympathetic and emotional, Dr.
noon of the Tuesday last: both Cambridge graduates. Hence eral Sessions Court, New York, to damnable massacre and devas Bayen is playing the role of one Babe and Mother are doing mi the average bobby pound serve a term of imprisonment cely.
ing a beath realized that his from five to ten years.
tation of the only Black Empire, to secure the aid needed by his Congrats from the Atlantic chances of promotion had The former Wall Street Leader and urge our aiding her stricken country, but if Western Negroes Voice been gravely diminished. will be confined in Sing. Sing.
populace: am, however, an ad are to find a haven of rest in dict to the scepticism of Ethio must build up their own govern pia ever being anything other their Motherland, Africa, they than a mere independent Empi ment for they will never be wel re to the Blaeks in these West comed or tolerated by those alern Climes.
ready established there.
When the first International With thanks Stero. DOOSOVO ROGIUOOO. Guvenco2002 SERVICIO AEREO SEMANAL was Congratulations of Guillermo Niehaus Co.
AGENTE LIMON AEROVIAS NACIONALES BLUE FIELDS LIMON, COSTA RICA MADERAS EXTRANJERAS DEL PAIS Via BARRA DEL COLORADO Compro cacao Material de Tranvía Servicio de cabotaje a Cahuita y Pto. Viejo importación de mercadería en general.
AVION sale de LIMON todos aco. d324200DDDDsege ODDODDOOSDOSDOGODCOCACO los SABADOS a las a.
POCKET CRUISERS FOR JAPAN NAVY CCM. pea is ma. Sthat at least two vessels of ROBERT JOHNSTON Asing. ew there to senised this type are under construcby wie construction of a num tion in Japanese shipyards.
ber of posketual cruis They are believed to be of ers, that, according to the na between 15, 000 and 16. 000 tons val correspondent of the Sun each and to mount six or eight day Times, have greater speed 12 inch guns and have a maxi and bigger guns than the ves mum speed of 32 knots. This sels that the Washington po means, writes, The Times cowers thought adequate for irrespondent, that these ships convoy work. The information, will be more than a match for ERETET! ETOTIETOKONETTETER TEINTERNETAPTURE TECHNICAL SPENSEEREE HEEL TARTANIEMALIN any warships which can enNos permitimos llamar sit ctención a la nota al doo gage them and will have the s bag to call your attention to our remori ct the back de su recibo que dice: of receipt which reads: legs of any more powerful Esto recibo debe pagarse en la oficina ship that may be brought This bill must be paid at our office before against them.
dentro de los primeros 10 días the 10th of the month.
The counterpart to these de cada mes.
pocket battle cruisers, thereDe so good as to comply with this request and do noi Le rogamos recordar esta cláusula y evitarnos lo perc fore, appears to be capital oblige us to suspend our service, a step which ships of between 40, 000 and de tener que seriar su servicio.
we would much regret to take.
50. 000 tons with 18 inch guns, The advent of these Japanese DE LIMON battle cruisers, it is pointed out, will mean competition in types one thing that the naval treaties sought to avoid.
COMPANIA ELECTRICA DE Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.


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