
THOUGHT FOR THE WEEK THE ATLANTIC VOICE Devoted to the interests of the people of the Atlantic Zone Editor English Section: C. NATION There is but one remedy for every human ill, and this is to know God in Spirit and Truth. Not as the Whited Sepulchre, but by seeking God, perseveringly, with our whole heart, we find Him. thousand fears may then assail us, a thousand cares cry to us for attention, but if every time they shall challenge us, we find God Peace, our life tends to become one of Progression, overcoming and Victory.
No. 197 Year IV Limón, Costa Rica, Saturday June 411. 1938 DEATH OF GOVERNOR OF JAMAICA 12. CHANGES IN SHIPPING ITINERARY WIRELESS NEWS era dor nda a ago Nor por ay sto lais. de 30 pro dela ora 000cola Je Gonids sobe gue BI.
an do News was received here yes. ny in consequence of the recent terday of the death of Sir Ed labour troubles. One of his PRINCETON, Fla. Seve while Canada could wait until ward Brandis Denham, Captain last oficial acts was, it is underCommencing on the 19th of ral hundred persons who had December 31st. 1949.
Gereral and Governor in Chief stood, the appointment of a the present month, the ships of assembled here to search for the five year old James Baily of the Island of Jamaica. The Conciliation Board to investi the United Fruit Company on PARIS An agreement bet sed event is stated to have ta gate the causes which had the New York run will arrive Cash, Jr. who had been ab ween the French government ducted from his father apart and United States airplane maken place on Thursday after a trought about the strikes of the here every Saturday and leave ment house on the Miami Key nufacturers for what may a brief illness which necessitated Longshoremen, Municipal Wor the following afternoon, as here West highway last Saturday, mount to a general overhauling his undergoing an operation. kers, as well as Sugar and Batofore; instead of coming in on Sunday and sailing on Mondays were dispersed by the Federal the French warplane indus Sir Edward was sixty two nana estates employees, and to as at present.
Bureau of Investigation as it try by American Engineere, years old, and was very much recommend remedies.
The boats will call at iswas feared demonstra was disclosed at a meeting of engaged personally in efforts His Excellency remain were tobal on their way up. These tion would frighten the kid the Chamber of Deputies Air to regulate the serious difficul buried at Sea yesterday.
changes will greatly facilitate nappers. The 10. 000 ransom Committee. Chairman Lucien ties which threatened the Colodemded was rported paid Bossoutrot is said to have rethe travelling public and also enable traders to attend to their As hope for he return of the ported that in return for a re LIC. ANTONIO CRUZ APPOINTED SUPREME COURT, foreign correspondence with boy alive virtually vanished, cent order of one hundred Cur authorities broadcast serial greater tis pursuit planes, numbers of the notes American which MAGISTRATE made up the ransom money.
marhufacturers had agreed to send Engineers to advise the MR. WEEKS ILL Air Ministry It affords us the greatest sa gislative Body, itself composed tisfaction to announce to our of many well known and ex The hosts of friends and ad des wide circle of readers the ap perienced Attorney reposes admirers of our popular cities MEXICO CITY Dispatches pointment, recently, of Lic. An in his qualifications and abili zen and railroader Mr.
from Villahermosa, TEOL State, said that four persons Tabasco General Cedillo Suing for tonio Cruz as an Assistant Dia t as a Jurist, as well as in Weeks, will regret, we know, were killed and five wounded gistrate of the Supreme Court his adaptability for dispensing to learn he is ill at his home in a renewal of an old conflict Peace?
of the Republic.
that Justice always so jealous and under the care of Dr. Saras between catholics and the AuDescended from one of the ly maintained by our Judiciary lisbury.
thorities. The clash followed early Legislators of the coun We confidently bespeak a careOur good friend has been sufo several weeks of dissension when police sought to block eltry, and a son of the late Lic. er replete with successes worthy fering for the past ten or twel forts of the Catholics to erect a Luis Cruz Meza, don Antonio the talented son90f distin: ve days, but we trust he will church on the site of another information From Mexico City comes the is very widely known and high guished father, and on behalf make an early rally and rethat which was razed along with indications ly esteemed in legal and social of the entire Atlantic Communit sume his accustomed place aevery other church in the State point to the posibility of the circles. He is the youngest At ty, particularly the poorer and mong us.
during the 10 year dictatorship revolutionary leader General torney yet appointed to so im friendless element, whom of Garido Canabal.
