
A DAY em Dr. Medal Jo DE Blessing for Humanity PANCRESALETS acc. to Dr. Richard Weiss DENCIAS DIABETES mellitus Regular reduction of sugar excretion Improved tolerance for carbolydrates No undesirable after effects Sold by all Drug Stores a Página 10 SE ATLANTIO VOICE SATURDAY JUNE 25th. 1938 THE REMEDY WICH IS AN EFF CIENT Dos males hay.
ganeso y con el enrazo. Ya se TAKEN BY WAY OF THE MOUTH barrunta la posibilidad dei xportar algodón, abaca. etc.
La que seria imperdonable lo Cura es entrar en rivalidad Takes the pleasure of informing his esteemed client cmercial con paises produethat he hos removed his Dental Clinic to the apartmen tores de trigo, por ejemplo, que cuenta con factores es. previously occupied by Dr. Badillo, between the Consula TOTAL eciales que abaratan el cos.
to notablemente, of the United States of America and the British Pharma Más aun, vamos a dar por un hecho cierto que los gra5.
the only activated efficacious nos se elevarán en droporperoral treatment for cion desmedida. Siempre BRUTAL MURDER quedaría el remedio de importar y el del reajuste de man, known by the name of The assassin claims, we salarios. así, como ganaria Sutherland, who had for some erstand, Self Defence for la economía nacional, con time resided in the District of actions, as it is alleged altos precios de los productos Zent was, on Friday of last victim was ill treating agricolas y buenos salarios?
week, chopped to pieces by a woman Gibb and on his pric Con todo, vengamos a la Nicaraguan named Montoya. ing. Sutherland fell on hit cuenta de que en la vida toFrom the information which he had to resort to his mag do se compensa. Así podemos has reached us, it appears Suth It, however, seems a pod adelantar, sin temor a equierland was on intimate relations self defence that efter lin vocarnos, que en San José y with a Mrs. Gibb of Toro, with off the mans hands, hest como quién dice la capital, hablamos de la meseta cen whose son there arose a dispute have continued to chop hi tral, la vida no encarecerá co mother farm, and a criminal we think, that his adversar regarding the destruction of the his back, which is an indice mo algunos piensan. Casi case ensued against the son for not facing him. Sutherlang nos atrevemos aseverar the chopping down of Literatura by the go.
Cacao not die until he was taken que puede abaratarse. No hay FEU. LEBO S, CARVALHO, APPEL and other crops; as a result of to the Section, and althoug que hacer mucho esfuerzo this he is supposed to have left matter was reported to SAN JOSE. PO BOX 329 mental para tratar de razonar esta afirmación. Hoy dia the country. His farm was then authorities at the time, no embargoed by the mother as a empt seem to have been hay un hacinamiento de traSinking of Two More Merchant Ships Ignored by guarantee for her costs in con to get the suffering man bajadores. de comercio, de On the Limon until the following Britain industria menuda en la me nection with the case.
seta central, por falta de otro day of the tragedy Sutherland As the young Mrs. Gibb LONDON. The British go truce in Spain and early opera campo más propicio. Por esa went on the embargoed culti murderer and the victim, be follow have been the kent is vernment ignored the sinking tion of her vivir vation, where he seem to have pear to friendship Pact tendencia muy tica a of two more of her merchant with Italy. Prospects of a Tru bajo la sombra del campana encountered the wife of young actors in the fatal play, the Time Montoya facts concerning the crue ident, e ships in the Mediterranean oace however appeared to be dimm rio. Mas el desarrollo de la Gibb and the man Thursday last, and continued ing, though Premier Chamber zona del Pacífico, las facili gathering the crops. He is said are mere conjectures, thou terest to canvass the possibility of a lain denied in the House of Com dades de vida, los altos sala to have remonstrated with them is alleged there had been the al pun mons that Italy was trying to rios, todo eso va a estimular respecting the illegality of their against the lives of the drive a wedge between Britain el éxodo, y no menos de un action when he was immedia Mrs. Gibb, Sutherland and pe May Wireless.
and France 25 del excedente que hoy tely attacked by the native and other person for having bray City His hands the trouble on the younger the decis There was a flurry of opti vegeta en un medio ingrato, chopped to death.
Court mism after the agreement by reducido, pobre, desfilara po were chopped oft, his head and family.
From Page The remains of the dece that the Non Intervention Sub Com co a poco hacia la llamada face brutally lacerated and then mittee on the withdrawal of tierra de promisión. No será when apparently in the act of were taken charge of and is no Political circles predict that Volunteers in the Spanish war.
raro, entonces, ver los avisos falling or endeavouring to get ed by the Free Gardeners pers an Turkish troops would within Britain is pledged to explore de Se alquila por todos la away, his back and side were of this city. Much indigneessari a few days enter the Syrian dis the possibilities of a Truce, but cos, tanto en casas de habi so badly chopped that the intes prevails as a consequence orts and frict of Alexandretta, batter adjoinsince Italy is demanding a victo tación como en locales comer tines and liver were exposed. Tawful deed.
th pam ing the Turkin border, to colla ry by Insurgent General Fran ciales. El descongestionamien Jersey borate with the French army in co, and France has agreed to to traerá una holgura. Es sedo 50 quelling pre election unrest. La close he frontier to shipment guro que también se produztest reports from both Paris of armaments, few believe an ca un reajuste.
and Antioch.
