
SATURDAY APRIL 23rd. 1938 THE AMANTIC VOICE Page 11 231d. 192 CACAO embarcado en LIMON MEE ha Kilos 325 ville It The 15 Yeongel 25 Proty To the friends.
page 10 QUHARSI reden 31 10PIL nybody anybody al se ens of be dit is the. Black enda. has to dreas forte fulfile he BE sion 400 Marzo 1938 Por tonto lo cogerían a Ud. comprando VAPOR Lobarcadores Consigmitatio DESTINO Sacos loteria extranjera, si sabe: 10. Que la LOTERIA NACIONAL da 21 premios más en cada 1000 números SLSOSTRIS Agencias Unidas Otis McAllister FRANCISCO 200 14000 20. Que con 00 saca Ud. 000 en la LOTERIA NACIONAL Agencias Unidas Ordeo HAMBURGO 65 5560 en la otra so o srca 800. Niehaus Co.
22750 Que la LOTERIA NACIONAL devuelve en premios 65 céntimos Karl Kitzing 200 14000 de cada colón que recibe. La otra comprando a 4, 00 el peda.
SAGOA Lia, Bananera MARSEILLE 150 10330 10 DARIEN cito, solo devuelve en premios 50 céntimos de cada colón que Cia. Bananera Mosquero COLOMBIA 400 27668 ud, gasta Karl Kitzing Biden HAMBURGO 200 14000 lassen Co.
200 14000 Mayor número de Premios. Mayor ganancia para Ud. en cada CARIBIA Karl Kitzing 200 14100 premio. Mas cantidad de colones devueltos en PREMIOS.
Lir. on rading Co.
PERU 200 14000 Limon Trading Co.
JAPAN 700 49000 Classen Co.
HAMBURGO 300 21000 Niehaus Co.
300 21500 Nichaus Co.
COLOMBIA 100 7000 17 TIVIVES Cu. Bananera Fruit Desp. Co. FRANCISCO 200 20751 limon Trading Co.
Orden HAMBURGO 200 14000 mowed down by the bombing 24 SAN JOSE Kid Kitzing 200 14000 Cia. Bananera CR Gia Choco Our brothers at home are planes of the Fascists, or shall COLOMBIA 500 84585 Agencias Unidas Urden JAPAN 290 20500 filighting nobly and successful they be expected to fit themLimon Trading Co.
24 1524 ly; it remains for us, on this selves spiritually as Jehosephat, PHOENICIA Solórzano Co.
118 9822 side of the world, to come to King of Judah, did his people, Niehaus Co.
62 1840 gether to do our part.
by sending out Singers and Agencias Unidas Gibbs Rickers Co. PERU 200 18954 MALAKU BAYEN, Teachers to instruct them how Karl Kitzing Orden HAMBURGO 100 7000 Altschul Co.
to release the Powers of Omni100 7000 Nichaus Co.
100 7000 EDITOR NOTE.
potence against the hosts of the. de Garcia Donner 50 3500 We have been tolerating the three great Kings who went 21 SAN JOSE Cia. Bioanera Urdea 150 10330 sentiments of the members of against him and thus getting 31 LIMON Limon Trading Co 100 7000 the Federation in these columns; the assurance of the Lord of TOTAL 6334 443694 but we have not seen a reason Hosts that they should go forth able definite movement made unarrned as the battle was not toward achieving any ends. Will theirs but God s; that they were Resumen the illustrious Dr. Bayen, as not to be dismayed or afraid as Representative of His Majesty He would be with them. Where Haile Selassie in the Western among us is the Jehaziel? Co. 2714 sacos. HAPAG. 3620 sacos.
World, not give a concrete pro Haile Selassie did say he was position to the sympathisers of marching before Badoglio with Embarcadores Sacos Kilos DESTINO the Cause Ethiop, as to how the Ark and the Covenant, Sacos Kilos they may go to the assistance, but the faith in the promise of ofthe Ethiopian Warriors in God was lacking. Where are our Cia. Bananera 1500 103664 HAMBURGO 19. 216630 their fight against the Italian Singers and Teachers to instruct Limon Trad. Co.
1224 85724 COLUMBIA 1000 Agencias Unidas 1055 77834 JAPON 1194 84202 hordes and their modern equip the Race in spiritual psycholowhic Karl Kitzing 900 63000 FRANCISCO 500 34751 ments of war? Does he intend gy, to make us worthy of the Gmo. Niehaus Co.
857 62090 PERU 27984 them to walk across only to be promises of Jehovah, in the abs Clarissen Co.
500 3:5000 MARSEILLE 150 10330 ence of arms and battleships, to Solórzano Co.
