
mD0 o Why CAFIASPIRINA son CRIMINOLOGY REWARDS VIRTUE The Excursionists Boat The Motor Launch Bocas There is no living member lionaires live in England who del Toro of Mr. Surgeon has of the British aristocracy who are of little or no value to got the fame of being the real has given away the millions those around them; who pay Excursion Boat. She came in of pounds sterling in an en their employees the most mea last Friday with sixty three deavour to ameliorate the suf gre wages by which they are Excursionists from Colon, A!
ferings of the poorer class of forced to live lives of penumirante and Bocas dol Toro Britain populace as has Lord and to rear their ofgsprings in to spend the week here, and Nuffield, and yet we note that and to rear their of springs in left on the Saturday evening as a reward for his many and suffering and miseryf yet the with over one hundred pleaE4YER)
varied donations to Charity one who, after amassing his sure seekers for Bocas and Al an attempt was made a week fortune, inaugurates an auto. mirante, returning on Monago, to kidnap him and hold mobile factory where everyday morning, BAYER his life for ransom.
worker is regarded as a part Two unknown individuals ner and given an interest in day she again left on the reDuring the night of that entered his office and tried to financial output of de in turn trip to Colon, taking take him if a huge ransom lustry, similar to the systein back the 63 souls she had was not forthcoming. The no obtaining in the Ford facto brought the week previous ted philantropist took the at ries, and who has also donat Everything passed off withtempt as a joke being played ied over twenty million on him, not so however out a hitch. Well done Capt.
a pounds to charitable institu Surgeon neighbour who quickly infor tions during the past fifteen med the Police of what was years, is selected as a suitable ENORME POPULARIDAD happening, with the result victim for satisfying the vic that the two kidnappers were iuos inclinations of a brace of DEL RADIO EN EL AUTOFor many years CAFIASPIRINA has MOVIL arrested and held in safety criminals.
been recognized as an unfailing remedy Can we ever fatNew York, IPS. Día a día se How peculiar are the ways hom human nature? in colds, headache, influenza, and theuof the wicked. So many milprueba que todas las invencioA BAYER nes de uso práctico y diario, matic complaints. You should insist on CAFIASPIRINA, not only because of que en su advenimiento THE BARNEY ROSS. ARMSTRONG FIGHT considerados como artículos de its sure effect, but also because it does On Tuesday last over 30. 000, lifteen rounds, but at the close lujo, luego, se transforman en not harm the heart, stomach or kidneys.
spectator saw the Californian Ross was just a limping bleed articulos de absoluta necesiThe world famous Bayer Cross, which appears Negro Harry Armstrong of the ing mass of flesh. The victory dad. El automóvil que fué con Featherweigh class fight and was in consequence given to siderado un articulo de lujo, on every tablet, guarantees the excellence of beat the Chicagoan Barney Armstrong on a technical knock hoy es necesario e indispensaFoss at the Madison Square out point without one word of ble en la vida; y, lo mismo ha Gardens, New York, dissatisfaction from the most sucedido con el radio, llegando From the start it was clear lear adherents of Barney. asta el punto de que en los ly seen that although Ross was On the 22nd instant win Estados Unidos, desde 1929 has spectators saw the Californian take place the fight of the ta el fin de 1937 se han vendiGardens, York. From the world, when the Detroit Sledde 682, 000 radios para autostart it was clearly seen that al geman, Louis, will meet móviles THE LATEST FROM ETHIOPIA the though Ross was of a higher roat Gerntan technical FicAccore ing to the New In consequence of the road grade fighter, being a Middle Dian, Max Schmeling. The liner and thongs, the game will mes and Ethiopia News, se from Asmara being blocked, Grade man, yet Armstrong was world seem convinced that it be his. Is however left to be veral large forces are again the Italian soldiers are being his superior in the technique of Joe dances around waiting for scen as both men have had concentraing in Hawash; and brought from Assabto Aussa the sport. more agressive and Max to bring the fight to him, egile than his opponent. Both he will assuredly lose, but it profit by them.
their experiences and it is expected that operations and thence to Dire Dava shoula on an intensive scale will through the Dankali country.
men fought garantly for the lhe forces the fight with hamshortly be annuonced. If the rumour that Deder had been FOR MORE PRACTICAL MOTHER DAY she added a great change could attacked is confirmed, it is be effected.
WASHINGTON. Mrs. Franklin 14. 000 mothers who die annually She cited the Mother Day edu would be the next objective. Roosevelt, who has five child Trom eauses related to child birth cational campaign begun eight Large bands are supposed to (From Page 7)
ren, suggested that something mo one. helf to two thirds could years ago by the Maternity Center be moving toward Gara Mul holders of Bills which had been re be done about Mother Day be saved with proper care.
Association in New York. The aim lata, as the Hawiyya tribes carefully stowed away. On the than its observance by the sending of this campaign is the improved men have joined the Ethio Books of the Bank being check We all might do something in of flowers, telegrams and silk stock our own communities to push forpians after revolting against ed a number of health of mothers.
iregularities Mrs. Roosevelt confessed that she the Italians and looting Das were discovered which resulted ings ward efforts there to secure betCourtesies paid to mothers in the arrest of the Manager, on fer care for mothers and babies was not much on days and that gah Bour.
she wished a great many of the Heavy fighting has been his miraculous disappearance the third Sunday after Easter are Mrs. Roosevelt proposed.
speciel observances could be com reported from near Wallow from the country, and the pre sweet and nice. the first lady If every individual were inspirbired in which no less than 5, 000 conceded. But, she asked, why noted by Mother Day to do somethsent lawsuit.
also do something about the highing for an But Mother Day, she noted, pro italians are announced killed organization working ided an opportunity to link prae and seven airplanes broughtlemen involved as they knew We sympathize with the gentdeath rate for mother s?
in maternity and infancy fields or tical work for mothers with expres lown.
Medical experts estimate that of for some individual needing care, nothing of the transactions ions of appreciation, which brought about the collap se of the Bank, but they will now have to pay as a reward for their over confidence. Put of your trust in Princes.
AFIASPIRINA thought Harrar or Dire Dawa The Matter.
CIGARRILLOS Lanceros Cigarettes Sanceros CONQUISTADORES SUAVES The Grim Reaper Again Among Us We very much regret hain to mention the death recen. of Mr. Ishmael Wade who was one of our most pea ceful and quiet going citi zens.
Many years ago Mr. Wade suffered a serious accident which greatly handicapped him throughout the remainder of his life.
He was very keenly interested in Sick and Burial Aid matters, and was, at the time of his sad passing the Financial Secretary of the Costa Rica Association. It is understood the Society contemplates holding a Memorial Meeting for him on the 15th.
instant at which the Rev.
Caslor of St. Mark will officiate.
We extend our sincere con dolence to the sorrowing family and relatives.
Carefully inspect each packet, for in many you will find Coupens of or 10 cts.
values as well as others, which will entitle you te FREE packets of LANCEROS 30 Cts.
Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.


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