Grmistice will be reached Y, no hemos venido ovendo peo Indicate the posibility of repetir que el mal de la paar amicable settlement of the vimentación y el de la mul has obtained its rapid and great popularity by haere tiplicación de las No SOME URGENT WANTS obras de current French Turkish ing cured an immense number of persons who sul dispu fomento, ha sido la atraccion fered from LIVER and STOMACH complaints. The con te regarding treantment of the del campesino a la capital?
Alexaitier citizens, who now gratfully recommend it to all who suffer fronthle are The Editor.
no fué ese uno de los fenóme Iker such complaints as scheduled to vote in July There are so many modern nos que se operaron durante windo determine whether their dis giris now a days in our midst. la danza de los millones? COSTIVENESS, FOUL BREATH, HEADACHE leto trict is to be controlled by, and as always like to give a esas familias de trabajadoLOSS OF APPETITE, SKIN ERUPTIONS, NAUSEAPs des Turks of Arabs.
helping hand, send you the res rurales, no sólo hicieron BILLIOUSNESS OR INDIGESTION BERLIN By official or following. do not know the un hueco en su pueblo, sino press der, the German weddings author. do hope the Printer que acestumbrados a la vida form which are not held in churches Devil will not intervene: urbana, con cine, alumbrado no reconsidered more digaified want the thrill of a lops lateléctrico, etc. ya Sorol Than heretofore, Many June Kiss, como volverse al lugar de su weddings howeve rseemed odd want the things that the nice procedencia? Piensan que se (VTENE de La Paz. UNO)El proyecto está en la Cárthis. co affairs to those not versed girls miss ria una humillación. Seria co un simple beneficio para los ra Legislativa y no dudal Cour Nazi lore. Ancient Teutonic ri want the heart and the love mo declararse vencidos. la limonenses.
de que muy pronto, antes. tual frequently used with of a man verdad es que los centros ur Ahora restaba un paso más: lo que pudiera sospech: ordin many variations. One of the But want to be single as long banos deben estar limitados el de la nueva cañería. Las este convertido en ley dübiddin Germanic faith movement for as can a las familias que pueden ha interrupciones frecuentes, la República. La promesa dktrcular unulas rent to couples runs What really want is some cute cer esa vida, muchas veces urgencia de hacer una distri mueva cañeria no va a sering thus May other Earth, from artificiosa, de las ciudades. bución adecuada, así como la ilusión de momento; será ed advice whom all love proceeds, and On how to be naughty and still Pero cuanto mejor es para el de aumentar el caudal, todo realidad, que vendrá a dission all good Powers in the air, ru be NICE trabajador manual y aun pa eso se imponía desde hace, solidar el prestigie de Lit will ra el oficinista, ahora que los tiempo. Gracias que la visión como puerto de primera pn, por le over you until your d, tiny Yours faithfully, medios de locomoción son tan de los señores Yglesias y Gon se en el litoral centroam fulfilled.
AUBREY SPYER fáciles, vivir en los campos, zález Viquez y los esfnerzos cano del Atlántico.
Ossos. oooo.
en las periferias de las ciu de otros gobernantes que los Este comentario se die dades, con mejor aire, con sucedieron. lograroa erradi a aplaudir la iniciativa y más comodidades, con mayor. car de nuestro puerto las ca de luego, a estimularla, economia.
lenturas malighas. Sólo asi que responde a una gran Dos graves males debe com se explica que, agua de tan cesidad. Por demás está di batir el pais, enérgica y me mala calidad, por el arrastre que los limonenses estare LIMON, COSTA RICA tódicamente: la empleomania de materias orgánicas y su simpre gratos por la aten y la tendencia del habitante ministrada con gotero, no hu que se le ha prestado a ni MADERAS EXTRANJERAS DEL PAIS rural a sentar sus reales en biera dado origen a una epi tro problema máximo de Compro cacao Material de Tranvía la capital, para llegar a con demia de saldo grave. cañeria.
vertirse en un parásito de las Pero ya estamos en punto LA VOZ DEL ATL Servicio de cabotaje a Cahuita y Pto. Viejo instituciones de caridad, hoy a remediar esa mala deficien TICO se ha apuntado un ta Importación de mercadería en general.
liamadas de protección so cia. El Gobierno que presidel fo también, porque ha cial, para disimular piadosa el licenciado Cortés Castro, un vocero al servicio de ODNOSSO mente su verdadera función. se va a apunter ese triunfo ideal.
Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.
Guillermo Niehaus Co.


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