Cedilla arranging for his sister portant a position, and his se don Antonio has always evinc to act as a go between to seculection from among a number led a lively and unselfish inte Chinese Report another of older Practitioners indicates rest, we most heartily congra re terms of peace with Presithe confidence which our Le tulate him. 01199 Japanese Defeat WASHINGTON new dent Cardenas.
merican proposal for developDispatches from the San Luis ing the St. Lawrence waterway Potosí State which the Insur The Matter of The Scott Commercial Bank again The Chinese report that their od 197 troops had blocked the efforts any of the Senators who block gent Chief had ruled as Crops Up revealed blonov of the Japanese to send re ined the five hundred million do Agrarian Overlord, al оiosree forcements to relieve a beleaHar project four years ago. that Miss Higinia Cedilla had Satigs guered Japanese Division betrevised treaty, by which the called on the Prerident. This After some iwenty years or, the Bills placed in circulation wen Lanfemg and the Yellow fice two nations would construct a meeting was confirmed by the so of silence ragarding 27 foot channel to let seagoing War Ministry, but it was not host distressing matter, which te England to purchase stocks this by the Institution and sent them River.
vessels roach the Great Lakes known whes her Miss Cedilla inflicted sufering and want on of the Costa Rica Railway. nese had recaptured ten townIt is also stated that the ChiBasin, was submitted to Cana had been authorized to negotia many of our people, particular Needless to say, an awful flut ships in the South of the Prode. The proposal is said to dilte for her brother, who had so ly those interested in the Eater and confusion arose among Yince of Shansi and cut the in one major joint. the Uni fpureesda Federas uperations wide nana Industry, the writer in depositors, shar folders and Japanese line of communicaonce. a tion with the North front.
ed with her share of the work, gainst his followers.
final decision has been reached (TO PAGE 9)
whereunder the then Directors of the Board of Management, Messrs. Arnoldo Andre, Francisty Mor alegr) End Walter Joseph Ford, are held responsi ble for the sudden and disasSERVICIO DE VAPORES trous collapse of the memoraEXT ble Banking Institution.
Salidas semanales de Limón para Nueva York Mr. Adrian Collago who had con escala en Habana solamente.
teen induced to purchase twen ty shares, then valued at 660 Llevando cate para todos los puertos Europeos colones each, and Mr. Alberto y Americanos PROXIMAS SALIDAS DE PORT LIMON: Soto Alfaro, who held 16, as far back as the year 1916, launVAPORES SALIDAS ched a suit against the Directors Para EUROPA via Cristobal: for negligence which they clai VERAGUA Junio med had caused them to suffer the loss of the value of their CHIRIQUI Junio 13 respective shares, and on Saturday last the decision TALAMANCA Junio 20 given by which Mr. Collado will receive the sum of C30. 030, and Mr. Soto Alfaro C25. 299 including interest for ALVARADO y Cía. SUCS.
all these years, plus the cost of the case taxed at 5, 468. 25 coloAgentes para Limón y Puntarenas.
It will be remebered Para otros informes dirijase a las oficinas de la AGENCIA COSTA RICA about 25 years ago, the Commercial Bank was declared in UNITED FRUIT COMPANY solvent, due it was alleged, to AVENIDA CENTRAL en los bajos del Gran Hotel Costa Rica TELEFONO 2086 the Manager, Mr. Thomas Scott having withdrawn all the gold TELEFONO 3156 and values which responded to E ado Vie a UNITED FRUIT COMPANY HAMBURG AMERIKA LINIE was mn. Cordillera. Junio HAPAG. LLOYD that Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.


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