
JUNE WEDDINGS. JUNE WEDDINGS. en Dr. Jiménez Guier has Página 10 THE ATLANTIC VOICE SATURDAY, JUNE 4th. 1938 HALF OF CITY SOLD FOR 20, 000, 000 Next to LA PROVEEDORA CARDIFF, Wales. Half the ci family who have long owned large ty changed hands when the Im estates in Wales and Cardiff mensely wealthy Marques of Bu The Marquess retained his two te sold part of this world port of historic residences, the famed Care 200. 000 population for a price said diff Castle, and Gaerphilly Castle, to be about 20. 000. 000. The am a few kilometers outside of LOW moth real estate deal was believed The Marquess himself is a descentto be the largest ever recorded in dent of one of the nineteen sons of Ne wand Complete Assortment of Lumber Fábrica de Hielo Great Britain.
the XIV century King Robert II, Messurements less than feet at Neither the purchaser nor he ae of Scotland, and holds three earl.
tual price was disclosed, but the doms, three visuountries, and six 0. 25 per foot y Refrescos sale included wide residential su baronetcies. He owns a total of aburbs, shopping centers and the bout 117. 000 acres, and has eight LIMON huge and busy docks from which palaces, including a castle at San GASOLINE ROBBERY South Wales exports most of its Roque, Spain, where he houses one coal.
of the world richest collections of Investigation by the Povinced to know what the art.
dice Authorities is bring man under arrest will have Cardiff municipal acreage inclu Lengend says he has priceless trea ing to light a most seni o say as to how this article des 13. 628 acres, but the Marquesssures from the ancient Sprin sal sational robbery of gasoline came into his possession, and did not disclose the acreage of the leons hidden in secret underground LA FLORIDA from the Stores of the Rail why it should have been de land involved in the sole, woich passages under the Cardiff Castle.
way Company. Several sus posited where found.
covered about 20. 000 houses, 250 He enlisted as a private during Fábrica de Hielo pects were arrested during It is alleged, we gather that saloons, and 000 stores.
the world war for a daily wage the afternoon of Thursday a the Clerk in charge of the ga The Butes are a famous Scottish of two shillings and nine pence. Venta de Leche week ago, and on Friday the soline room loaned his key alleged perpetrator of the to another employee, after y Maderas deed fell in the net of the Po work, to enable his taking out lice, young man named omething he had forgothen Johnson, who works at the therein. This employee is Stores, was held and is still then supposed to have loanA Most Charitable Ad letained on the charge ofed the borrowed key to John being responsible for the lar son so that he too may have It is very pleasing to obceny of two drums of gasoline taken out something. How serve that a few ladies of San which has since been discover this tale will fare with the EVERYTHING for the BRIDE Jose have donated half doed to be three. The cartman Investigators is left to be seer.
BRIDEGROOM can be got at zen milch co to the Lazawho deposited the drums In the meantime Johnson is reto or Home for Incurables.
where they were found, as alone in his meditations as THE PEOPLE HOUSE How charitable of these lawell as the owner of the preto why he should have singledies! If others would allow miser, and the Clerk who had handedly endeavoured to lift JACK ORANE SUCS.
so good an example wnat a custody of the key for the two or three heavy drums of relief would be afiorded a lar room in which the gasoline Gas without first securing a Ame La Sociedad Holandesa ge number of our suffering was stored, were all detained ready market for their dispo El presidente de la Pan but subsequently set at liber sal.
rican Airways Systema con Nueva York, es compuesta por ty Much interest is being decorado descendientes directos de los Holandeses que colonizaron par OUR LOTTERY NEW YORK, IPS. El Señor te de las costas de Estados Uni Walter Meserole, Presiden dos, y confiere anualmente una In order to increase the to de la Sociedad Holandesa en Medalla de Oro a la persona attractiveness of our Lottery esta ciudad, en el mitin anual ha contribuido más y más acti Scheme, the government CIRUJANO DENTISTA DOCTOR OF DENTAL de esta entidad, hizo presenta vamente al bien del hombre y arranged to renounce its claim SURGERY ción de la Medalla de Oro de de la comunidad. La Pan Ame to ten per cent of the value of (Medican College of Virginia Medical College of Virginia esta Sociedad al Sr. Juan and Atlanta Southern College Trican Airways System, en reathe drawings, provided the Jun and Atlanta Southern College Trippe, Presidente y Directorlidad es la creación del señora de Protección Social (ChaO rece sus servicios en su de la Pan American Airways Trippe y deb cestar orgullosa rity Board) will assume respon clinica Dental situada frente offers his services in his Systema en reconocimiento de de tener a su cabeza personas sibility in connection with the al Parque Vargas y contiguo new up to date Dental Clinic sus contribuciones y activida que han sido capaces, en pocos loan of 250. 000 colones to a la Municipalida. located in front of the Park des en el campo de la Trans años, de poner a esta entidad which the impuesto applied.
