
SATURDAY JUNE 11th. 1938 THE AMANTIC VOICE Page 11 TeCURATIVC PULMONAR ROMAN Fish Manure Perfectly. to THE DR. MAX PERALTA MIXTURE ITALIAN FARMERS FOR ETHIOPIA ROME Farmers, cho 15, 000 families 1, 000 from Sen for their strong physi each of Italy fifteen As soon as the approaching Rains start ALL afflicted with que, perfect health and un gion should be settled in ASTHMA will suffer violent attacks, and the ONLY thing questionable Fascist faith, Ethiopia in what officials des that can avoid this distressing disease is the Famous.
are sailing from Italy to set cribe vaguely as a few years!
te permanently in one of Taking into account the fact the most fertile zones of that the average Italian fami Ethiopia. The men are headsly is composed of five mem of families, but they go alo bers, it may be safely figar ne; their families will joined that about 75, 000 colonists them only when sitable ho will be in Ethiopia as soon (A BASE DE THIOCOU FOSFATADO)
es and the facilities necessa as this program has been com Ty for the existence of large pleted.
Which may be taken by all persons with weak stomachs as it contains no communities have been built. Te each colonist who gives Creosote and does not irritate. It is the most effective medicine for all The plan of emigration, rigid and shows his capacity to pro Bronchial, Lung and Throat affections, for Grippe and Colds.
Jy supervised by the govern duce and exploit the land For sale in all Drug Stores Frent, calls for the settle the government will assign ment of 800 families by the permanently between 80 and DROGUERIA COSTA RICA de MARCIAL SOLERA end of this year.
130 acres, as the property of According to present plans himself and his family.
Sole Distributors.
APARTADO 264 SAN JOSE TELEPHONE 4580 WIRELESS NEWS The chief Guarantee of Curctivo Pulmonar Roman is its 103 years of From page Four Randolph Field Fliers, continuous splendid results.
two of them Instructors, one confirmed report said that a flying Cadet, and the other 129197 fourteen persons had been ki a Studend Officer, were killed in a clash at Seville bet lled on the 8th. instant, in ween Franco troops and two airplane crashes which other Nationalist elements occurred within a few minuwho are supposed to have tes of each other near the quarreled with Italian advi main field.
CHICAGO Mary Ellen From page plying the Royal Estates in this are asking our Representatives GIBRALTAR Travellers Reardon, two year old curly, ducing into the fertiliser some country for upwards of twenty to do all they can to arvange arriving here report week end haired blonde, began the 73rd. chemical for the purpose of deo years, and today we are sup transportation and storgae executions and hurried bur day of uninterrupted sleep on dorisation, but we abandoned plying the Public Parks and give as little cause for comials at La Linea just North the 8th. instant. The child is the idea in the end because the Gardens of over 309 Town and plaint as is possible.
of Gibraltar. These were ta a victim of Encephalitis the smell is the purchasers guaran County councils in the United Trusting you will accept this ken as confirmation of the disease which killed Patricia tee of the product he is buying. Kingdom, without any com letter in the spirit in which it guarded tales regarding strin Maguire the Sleeping Beau and think you will agree that plaint regarding odour.
is written, and hoping the Cotgent repressive measures fo ty of Suburban Oak Park, even buyers of coffee would Finally, should like to em fee Trade in Costa Rica will llowing an outbreak of Spa after a sleep of five years look with suspicion on the artiphasise that in spite of whatsoon show signs of improvement nish Insurgent resentment and seven months. Mary ele if it had been deprived of li have writtes we are not un am, yours very truly, against Italian and German Ellen malady commenced its characteristic smell, and e nindíul of public opinion, and per pro Humber Fishing Officers in General Franco after an attack of Measles qually farmers and planters we naturally do not wish to cau Fish Manure Co. Ltd.
service. fluttering of the eyelids is would view with suspicion a se any more inconvenience than Ernest Thomas SAN ANTONIO, Texas. the only sign of conscious sisa fertiliser that had no iden can possibly be helped, so we Director ness.
NEW YORK. Col. Theotitication odour.
LUIS WA CHONG dore Roosevelt, National There is one other matter Chairman of the United Co should like to reler to briefly GUACIMO y GUAPILES uncil for Civilian Relief in end which is not without inte 5107 China estimate there are now rest, it is this.
all Have you not noticed sixty million civilian refugehas obtained its rapid and great popularity by have ing cured an immense number of persons who sufas Cantina, Licores Exes in that war stricken coun natural products intended fered from LIVER and STOMACH complaints. These tranjeros y del país.
try. Most of them, he declar food for soil bacteria have, now gratfully recommend it to all who suffer from es, were without food and fa what we human beings descriTienda bien surtida.
such complaints as Abarrotes en general eing epidemics constituting) be as an offensive smell? Even the greatest health danger stable manure or rotted manu COSTIVENESS, FOUL BREATH, HEADACHES, the world has known sincere from cattle sheds, or any LOSS OF APPETITE, SKIN ERUPTIONS, NAUSEA, Precios sin competencia the Black Death of the Mid decayed vegetable matter all BILLIOUSNESS OR INDIGESTION dle Ages.
smell obnoxious to us, but surely this is part of the great scheme of nature, and the inte EX PREMIER LLOYD GEORGE SCORES BR.
rence is that what is so evil ici GOVERNMENT smelling to us may be an appe nata tising odour for the living soil Addresing, e by election rally gents regarding the sinking of population for which nature in at Stafiore, England, when he the British freighter Thorpehall tended the material spoke for the Labour Party off Valencia on the 24ts. of that THE VOGUE TAILORS And now let me say that Candidate former Prime Mi month. On the following day, was very pleased indeed to read nister, David Lloyd George, who however, the freighter PenthaJ. Rogers the sentence in your first paralis a Liberal, declared that Bri Imes was bombed and sunk: later graph where you say the ma tain twittering little protests lour British seamen lost their nure hos definitely proved to like a frightened bird, to the lives when the tanker Maryad be a good one. We honestly bel Spanish Insurgenta, srs. Becom was bombed near Allicante and lieve that it is a good and relia ing a world joke. It was sad, on the 7th. instant three more Buy Your Suits on Easy ble assistant to the planters ha he said, for him in his 76th were killed aboard the freighter rossed by economic circumstan year, to see the British flag be St. Winifred in another raid att Payment Plan ces beyond their control, and come the jeal of nations. Alicante. Do we send a protest it would indeed be a great pity On May 30th. contiued the to Italy and Germany asked See Our Lines of if the authorities were inspired ex premier, the British gover Llody George. Oh, no, he cried, by your article to place obsta nment announced, it was pro we are afraid of them.
Tweeds, Serges, Palm cles in the way of the planters testing vigorously to the insurobtaining what they have found Beach, Linens and to be good, and am sure it Drills.
is not your desire, for a single raoment, to encourage somelhins that might only lead to mo Make your choice. Pay Te extensive use of artificial che any amount from one rical substitutes which cannot help but lead to soil deterioracolón upwards. We make tion in the long run.
As proof of the value of our your suit to your entire product, am taking the liber MATINA ty of enclosing you a few leafy 24 MILLAS satisfaction.
lets which mainly consist of users opinions which you will possibly appreciate more than Los más surtidos Establecimientos de anything might say about our LICORES, TIENDA ABARROTES own goods, and in conclusion should like to mention that we. Háganos una visita.
have had the pleasure of supEste documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.
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