118 9922 002 Altschul Co.
convey our people to the scene 100 7000 DONALD ESTATE meal of war? de Alvarez Garcia 50 be VALUED AT 25, 000 It is true there are no people Deco TOTAL 334 443684 TOTAL 6934 413634 so full of religion as those of LONDON. Friends of the the Coloured Race, but do they late Ramsay MacDonald were sincerely and orld surprised to learn that the turn their faces to seek the Lord gly former Laborite Prime Mi in sincerity and truth so as to GOOD REVENUE OBTAINED FROM TRAIN RATS nister left more than 25. 000. be able ot stand still and see the te be Actually an estate duty of siIt was somewhat ludicrous, Sa. Police Court on each of the sixteen Dics, the youngsters commit other 3, 561 has been paid on the will Dr. Bayen do to get his peo Salyation of Jehovah? What und sarday night a fortnight ago, to ob who appeared before him.
atrocities, with the wiew of either net amount of 25. 438 repres ple together rightmindedly? Un Erenberve the round. up, by the Fruit This should be a lesson to all who stopping the train or necessitating enting the heritable and mo til that be done, the Western warilompany Watchmen and a squad are in the habit of stealing rides its being slowed down to enable veable estate in Britain.
and of Police, of a score or so of the on these trains. While the genuine their getting on or off as they wish.
Negro can do little to save At the time of Mr. Mac widlabourers who had taken Rat Pas workers from the far away farms, They have been known to apply the Donald sudden death in midEthiopia.
peaa ages on a train conveying ba who got caught in this trap, must emergency brake and to also da Atlantic while en route to sian lanas to the city. They were all be sympathized with, the conduct mage the rubber hose connected South America on Nov. tuccommodated with lodgings in the of a certain element has been most with the airbrake. They have gone there was considerable specuCollege. and on the following obnoxious recently and has occasion to the extreme of applying soap lation whether be had been Do norning the street around the Po led officials of the Company all and grease to the rails along a stiff able to arrange adequate proPara San José re niee Court had the appearance of a sorts of annoyances. Away from ma grade, as was the case not so many vision for his children as the Partió para la capital el seited real galaday at some sporting cen ny of these illicit travellers des weeks ago at Cimarrones which sol income from his government ñor Ing. don Arturo Tinoco thure, as a consequence of the very troying the appearance of the ba seriously impeded the movement of office had been supplement con su distinguida señora espoen arge number of relatives and nana bunches by breaking off the the train that the Egineer was com jed during his lifetime by sa doña María de Tinoco y su vriends who had gathered to find fingers to throw at innocent per pelled to clear the rails of the stuft gift dividens from shares bellisima hija Maria Cecilia put what would be the fate of their sons who have to travel on foot before he could manage a double valued at 30, 000 belonging Tinoco González. Los despedito apparent truant husbands, lovers along the railway, as was reported to proceed. Such high handed ac to his friend, Sir Alexander mos cordialmente.
the brothers, etc. fine of ten colones in this Journal some weeks ago by tions must naturally arouse the ire Grant.
was imposed by the Judge of the a correspondent from Madre de of the Company officials and cauApart from bequests of a Cumpleaños PAGE se them to take the steps necessary personal and private charac Celebró en estos días el ato put an end to them.
ier, Mr. MacDonald left 250 niversario de su natalicio, la FERNANDO DEL BARCO to a baby clinic founded by While we sincerely LUIS BONILLA sympathize his late wife, 50 to a chil linda niñita Isabel Solano Orwith the honest farm bands who drens hospital at Harpenden tila, hija del hogar de dord RoABOGADOS NOTARIOS in the main cannot otherwise get in memory of his boy, David, berto Solano y doña Luz Orfila in to see their families after being and 20 apiece to his domes de Solano, Con este motive fué (Lawyers and Notaries)
away for a fortnight or so, it is tics of three years service.
ofrecida una simpática fiestenot to be expected that the unlawOFICINAS: He gave his letters, diaries, cita a la que concurrieron sus ful acts of these young men could and documents to his son amistades y que fueron esplén.
Limón San José be longer tolerated. It is hoped that Malcolm MacDonald, Domi didamente atendidas. Paila la all serious minded persons permit nions Secretary, trusting Frente Almecén Peño Sucs. Frente Botica Francesa to gentil Isabelita, deseamos muted to ride these trains will make his discretion regarding their chos años más de vida llenos Apartado 446 Apartado 626. Tel. 4420 it a point of denouncing these mis use by publication or other de lelicidad, al lado de sus que creants so that the deserving worwise.
ridos padres kers may not suffer indefinitely.
ime the a SOCIALES Dr. Jiménez Guier Advertise in THE ATLANTIC VOICE the Up to date English Journal CIRUJANO DENTISTA DOCTOR OF DENTAL SURGERY (Medical College of Virginia (Medical College of Virginia and Alanta Southern College aud Atlanta Southern Coilgge UU.
Ofrece sus servicios en fecha Oifers his services to the upróxima al estimable público blic of Port Limon in near de Limón.
OOOO CON Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.


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