next to the Municipality. portación Aerea Científica. como una de las más grandes 200000800. 00 y superiores en su clase.
The proposition will be considered at the next meeting of GU ACIMO HAPPENINGS AMERICA ACCLAIMED EL PROGRESO FERROCARRI the Junta FOR TRUTHFUL PRESS LERO DEL CANADA most ajoyable function the midnight hour. At the close RD. Barnes last Tuesday of the happy reunion; Miss Xohoy en uso activo en el pais.
night when Miss Rodriguez of driguez assured all of the very Eddy, president of Hobart mas estadísticas del Canadá in ur. kilómetro y medio de línea Washington. William NEW YORK, IPS. Las últi Esto quiere decir que más de San Jose was given a hearty pleasant time she had spent sendorf on the eve of her de among them and the benefits Society of Newspaper Editors metros de lineas férreas están de la Nación sirven al Canadá.
College, told the American forman que más de 67, 500 kiló férrea por cada 245 habitantes parture for home.
she had derived from the chan that the United States On the invitation of Miss ge. She left for San Jose the the only great nation which was Barnes, the friend with whom next morning amid the good still had a truthful press.
our guest was spending a short wishes of the large circle of Addresing the society anvacation, an appreciable aumo friends she had made during nual convention after the deer of their friends met and in her short stay.
legates as voted unanimously dulged in dancing to the strains to ask the American people of a ine orchestra until around Correspondent. to help defend the press free!
dom, Mr. Eddy said: While we continue to be (A. Roden, Cutter)
MP RAILWAY ENGINES FOR SALE openly critical of ourselves An offer has been received not be convenient to submit and of our nation, let us not by the government for the per this mater to such a procedure, forget to be grateful that we chase of four of the steam en Congress is asked to grant the live in the only great nation C95. 00 95. 00 gines which are no longe o necessary permission to other on the face of the earth toVestido hecho a la use on the Electrified Pacific wise conclude the transcation day where a citizen can read Suits made to Measure Railway. As it is against the The technical advisers of the the truth about his world.
Call on us and be convinced constitution for the governing Northern Railway were This is our most priceless asked Pase usted adelante y con that this is not only an authorities to dispose of State to value the engines, and they possession. venzase de que no se trata Advertisement owned property except by pu have priced them at 10 000 dol the editors Mr. Eddy, however, urged de un simple anuncio. Es blic auction, and as it would lars each.
to keep out of cierto. But a Fact their papers the voodoo vo Se reciben abonos desde Weekly payments of from cabulary of superstition.
which, he said, had found its UN COLON ONE COLON LA MIXTURA DEL DR. MAX PERALTA way into some.
por pagos semanales.
accepted. The hynotic use of words La especialidad de la Casa ho conquistado rápidamente la gran popularidad de que We Specialize in by all political groups to lull hov goza, por haber curado multitud de personas que Breeches Ingleses the reader into a coma, and English Breeches padecían del higado y del estómago, las cuales agrade screen the issue, appears on cidas le recomiendan de corazón o sus amistades que all sides, he said. If this pros sufren de afecciones tales como: titution of thought to vocaEstreñimiento, mal aliento, dolor de cabeza, bulary goes on apace, the ciEnrique Yankelewitz me will come when men must inapetencia, desarreglos del cutis, mareos, stop reading if they are to biliosidad, mala digestión.
keep their heads their!
shoulders and their feet on mummun the ground.
Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.

    SpainWorld War

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