
Página THE ATLANTIC VOICE SATURDAY, JUNE 4th. 1938 FIRST EPISCOPAL LETTER OF OUR VICAR APOSTOLIC Blessing for Humanity SA PANCRESALETS acc. to Dr. Richard Weiss DIABETES mellitus Regular reduction of sugar excretion Improved tolerance for carbohydrates no ūndesirable after effects in to To the Venerable Clergy and fith, to the poor. At the same time we ment of the Ecclesiastical Proful people of the Vicariate pres shall fulfill the sacred task laid vince perity, peace and benidiction in out for us to lender St. VinAbrotherly greeting to the Most our Lord Jesus Christ: cent of Paul from whose congre Excellent Bishop of Alajueio, Dr gation we have been called to the Victor Sanabria who is twice brothe only activated efficacious Who among men is ke that can Episcopal Dignity by the Viear of ther to us not only through the peroral treatment for know the counsel of God? or who Christ churchly office but also by being can think what the will of God is consecrated with him on the same (Wisdom, LK, 13. These words of day, at the same service and by the Wise man in the Holy ScripAs a son of Saint Vincent, who the hands of the same prelate. ture were recalled to our mind in life was distinguished for his long and useful life is the wish when the Holy Father, Vieur of constant devotion to the Holy Fr. prompted by our gratitude for the Christ selected us us the successor ther we send a fatherly greeting many favors so graciously bastowof the Most Excellent and Most Re to the Father of Christianityined on us.
verend Monseñor Wollgarten for whose hands has been placed the We give thanks to the Most Exthe government of the Apostoli Vi Supreme Power and Primacy for cellent Bishops who have honored cariate of limon. Who can think the spiritual government of the by their presence and their brother what the will of God is? So we flock of Christ an din whose namely companionship on the day of our said when a year ago we received with the title of Vicar Apostolic consecration; thanks to the Venerathe fatal news that the pastor of we are to direct a part of this ble Metropolitan Chapter and to SOLD BY ALL DRUG STORES the Vicariate of Limon had been flock. Submission to his dictrinal all the Clergy for the attentions called the Supreme Judge of and disciplinary declarations, obe paid to us at the time of our noLiteratura by the Agents: the Universe dying as a result of dience to his wise laws, affection mination and consecration burns received in the fire which and fatherly love for his person has Last but not least we greet you, FEUILLEBOIS, CARVALHO APPEL, destroyed his residence. Still young. to be our tribute, aided by the our self sacrificing missionaries of San José, Box: 329 full of life and zeal, we thought grace of God, during our life work the Apostolic Vicariate of Limon.
that he would live for years yet in the post which has been confer led by the Illustrious Pro. Vicar GLEANINGS FROM HERE AND THERE in the midst of his flock teaching, red on our humble person. We the general who will share with us the guiding and instructing them refore greet most respectfully his heavy toil on the Atlantic slope. pursuance of the desire, the planting is being done. The the doctrine of Christ. violent Representative emong us the Most You shall be our real collaborators of our government to educate praedial thieves ream around fire destroyed his house with all Excellent Apostolie Delegate, who and brothers and careful pazoru in the populace of the Republic with gun on shoulder and posto the highest standard possible itively take of whatever is seen its contents: the sacred vessels, the 50 graciously bestowed personally the saving of souls.
it is noted that after passing ir the fields of honest workers, pontifical ornaments, the files and the elevation to the highest step even the life of the Pastor. Every of priesthood our episcopal con. Evangelizare suprits ritheir diferent exemimanitions, while the Guards are engaged Saturday thing visible scemed to be wiped secration To the respect due to the me. Preach the Gospel toe teachers were on watching Chances in the city.
was the missin of lost, warded certificates of out. But the force of the elements presentative of the Spiritual Powpoor. This did not reach the spiritual building, er is joined the recognition of the Christ, when He came into oficiency entitling them Work for Women erected by the hands of the Most temporal power represented by the world and continued by the Apost employment by the EducatioExcellent Monseñor Wollgarten and President of the Nation, whose au les and their succescors, she is. Dal Department. Thirty four In keeping with the methods his predecessor the Missionary Bis thority comes from God, King of hops, in such a way, that Saint qualified for positions in the employed on the Coton farms hop Monseñor Blessing. With the Kines and Lord of those who wole Paul in spite of his humility and higher branches of education of the United States, the proposweat o ftheir brow these two men Our fervent desire will be with. fragility, commanded the faithful thirteen for elementary work: Sition is under consideration built up stone by stone a beauti in the range of our activities to to respect His high mission. Sic three for Music: two for phy that as soon as our cotton planful building, trusting in the Almi work with him for the betterment nos existimet homo ut ministros sical instruction, and two oth tations are definitely establishgthy that he would bestow. His of the country and to preserve the Christi et dispensatores mysterio ers for domestic knowledge.
ed much work will be given grace on the work undertaken in good harmony which must existrum Dei. let a man so account our women, not only in the His name. Cod, the giver of all between the representatives of the of us as of the ministers of Christ Praedial Larceny fields but in the factories which things, has conserved and increas spiritual and temporal powers for an the dispensers of the mysteries will be established for the mak ed this spiritual structure in the the happiness of those whom God of God. Cor. IV, To do as The Executive authority seeming of wearing apparel.
