
SATURDAY APRIL 23rd. 1938 THE ATLANTIC VOICE Page 1936 bón NTES UEZ NIA elm Ne Assotis These are CAFIASPIRINA days!
our hey all to nd with a except Solomon pt for the destined uff from om DW)
FIASPIRINA The Season of.
Secret we her than urence.
it THE 10TTERY VS. THE CHANCES SALOMON CHIN Wee. Le By Pythagaros tions to induce the sympathy of those addicted to the game, and ESTRADA Having regard to the present state of affairs, it behoves one to say sltering the present plan of the lotthis can only be accomplished by Precios Economics a word or two anent the most com Irtículos del País mon topic on our streets. the tery.
matter of the Chances as compar The Chances should, however, Abarrotes y Licores ed with our Lottery, the aNtional first le legalized by a strong license cf say two hundred colones per LA IBERIA Game which, ly law, has preference to all others of a more or lese month or the placing of a five cent similar nature.
Timbre on each ticket or Tiempo s, el as it is called. By the latter method, er the Little Ones The first thing to be asked isWhy has the game of Chances to the National Charity Board would ken such a firm hola here in pregain twenty cents from each colon to Come Unto Me judice to the National Lottery? The invested and so obtain quite an apanswer is. Because it is played preciable sum, as purchasers would weekly and more can be gained be careful to see that each twenfrom it. If better facilities were ofty. five cents ticket they bought te Angels have been pleased to fered by our Lottery and a weekly earried the five cents timbre. To of est from this field of many drawing arranged, it is evident it suppress the game by means our dear little nine year old would be accorded the preference force will never be successful, as hi the son of Mrs. Blandina es there would be an entire absen those who are fond of gambling will hell, thereby rendering de of the risks connected with the always find the means of doing so The next step would be to direct munity desolate of a great hope other game.
gh enriching the Angelic Band. Let us explain this idea. The this fondness toward the lottery.
The investor should be offered bete Chichi was beloved by all who likelihood of gaining more by the At the first sign of a cold. sneezing, headTor, a des acted his noble spirit. At home Lottery than by the Chances is, at ter opportunities; drawings should ache or catarrh. take CAFIASPIRINA!
school and abroad, his gentle, the remotest, in a ratio of to 19. 000; be weekly, with more attractive CAFIASPIRINA is an unfailing remedy in ag, stádious nature was always that is as against 18. 993 to win prizes and a smaller number of tic retum sured. We are sanguine had he more than in the prohibited game conducted in Panama and Colorn The world famous Bayer Cross, shown on kets. such as is the case with those colds, headache, influenza and rheumatic pains.
nopened, permitted to run his course. By investing the sum of one colon on would have been favoured in Chences, one may win eighty, bia. Reasonable sums should also every tablet, guarantees the purity, harm.
BAYER. another genius, but Divine colones or a probable ratio of one be paid for the three ending figulessness and efficacy of When he dom, considering the petals of to 99 that is to say that in 19. 000 res of the big prizes. Then do away his flight flower to tender, too delicate there are 190 to win eighty colones with the fifty colon prizes and so nous ras withstand the rigours of this sin or more, while in the Lottery there improve the possibilites as against puted a Vale, has garnered him into the are only seven to win such an a those for the eighty colones offerreet him Itering confines of His Heavenly mount and more. The advantage is ed by the Chances.
ignored gdom. We do not wish our de evident as there is a very large dit Even if our Charity Board earnentative tend one eternal happiness ference between seven probabilities ed a little less by reason of these we know he his pos sessed in favour of the lottery and 190 in suggested changes, it would be reas of rel it, but do hope his that of the Chances. In order how compensed by the amount obtain ents and dear friends will be ever to do away with Chances, we ed from the timbres, and the seof this nforted in the knowledge that shall have to do as our worthy Pre guring of the desired result. the eing s hand is to be seen in every sidqat promised with respect to killing of the Chance Game. con Communism, offer greater attractinuance of the present system of From Page God who day by day stretches out actually persecution, so unworthy a stable May we all behold the radianta guiding hand if we will but the sets 99 0900900000016 coo government will not procure its eli picture presented by the Death and see as Israel did the Pillar of Ethio mination. The number of Fiscal Resurrection of Jesus the Christ, of Cloud. If God spared not His ext doce Guards now being employed could and finding ourselves sheltered by only Son, but freely delivered Him at he then be reduced while the authorithe Blood of the Savour of mankind for us all, how much more shall ling the ties and Judges would be saved be ever heppy in the sacrifice and He not with Him, freely give World much time and annoyance, and in the sense of God companionship those things which are most expe nal. Dr.
