
SAT (ágina 10 HE ATLANTIC VOICE SATURDAY APRIL 23rd. 193 SHAREHOLDERS MEE ge were a Cricket Season 1938 a SOLEMN CONVOCATION The members of the Independent faithful and beloved Disciples who, Jesus Christ hanging on that Cross United Order of Mechanics who are were witnesses to all His suffer feeds us with His life; and His privileged admission into the Su ings.
Love which the Love of God.
preme Grade, held a mnost Soleman We are all fully cognizant of all springs up within each one of us to Convocation in this City at p. that took place relative to His trial, bring about a new earthly KingThe Annual Meeting of the Stockholders of the Agric Good Friday. After the sacred judgment, sentence, death and re dom: it is the Resurrection. It is rites had been efficiently carried surrection, therefore it is unneces this tural and Duilding Corporation of 18 Miles will be love (goodwill, sympathy, at the usual place. Modre de Dius in the Bh. May 1438 AI out by the Bros. Barrett, sary to reiterate them, but we would peace, crncord, longsuffering, harO Clock to elect a New Directorate. Receive the Repurt E, Nelson, Nation, Bowry endeavour to impress on your minds mony, toleration, blessedness) which 1987 and to deci le on the Life and working of the Associati 15 and Luther Henry of the Union. the lessons these incidents are in is the Power that never fails. It is Grand Lodge, assisted by Bros Fran tended to set us this spirit of a joyous life, uncon This is th. second attempt to hold such a Meeting and co Jimenez and Tomas Rodriguez Maphorically, we see Jesus querable and changeless, which we Members display the same callousness as on the previous oe of the Oriente Grand Lodge and Christ hanging on the Cross in the would like to see exhibited among sion, the Directors will not be responsible to those wl Bro. Pearson of the Pro form of a human being limp and Brothers, for Love is deathless and do not attand and are not represented by Proxies egally gressive Grand Christian Encamp bleeding. We see the soldiers and knows no defeat. Love is above all pointed. KE MEMBER a Director cannut act as a Proxy ti ment, Past Grand Master Sir Knight the mockers. We hear the coarse Power and beyond all knowledge. Nation delivered the follow laughter, the sound of shouting and Love rises above all circumstances. NATION FARQUHARS Beranto resident ing address to those gathered the words of derision. But despite it is from the Love of the Creator round the Table, representative of all these, we see the lips of our to His creatures that we see in our the Last Supper, and who, coincidying Saviour move and hear stran minds eye the picture on the Cross 31 dentally numbered just thirteen.
half broken words proceed today. Shall we, Brothers, not love TO THE ERIENDS OF ETHIOPIA Brothers of this Grand Christian therefrom, among which are these one another as we were directed by Encampment, we are met today un Father forgive them for they know Him to do?
To the Friends of Ethiopia in never anybody and der arms, to celebrate the one not what they do. What tolerance, We now come Brothers to the sto Costa Rica, ain going to be anybody!
thousand nine hundred and thirty what sympathy, what a sentiment of ry of Love, which is essentially, a Greetings and Best Wishes: must realize that we ard eight anniversary of the death of love and goodwill for which His story of triumph. a triumph over It is our hope that you have sons and daughters of but our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. Birth was heralded by Angels: death.
We celebrate, at the same time, the What peaceful gestures from one story also of the Resurrection solemnly dedicated your lives, of empires; that civiliza Last Supper of our Lord with His suffering at the hands of others, and of victory. death to former your whole hearts to work for which existed, and it is said the redemption of our Race, the surpassed those of the pot principles a resurrection to new life. Let us, whenever we hear Great Black Commonwealth. Letage, were built by Black of the Spirit of Love realize in our nothing turn you from your pur civilizations that endured Ethiopia is freed thousands of years.
selves a Power against which noth pose, until ing can prevail. An evidence of our from the aggressor, and until the The Black Race has to Resurrection which proclaims a new Black man can claim that which itself a vision.
dream, Birth, a new beginning, and tells is rightfully his.
then throw every force.
of freedom, joy and perfection. energy into teh fulfilme!
though only those who are willing We all realize that as a Race, that vision, for the Bible to let their desires die can expe we do not universally enjoy the said without a vision, the Free Prz. of one Selected Crick Bat wil be given rience the triumph of a Resurrec rights and privileges which ple perish. We must las to the first taman to mak) 75 Runs (aggregate) tion. There can be no resurrection other Races do: we are discri all those prejudices, petty in the 1938 Comption.
