
Y 7th. 193 Unification Possible? SHAREHOLDERS MEET IM Depozit Purchas Gerante to Lh on.
ys we have a been much end is also important that First, the establishment of cussed regarding our artic questions like brith control machinery for utaited action In the seeming impossibili and a broadcasting station That is, the different bodies of Unification among Co phould be difused.
The Annual Meeting of the Stockholders of the AgriculHence should agree to federate.
red Peoples, we readily re the variety of organisations re tural and Cuilding Corporation of 28 Miles will be held Secondly there should be to et the usual place, Madre de Dios on the 15th May 1938 al 12 and Expurząduce the following from flects the complexity of their common fund to which each Sublic Opinion of Jamaica, task. There are superfluous or should contribute. Clock to elect a New Directorate. Receive the Report for ther attention to this de ganisations, no doubt: but the Thirdly, there should be 1937 and to decide on the Life and working of the Association it and in the hope that more re is some danger of exaggera firm agreement on an inmedia This is the second attempt to hold such a Meeting and if the purpose of directing ting the amount of Members display the same callousness as on the previous occaoverlapp te practical policy greater remedial efforts sion, the Directors will not be responsible to those who ing Three great needs must be Il be displayed by some of do not attend and are not represented by Proxies legally apThere is no doubt that these met if such a combination is present day Leaders.
organisations actively pointed. REMEMBER a Director cannot act as a Proxy.
sympa to be successful. There ius: Can They Unite?
thise with eacr other. The last During the be )nore active workers and eighteen NATION FARQUHARSON with its demand onths, or so man new, orga for real leaders; there mus: be a Fresident is drive for membership and sations have come into exis complete self government, obviously critical of the Citi members must be ready nce, most of them possessthe pay something in tine, a certain similitary of ob zen Associatior and el amost. There is now a tendency yet Mr. Adolphe Ro effort, ad money toward MEETINGS POSTPONED 000 darip draw thore organisations berts, who came here to found achieving the ideals which gether; indeed, the tendthe PL, spoke in Kings they profess when they becoAs wil be seen elsewhere in ranged by the St. Anthony Sorry lacy has been present all the ton under the auspices of the me members.
the advertising section of this Burial Aid Society for the 10th Citizen Associations and the in this me. In 1937 Jamaica went strong political organisa issue, the meeting of the Share instant has been postponed to nas in vetrough an experimental sta There is no real cleation is a necessity. But such an holders of the Agricultural and the 17th idem.
as will be in 1938 there should be vage whatsoever, but rather a organisation must have an offi Building Corporation of Madre The anniversary programme on sa advacne toward united ac division of labour: the ce, perhaps a permanent paid de Dios, which should take pla was so much appreciated be exists to exphaise what the oficial; it must have a branchce tomorrow, has been postpon the members and their friends, others tably Anyone who examines the do assume but not for propaganda, a branch for ed to the 15th instant at the that they asked the Doctor to strees.
he is ersonnel of Citizen Associa seeking facts and figures, and same place.
put over another. So he comes It would be foolish to deny some means of keeping mem bently ons, of the of the back to amuse them on the that these various cur amaica Progressive League organiza bers together and learning 17th. He must however, pray rly in rill be struck by the tions including the Economic what they think. It will fact be hard against rsin, for the 14th of at the same names are re Conference Committee are seen that if the bodies mentio Due to the inclemency of is luna llena.
not producing the best results ned will unite, the Economic the weather, the concert reated time and agein. Inearoperations. Conference Committee cant sup ween these organisations. The There is a real danger that a ply facts and figures while the e are many personal links bet by their isolated sectional spirit may develop NR. could continue its ame can be said of the Shop ES Assitar Association and the and no single organisation is programme of propaganda y LA MIXTURA DEL DR. MAX PERALTA parabour Union. As for the Ma numerically strong, while it is public meetings, and the Citithe same people who are bear zen Associations would ha conquistado rápidamente la gran popularidad de que be by yor Economic Conference, it ing the burden of leadership the nerves of the greater or padecion del higado y del estómago, las cuales agradehoy goza, por haber curado multitud de personas que Tras a deliberate attempt to and often of footing the bills Eanizations; he ratural turc Craw together all organisa.
in the several bodjes.
cidas le recomiendan de corazón a sus amistades que tion of the being pro polyions aiming at building up a But if it es granted sufren de afecciones tales como: that paganda of a more citie stronger national life, so that political united action is Enpathe same names inevitably ap what organisations can profi desirable, trend than that of tre Estreñimiento, mal aliento, dolor de cabeza. Lspeared.
