
Measuguy Your Suits on Easy Payment Plan Dm Do Tweeds e convince ot only Why CAFIASPIRINA OLON saceput Make your choice. Pay ize in Om DW FIASPIRINA Happy vice and At 50 last Saturday evening Messrs. Daniel RobTHE VOGUE TAILORS erts and James Franklin transferred the property of Rogers the Universal Negro Improvement Association which was bought in their names prior BAYER to the Society inscription, to the Association proper by a public document before Lic.
BAYER don Albino Villalobos, Notary Public in this City. mass meeting took place in the Hall on Tuesday evenSee Our Lines of ing to commemorate the evFact Tweeds, Serges, Palm ent, when there was a great gathering of our younger folk its of free Beach, Linens and to hear the glad news from Drills.
the lips of President Mit chell As is common with human nature many and bitter comFor many years CAFIASPIRINA has ments have been rampant as been recognized as an unfailing remedy Beches any amount from one to the honesty of purpose rein colds, headache, influenza, and rheugarding this latest move; and olón upwards. We make several acrimonious commuBAYER matic complaints. You should insist on nications have reached our CAFIASPIRINA, not only because of your suit to your entire office relative thereto, which tz its sure effect, but also because it does satisfaction.
we refrain from publishing or.
in the interest of peace and not harm the heart, stomach or kidneys.
Harmony among our coloured The world famous Bayer Cross, which appears people.
on every tablet, guarantees the excellence of 19. 500 00. es Fernando del Barco ABOGADO hingly ANOTHER LANDMARK GONE Oficina Limón rother Frente almacén Peña Sues. Ceder Sunday last the Grim occurrence reached them earlier Apartado 446 munity. claimed another of our than it did.
THE PRICE OF LINE a praset esidents. Mr. George The deceased was prominently ipkures Sim, the well known Tailor identified with the political plained San José By the Diario de Costa Ri. the Railway while travelling uirres.
activities of the country, and alFrente Botica Francesa ca it is observed that the from Turrialba to San Jose, Lic.
guys of yore, the deceased ways ardently supported Widow of don José Luis Sa has been awarded the sum Father very enthusiastic member don Carlos Maria Jimenez. He Apartad, 626 Tel. 4420 las, ex Alcalde of Turrialba, of forty thousand colones, by, tomed pi Machanic Order and took latterly became an adherent of. who met his death along with the Supreme Court, as indemvere pe tive part in establishing the doctrines of The Jehovah Mr. Taylor and Deputy don nity for the loss of her husbisters GiConcordia Lodge of this witnesses. He was a staunch SOVIET ARMY REPORTED José Monge in an accident onland.
Kenzie the Progressive and supporter of and, at times, coappropka of Siquirres, the rrespondent of our Journal, the IN BAD SHAPE en by on of Guacimo and the refore, we take this opportunity Information said to have been Mc Ceverance of Cairo.
of tendering our sincere condoreceived in London from a reliable and Man interment, accompanied lence to the widow, and other source describes the condition of the Spurechanic Rites, took place members of the sorrowing the Soviet Army as being most dePr. Conday morning at Siqui family; and, with them, deeply plorable. As a consequence of the em and the ceremony would deplore the loss of sovaluable large number of officials who have le word been attended by many of a citizen. May his soul find either been shot, exiled, imprisoned Id not Waternal Brothers of Limon, Peace Divine.
ihren notification of the sad or degraded by the Stalinite purifi EVERYTHING for the BRIDE the this life cations, it is calculated that BRIDEGROOM can be got at active service is now without one ist, we half of the required number of serable efficient officers THE PEOPLE HOUSE roho o Pobre In view of this, the British ForeJACK ORANE SUCS.
ign Office is alleged to have seized the opportunity of again bringing diplomatic pressure on France to with AN ALMOST SUDDEN DEATH lovakia government to arrange its que se necesite en caso de aecidente y SI differences with the members of en furi USTED desgraciadamente es la víctima, its German minority community.
By means of The Mumps demise was Mumps seem a bit death has claimed one of our far fetched. However, Ben TayUSTED ESTA EN PELIGRO prominent citizens Benja lor, the oldest and most trustFrancisco Fonseca Ch.
min Teylor. Although suffering worthy Banana Selector has pasCompre L01 ERIA NACIONAL from an attack of the Pape sed to the Great Beyond. dog LAWYER NOTARY ras. he was around and doing is said to have bitten him on yude al Hospital y al Asilo para bien de todos.
PUBLIC his duties as one of the confi both legs while out at Carmen, Office: dential Receivers of Bananas and as soon as he got back Adjoining to the City for the Cia Bananera de Cos home the Mumps overtook him GUATEMALA INSISTS BRITAIN BUILD ROAD Public Library ta Rica, but suddenly developing in spite of his having received pneumonia he was admitted to attention at Siquirres.
IN SALVADOR. Gua. concluded a boundary treaty TiNGLISH SPOKEN the hospital on Wednesday af The Atlantie Voice condola contends that Great in 1859 by which the former FORMER JUDGE OF THE ternoon when he collapsed and les most sincerely with his in owes that country a recognized the soverignty of LIMON DISTRICT COURT died widow, son, brother and other 200 miles in length from British Honduras. Although His death has been a great relatives who now mourn his Atlantic Coast to the ca the colony was ceded to Enshock to his many friends and loss. May his Soul find Peace in accordance with a gland by Spain in 1670, cher Bock y concluded in 1859, and were repeated attempts or failure to build the road has was in the best of health, and of worries.
the general community, as he from the turmoils of this Vale ts President Roosevelt Spanish residents of Centr bern the suoject of discussion to be told that the cause of his bitrate the claim. The America to oust the Eritisn between the iwo governments are lio Latino of this city calls settlers.
for more than half a century.
a the other Central Ame The Treaty of 1859 provi Replyng to Guatemala denol republics to support ded for the construction of a mands, the Bristish Foreign EDGAR ODIO GONZALEZ Semala with a solid front road by Britain in Guatema office stated that the validity RODRIGO ODIO GONZALEZ Bast Britain.
lan teritory from the coast of of the reasons presented by tish Honduras, Britain the Caribbean to the capital Guatemala could not be aeAbogados y Notarios colony in Central Ame at Guatemala City. British encepted and added that Lowyers. Public Notaries. SAN JOSE. LIMON touches Guatemala on gineers made a study of the the circumstances nothing Office in Limon adjoins that of the Municipality aast and lies south of Yu route and found the cost of can be gained by continuing opposite the Park ko. Guatemala and Britain, construction very high. The discussion of the question.
JUNE WEDDINGS. JUNE WEDDINGS. está en peligro ifon el Hospital no hay Suero Antitelánico o viet Union and to get the CzechosFor people ose of Te mal Prov ency of Hist Rocker ce dan alter where og of Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.


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