sculs of the Vicariate even unto has entrusted to us Christ did in the world, spread the convinced that With this end in view we shall Gospel in the name of Christ, is despite the the dwellers in the most emote parts. This building still exists. devote our efforts to maintain the che task of the Apostles and the many complaints from planters, Chanees being Eqaten ofthere will be no necessity to re best of relations with the authori. Bishops. As the Father hath sent ficials are practically of construct it, the successor need on ties of the Province and City of me. also send you. XX, 21)
The Fiscal Guards givean acavail; hence the attention did the Father send ly to develope and perfect it, nid Liruon who will find in us a well And why of count of the capture of a wocollaborator ed by the blessings of God without intentioned in the him? For God so loved the world, the Officers in charge has been man known by the name of which all architects work in vein. work of advancing that part of Cosms to give his only begotten Son; called to the fact that their Delgado for the selling of Chan To continue this work we have ta Rica, which belongs to our ju that whosoever believeth in him. Cuties for safeguarding the ef ces, who when taken threw all been called by the Hoy Father.
may not perish, but may have life forts of the small cultivators the ticket she had on her in whose word for us is the word of everlasting. II, 16. He cameinust be intensified. The rava her mounth and ate them. The the Supreme Pastor of the souls, We send a respectful greeting to to save the world, to save all men ges made on the vegitable cul Guards were outwitted by this Jesus Christ; responding to the call our leader the Archbishop of San from everlasting death, to give them tivations around Limon have new stunt in their chance takwe have humbly bowed the head Jose to whose province we have life, this is the mission given Him become so intense that very litling activities, accepting the plans of the Divine been added and who honored us by the Father. For the Son of man Prvidence expressed in the wish with his confidence during the pe is come to save that which was light which enlightens all men who priest reach the depths of the souls, es of His Vicar on earth. Notwith riod when we directed the Semi loct. Mat. XVIII, 11. The Son of come to this world. sowing with giving them knowledge and cour stending the realization, that our nary of San Jose. For this confi God came in the proverty of Beth Divine profusion the seed, small age; the words of the priests even abilities are not equal to this work denice an dall the attentions be lehem to seek all souls. He sought and insignificant in the eyes of the in the midst of the whirlpools of of God, we undertake, the task of stowed on us we give our thanks them preaching the world of God unthinking world but which as the the passions decting the flock entrusted to our and our assurance that we shall in the temples and in the Synago mustard seed of the Gospel sends state unfearingly arise serenely and the truth and cere, trusting that the same God work with him for the advances in the cities and the country. down long roots in the souls of the teach rightiousness; the truth which will give us strength and ability on the mountain tops and in the truthsecking and sincere, making clarifies and resolves the most seto fulfill our mission. For this we dererts. To seek souls He submit them strong trees capable of re rious problems of life; that rightious beye chosen as the motto for our ed to the flosging and crowning sisting the most violent storms. ness which no misfortune can over Coat of Arms the words from he with thorrs, He carried on His (Pio XI. Enc. Ad Catholicii Sacercorre and which even death instead Psalms: In Domingo sperans non back the heavy cross and was not dotii. As the same Holy Father of conquering only assures for all Wee. Le infirmabor. have put my trust content until He had consummat states: The Church exercises the eternity.
in the Lord and shall not be weak ESTRADA ea the sacrifice by giving His life spreading of the true teaching ened. Psalm XXV, In this cure a enplete atonement through the priesthood distributed inth we shall find the strength to Precios Economics from His Father offended by the as needed through the different We have been called in the sacetry out the mission of Christ as Artículos del Pais sins of mankind grades of Hierarchy, who she sends the Church to bring you this gift; me of Christ by the Holy Father of expressed in the upper part of our Such is the mission which the as untiring preachers of the GosCoat of Arms: Evangelizare pari Abarrotes y Licores Church has fulfilled and will con pel. th eonly word which can pre treasures which shall not empty honors of the world but peribus misit me. The Father tinue to futfill through the Bishops: serve, implant or make prosper the nish. We have been sent to bring never vaLA IBERIA has sent me to preach the Gospel Preaching Him who is the true real civilization The words of the you the treasures from the knowledge of our sacred faith, of our divine origin, of the redemption, Nos permitimos llamar su atención a la nota al dorso We beg to call your attention to our remark at the back of the immortality of our souls and de su recibo que dice: of receipt which reads: the judgment of God whereby we Este recibo debe pagarse en la oficina This bill must be paid at our office before shall be rewarded according to our dentro de los primeros 10 días deeds. We have been sent to teach the 10th of the month.
you the Low of God as set forth de cada mes.
Be so good as to comply with this request and do not in His commandments, to preach Le rogamos recordar esta cláusula y evitarnos la pena oblige us to suspend our service, a step which Charity that divine, virtue sacred de tener que cortar su servicio.
we would much regret to take.
Link which should unite hearts now unfortunately widely separated by unbalanced theories spread by the chernies of Gold and the Church AU MUSHROOMSTERBUNUHUN. Concluded in next issue)
Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.


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