tably unite? Presumably the inapetencia, desarreglos del cutis, mareos, In order to undestand why Citizens Associationt, the There is a present a moveorg Anisations are these diffgrant biliosidad, mala digestión.
do not act together, it is ad A. and the and ment to establish the Citizen pefaaps the Economie Confe Associations more firmly in agrevisable to see first on what cussion, to make correct infor every way, in finance, in mem as they are agreed. We have SHORTAGE OF GRAIN PRODUCTS mation available, and to help bership. in central building mes mentioned organisaup work.
stronger national life. It will voters to see public affair in tio, in pro aganda a new light. All of them aim Such a mover. ent deserves su be seen at once that such an at political ec ion, and not atpport, but the amount o sup Due to the fact that object is a very wide most stock on hand at present is aone the organizatian of In fact, is is easy to scoff at which is the province of others bably depend on the willing working on cultivations of min crop is estimated at labour, port it will receive will pro of the labourers hava ceased round 100. 000 and the it as a vague one. It is not rea 105. 000 bodies ness of the Associations to ta or crops and have gone to the quintals. This shows a probaNy vague, but it has different But what tangible object ke a broad view of the meanings for different neople.
1:05. Pacific to engage in the Banana ble shortage of some 76. 000 FER should these bodies have Thus, the President of the insibilities of co operation with Industry, a great shortage in quintals which will have to be Writer uniting?
other bodies.
Readers and food stuffs in anticipated.
Club, Imported by the Government would think first of a natioIt is said we shall be short, to save a heavy rise in the nal culture, Mr. Aitken and this year, about 76. 000 quin price. Shortages are also reMr. Buchanan would think of tals of rice. The country nor ported with respecto to various the organisation of labour, self Para comprar medicinas se necesita mal demand for this product, minor produts.
government would be the main is about 281. 000 quintals. The issue to the nutriConfianza.
tion would appear the fundacmental problem to some, and La confianza suya la merece la. to others the extension of me odical facilities to the mases BOTICA ALEMANA When one is in need of mo We understand all the large on would seem the first thing to del ney he has to hunt for it; thus commercial be done.
and Industrial we find our Minister of Fi Concerns operating in the Now the really important LIC. PAUL KLEEFELD nance has been doing some country will be subjected to.
but bewildering thing is that thing of the kind, and his first investigations so that correct al these people are right. All discovery was that in their in valuations of their properties for which they stand is neces givings for territorial taxa may be arrived at for taxaTout sary. We need a Jamaican cul THE NEED FOR COASTAL TARIFF tion, the property of the Elecl tion purposes. Don Leon gov uture just as much as we need tric Light and Power Compa ernment has pledged itself to tie economic reform. It is impornies, San Jose, was said to be relieve the working man tant that we should grasp the nature of nutritional problems, marks elsewhere in this issue Lading for 25 pounds of nails the value to be 18, 235. 869. 55. tion per annum on the neces In continuation of our re tof our having seen, a Bill of of the value of only 8, 000. 000 burden by not less than a rewhereas, their books showed duction of 1, 000, 000 taxaregarding the contract which shipped recently to Puerto They shall accordingly have saries of life. This seems to be our Minister of Finance has Viejo by the Launch Energy to now pay a sum of about a commencement of the huge BOOTH entered into with Messrs. Nie for which the sum of 1. 50 BEST haus and CP, for the mainte was charged as freight. This 48, 100 per annum for taxes. task.
nance of a regular Launch sum seems exhorbitant; BAKED on BERLIN Service along our coasts, we such small packaged we think causes the tendency of lum be controlled by the governr BREAD wish to impress on our far a minimum charge of BUNS visioned Minister that say ber being sawn on the spotlinent as is done in connection he 0. 50 would be fair and rea instead should se e that, definate ra sonable. We are also credita Limon.
of being purchased with BISCUITS CAKES our Railway Service.
tes are fixed in connection bly informed that the present Considering there is the subwith this service in order to rate fo rlumber is 0. 04 per in this subsidized It is true that the proposals side of 500 per month, the THE PEOPLE BAKERY control ahe possibility of ex superficial foot, while it was provide that the freight rates the rates to be followed by contract contracting parties should fix 0, Box 179 Limốn horbitant charges. 0. 03 formally. Such an in will not be higher than those the other boats plying for hiOur reason for this sug crease as this is damaging to asked by other Shipowners. re rather than creating ingestion arises from the factl merchants and traders and This is very vague and should creased.
Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.
a new Electric Light Power Companies Heavily Taxed


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