without death. There can be no minated against politically, eco lousies and hatreds which Spring without Winter. It is no ac nomically, socially. Our chil up to this time kept us seg CONDITIONS: Runs to be made with a B11 cident that there are such things dren can not look forward to ted as a people. We must re purchased from Jack Orane Store Clair 10 b, as Seasons. It is a part of God going as high, in any field, as that we all carry one signed by Captain of Club and Twe off cial plan that we should learn from all their aspirations lead them. Our which brands us a member Umpires.
these the glorious fact of the Re people, forced for the most part the Black Race, and being Also FOFF GIFT of a Bat Facing Hammer surrection to depend on the benificence in body, we must become Buried in the earth the Potato and good will of others for their in spirit. Cone will be given all (18 puer dig feeds a new plant with its own daily bread, are at a disadvantI WO Lucker Oats The Ethiopian World Fed life, it produces a resurrection. We age when we come to bargain tio nat the present time is glory in the death and resurrection, for our rights. It is unfortuna ing its attention to the cas of our Lord and Saviour because tely, a common thing to hear Ethiopia becaues we bell the Hill of Calvary in our Souls de our people say of the present first of all, if Ethiopia is 11 notes a complete surrender to God, world powers that justice is per saved, Black men and woliday the God of Love. And this brings verted when the consideration will have to do it. Events Herve the LIMON us to the keynote of the life of Je of Black people is at stake.
shown that the great world man sus. Thy Will be done. It is fiWhat then, is to be done? Are ers are quite ready and wilt Polic nished. The crucifixion of self de we, as a Race, ever to be the to sacrifice Ethiopia with poure sires and the complete surrender of hewers of wood and the drawers hope of securing peace as our lives to the Eternal Father, so of water? Has God made one where.
that from out the wreckage of a life Race to be always the subject Federation The Ethiopian Weans RUSSIA FIGHTING FORCES HEAVILY INCREASED fraught with self. pride and self of another? We who have band Cause of Ethiopia can wel College believes that com We are indebted to a London ad. to 2, 500. 00 men and the number of desires, a true life full of the spi ed ourselves together to form the railying point to wihorning vice for the information that the aircraft of all types from six to ten the kingdom of God on earth. Let say No, emphatically NO.
rit of love rises in triumph to build the Ethiopian World Federation Black men everywhere will be com government of the Soviet Union thousand. As these increases ther, and having united, seal In this highly competitive right to the victory. Ethiopis has decided to largely increase its being carried into effect, immedia us not be found wanting.
In one of our sublime Degrees world, others take you at the the most urgent problem before fighting forces tely, fifty additional factories are It is stated that the standing ar to be established for the making of his absence as we would in his pre The Black World, therefore, has mit Ethiopia to be lost, we spa wh we are told to ect a Brother in estimate you place on yourself. the Black Race today; if we friends my will be increased from 300. 000 the new air machines.
sence by the five points; but can to lay aside that old philosophy have lost our chance to gaipopuler We really do it spirit and in truth o carefully instilled within it foothold in that land, the wibrother if we are not resurrected by a spiri that we come from nowhere; of which belongs to us.
tual Consciousness?
was in we ain going anywhere; we We now drink from the Cup of (TO PAGE Brotherly affection, figurative of without The Last Supper in which our Lord MATINA y 24 MILLAS told His Disciples as often as ye do this, do ye it in remembrance of me. Never, therefore, Brethren, Los más surtidos Establecimientos de forget this Covenant in which you LICORES, TIENDA ABARROTES have entered. Remember always LUMBER YARD your death to evil propensities and Háganos una visita.
your resurrection to a new life of Love and Truth, so that you mny We have opened a Lumber Yard fit yourselves to be worthy of the coming of the Kingdom of God on where we carry in stock a complete earth, an dthat His Will may here be done as it is in Heaven assortment of all kinds of Native Lumber. Special sizes to order.
LIMON, COSTA RICA Francisco Fonseca Ch.
We also have Portland Cement, RoofImportación LAWYER NOTARY Imports and Expurts ing Nails, Paint, Linseed Oil, TurpenPUBLIC y Exportacion Office: tine and all other building materials.
Depósito de Madera Lumber Deposit Adjoining to the City SEND IN YOUR ORDERS Public Library Compra de Cacao en ENGLISH SPOKEN grano Cocoa Purchased FORMER JUDGE OF THE LIMON DISTRICT COURT Limon Division www Weber JACK ORANE STORE are HOP LEE LUNG LIMON TRADING COMPANY ALLAN SIME T LIMON TRADING COMPANY Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.


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