
Dr. Medal Jr.
SALOMON CHIN LOTERIA NACIONAL LOTERIA NACIONAL BE ATLANTIO VOICE SATURDAY JUNE 11. th. 1938 Página 10 BREVITIES OF INTEREST AN EPIDEMIC The British Parliament has horsepower bi motor Fiat The plague of Mumps Pabeen asked to approve legis Rosatelli engines. group of lation to legalize the Board Italian aviation Instruction peras has invaded the city: of Trade hoarding vast quan Officers are also reported to there is hardly a household that tities of weat, sugar, whale have left for Japan on an un has not been affected It is ramoil, and other supplies essen announced mission.
pant in the schools, but nothing is heard of it from the tial to the vital needs of the Takes the pleasure of informing his esteemed clientel community in the event of Capitalists of the United reports of the Junta for Social that he has removed his Dental Clinic to the apartments war States of America are repor Protection, although an infec ted to have concluded an tious disease no notice is taken previously occupied by Dr. Badillo, between the Consulate new German invention, agreement with the prorrof it and no advice given by of the United States of America and the British Pharmacy the Ultramicroscope, is clai ment of El Salvador where the Authorities as to how to med to have the power of under they will be perm. arrest its spread.
magnifying a 100, 000 times to manufacture Cement in The frequency of the disease. od vo. 300. 00 instead of the 2, 000 which he that country in sufficient among young dogs is now les.
APPARENT IRREGULARITIES retofore has been the maxim quantity to meet the normal sened so as to absorb the attenum by means of the electron demands of all the nations of tion of human beings, adults as in nlace of ordinary Central America.
well as minors.
In the Suit of Mendez and rio if all this be true is anotlight rays.
Williamson of Matina, it se her matter for deep thought.
After long and, at times, ems as if there some pe Is is hoped the persons who It is alleged that the Fiat rather acrimonious discussions cuhar manipulations over the may have purchased the anisale of the stock of one Company of Italy has con our Legislative Assembly has of mals will say truthfully who traced to supply the Japa approved the appointment of Wee. Le the litigants, without proper it was that sold them, and orders from the Court For not try to defend some one nese army with an important a Consul to represent Costa number of giant bombing Rica interests in San FranESTRADA the public sale of the ani and get indicted for perjumals.
planes powered with 000 cisco at a salary of 350.
inry or collussion, and so Precios Economic It is said that a prominent volve themselves. Remember Artículos del País Lawyer practising between a nickel can bring trouble here and San José is deeply which hundreds of dollars JUNE WEDDINGS. Abarrotes y Licores involved in the affair. What wont clear.
LA IBERIA will happen to the DepositaJUNE WEDDINGS. WHATS HAPPENING EVERYTHING for the BRIDE In the issue of Friday 27t1 BRIDEGROOM can be got at May of the Jamaica Standard Todo habitantes de nuestro país que sienta verdadero it is noted that at a meeting cariño por él, está obligado a comprar únicamente THE PEOPLE HOUSE of the Directors of the Jamaica Standard held on May JACK ORANE SUCS.
26th. the matter of the recent policy of the paper was que es la que produce lo renta para el sostenimiento discussed.
del Hospital de San Juan de Dios y del Asilo Chapui.
The Riots and. conditions which are responsiThe Managing Director, Mr. Debe tenerse en cuenta que protegiendo a los ble for the discontent which Makin, tendered his reFrom page que padecen, nos protegemos nosotros mismos.
made them possible signation, and the Assistant to be closed as the mob, not so The London Laily Express Editor, Mr. Ralph Johnson, much the real strikers, as the says The trouble is low wages, was asked to relinquish his gang of vagabonds who always and no satisfactory market for position.