that harmony which was and care in this troubled Vale. dient for our welfare.
e of ube such an outstanding feature among Next to LA PROVEEDORA all will be restored.
Negros These are the prognostications of Messurements less than feet at Pythagoras govern Ne wand Complete Assortment of Lumber 25 per foot From Page ART CUTTER kers Union said its members be wel Companies for their holdings were prepared to contribute hose al DOOD. o. o MINTO expropriated by the government. day pay each month as long This move, approved by Arch as the help was required.
WITH EQUITY SHALL YE RULE MY PEOPLE Whose Tailoring Establishbishop Luis Martinez of Meximent is located at Matina, co City, occurred when the Oil BERLIN. Returns in conoffers his Services to all who Companies asked the Court for nection with the Austro German desire to be clothed an injunction against enforce Referendum disclosed that of the in the How reassuring must have By the Official Gazette of the most modern Style.
ment of a Federal Labour Board 48, 000 odd million votes polled, en the feelings of a large per 3rd. instant it is noted that the Order terminating their labour less than 500, 000 thousand dis ntage of the people of our com Judges of the Appeal Court CALL AND BE CONVINCED contracts with their 16, 000 for approved of the annexation of unity when they became con have decided that an OLD mer employees. The Oil Wor Austria.
nced hat no matter what Ticket is of no avail before the rors the Officials of Law and law as evidence of an offence via der may commit in their zeal against the law of gambling do that which they may re This decision has been given in jo rd their essential duty, the case of Lawrence Myrie who cere are those who being free was found with two old Panama all prejudices and unswayed Tickets in his possession and local environments, will al was convicted as guilty of parays calmly and soberly pur ticipating in prohibited gamsels of. e their deliberations when re bling games. The Judges ruled (CUTTER RODEN)
struired to participate in the ad that an offender must be caught Our prospective Patrons, Friends, and the Public in general are hereby inistration of Justice and Equil gambling, not merely suspected informed that be of. How noble, how dignified, of having done so.
THE LIMON BRANCH OF THE TIENDA MIL COLORES fons inspiring to the Legal Pro Many unsavoury have acts egit ssion, whose power is at times been commited latterly as the opened its doors on the 19th. instant to ALL who pride in being m20. prostituted.
result of proper interpretation WELL DRESSED.
not being given the instructions Our Prices and Service are the lowest. We carry a full assortment of English or orders received by some of Tweeds, Serges, Flannels, Linen, Drills, etc. Everything for the well LUIS WA CHONG our local Authorities, hence we dressed man.
think it would do mucho good if GUACIMO GUAPILES our government could see its Our Line of Haberdashery is unequalled Price and Quality way to institute a Depot where The last word in Hats, Shirts Socks, Ties, Belts, to match your particular all newly enrolled members of Suit. Big Assortment of Tailoring Articles.
the Police Force and Fiscal Cantina, Licores ExGuards would be required to un SPECIAL PURCHASING FACILITIES tranjeros y del pais.
dergo a certain period of trainTienda bien surtida.
ing and instruction, prior to The Services of Mr. Roden, the Well known Ladies and Gents Tailor Abarrotes en general their being detailed for public and Cutter, have been secured duty and the execution of the Precios sin Competencia laws of the land with which ENRIQUE YANKELEWITZ Propietor.
they are but little acquainted.
Lumber Deposit SAITA us once Wireless News a, they a as Tienda MIL COLORES DONC ards 185 sh ital Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.


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