BEFORE THE LAW COURTS It was asked that Lake advantage of these cirSugar. The United Kingdom, it these arrangements should Mrs. Ida Sterling de San was in the hands of Lic. don cumstances, were looting on all said, buys more sugar from Cu be effective as soon as the key, her daughter and niece, Carlos Silva.
on all sides ba than from Jamaica, and sells two could be replaced.
have been condemned by the On behalf of Mrs. lda SanBarristers Manley less in Cuba than in Jamaica. Such wonderful strides ha. Police Court of this city for key Mr. Silva appealed from Smith, and The Daily Herald says. ve been made during the using improper la nguage, aE. Campbell as also Dr. Ander. The fact is that men properly short life the sentence to the gobernaof this Journal, gainst Mrs. Leorline Sankey, ción, alleging at the same tison, the Mayor of Kingston, did paid, decently housed and fairly running up to its 17. 000 copies wife of Mr. Clarence Sankey. me that he knows his appeal everything possible to bring treated, will not strike and riot daily with the utmost satis nephew of the deceased Be Is seless for Mr. Villalobos about an understanding between and run the risk of death. But faction of its rear rs and pa njamin Sankey. They were sen has never lost an appeal befothe strikers and the employers men with grievances that have trons, that we in Costa Rica tenced to pay a fine of thirty re the Governor; but he is of labour. The sore point was grown intolerable do all these feel dumbfounded and would one colones each with dama only doing his duty to his the demand by the strikers of things and although they may ask if the weight of the ges and costs or to serve the clients by such an appeal and the release from custody of be cowed for a while, they will Gleaner influence has al corresponding days in the car is convinced there will be no their leaders, but they were go on doing them until some ready been felt.
advised that Mr. Smith new authority, wiser than the ce! de Mujeres.
results therefrom.
had charge of that phase of the old, change the treatment. Thats This case has been running In our next, we may be trouble and it could not be in what, not only Jamaica, but all from the month of Dctober able to give full details of His BOOTH better hands, as however Messrs the British West Indies must 1937, and the prosecution was Excellency findings in this Bustermante and Grant were have a great new def that conducted by Lic. don Albino unpleasant matter.
BEST charged with Seditious incite gives working people good waVillalobos while the defence BAKED ment the matter would have to ges BERLIN be fully argued, hence patience Before the death of Governor BREAD was necessary Denham, he had appointed a BUNS Meantime the Under Secre Conciliatory Commission to enBISCUITS CAKES tary for the Colonies has been quire into the grievances of the besieged in the House of Com workers and the conditions, of THE PEOPLE BAKERY mons with numerous questions, the capitalists and submit Box 179. Limon and the London Press comments commendations for the relief of (A. Roden, Cutter)
are very fierce. The London the situation. Whoever takes Times says Local firebrands over the TO BUY OIL FROM administration will and visiting agitators undoub have to do the same for the enMEXICO tedly helped to foment the dis tire Island or there will be, we C95. 00 C95. 00 turbances, but there would have fear, a continuance of these diffi been little effects if economic culties for even Davis and Co. Inc. of the though Vestido hecho a la the and social conditions in Jamaica, workers return to their duties, had concluded a contract United States announce they Suits made to Measure as in other West Indian Islands, on promises, there will still be with the Mexican Governmmedida de casimir of English Tweeds had not provided the material that feeling of discontent that ent for the purchase daily of inglés Riots must be suppressed, but ca Call on us and be convinced ly be entirely eradicated there will remain the more dif by the inauguration of happier of oil not derived from approximately 40, 000 barrels Pase usted adelante y con that this is not only an ficult task of getting rid of contditions.
ex vénzase de que no se trata Advertisement propriated properti. Paym de un simple anuncio.
ooooooOOOO Es But a Fact ent will be made partly in cierto. cash and partly in materials and supplies: It is planned Se reciben abonos desde Weekly payments of from to ship some of the oil to UN COLON ONE COLON CIRUJANO DENTISTA DOCTOR OF DENTAL, Hamburg, Germany.
por pagos semanales.
SURGERY The contact provides that (Medican College of Vireinia (Medical College of Virginia an affidavit signed by the La especialidad de la Casa We Specialize in and Atlanta Southern College Mexican Government stating and Atlanta Southern College Breeches Ingleses the oil is not from seizd rece sus servicios en su properties must be attached clinica Dental situada frente offers his services in his to the bill of lading for each al Parque Vargas y contiguo new up to date Dental Clinic cargo. In addition, the affida la Municipalida. located in front of the Park avit must be certified by the Enrique Yankelewitz next to the Municipality. United States Consul at Tam Proprietor. ooo. es pico.
Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.
Dr. Jiménez Guier English Breeches


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