
FAILURE OF OUR COFFEE AND CACAO CROPS THE ATLANTIC VOICE 37 year id The very heavy rains experienced here from the beginning of the year hove been the couse of a serious folling off in our financial activites.
There was the absence of our accustomed Cacao Crop, by reason of the blossoms being washed off the trees and the Devoted to the interests of the people of the Atlantis Zone blighting of the small percentage of bearings which survived.
Editor English Section: SC. NATION Formers and their labourers were accordingly deprived of their regular income and this produced much deprivation Year y Limón, Costa Rica, Saturday October 15. 1938 No. 216 Our commercial interests have also suffered from the consequent reduced spending power of our people, as well as other important factors of the community.
Wireless News FRANCE VOTES LARGELY FOR HER DEFENCE According to the statistics formulated by the Coffee growers of the interior this product has also suffered trePremier Edouard Daladier Prezident Lebrun is also re mendously from the some cause. The latest estimates hay received the permi. sion of ported to have signed a Decree denote there will be a shortage of about fifty thousand qui WILDWOOD. An escaped as Cabinet to spend an axtra circus lion clawed to death two billion Francs, about authorizing credits to the exntals in this season crop, and placing the price at its a man who tried to stop its 52. 000. 000, for the defence tent of 420 million bwest figure of sixtey colones per quintal, it is expected the Francs mad rush, which had kept of the French Republic during general public will experience a reduction of their spending the South Jersey resort in a the few remaining months of for meeting the extraordinary powers by some three hundred thousand colones. The ques grip of terror for two and the year. This act is regarded expensus of the War DepartTon therefore arises, what will the government do to alle a half hours, before a patrol as evidence of the government ment during the 1938 financial viote so distressing a situation? There are no works of man shot it at a ten foot ran firm determination to push for period, as well as eight hundred improvement being carried out, hence if nothing be inauge. The mutilated body of the ward its re. armament pro and eighty. seven and a half old Philadelphian gramme.
millions for the Navy.
gurated by which the labouring population can earn somwas found under the boardthing to keep them agoing, much hunger is sure to be felt walk 150 yards from where INSTRUCTIONS FROM THE HEALTH DEPT.
omong a large section of our people.
the beast had dragged him This condition is not so seriously felt in the interior down into a maze of piles.
of the country as the unemployed from the Coffee areas The lion pounced on him as large majority of the But whose ages bring them under can go to the Pacific, where the Banana industry still needs he alighted from an automo chers operating around us, par the regulations restricting them bile with ticularly those in whose the more from being served with alcohoa woman workers. The Negroes cannot, however, avail themselves provinces, screams brought out all the northerly usually lis products in public or licensof this opening nthe face of the legislative restrictions.
town police and firemen to wrap their meatstuff sales in ed establishments. The matter What then can the government do to cope with the increas stalk the beast with search plantain leaves, specially procur was brought to the Minister ed for the purpose, with sights.
ing number of unemployed in this division of the Republic?
an attention, we understand, by a outer wrapping taken from used large number of persons who Many works of improvement have been projected, but very magazines, newspapers, etc. the claim these sweets are much litrie action has yet been see on in this respect.
LONDON. Lady Astor, Minister of Public Health has, patronized by children of all The construction of an adequate Water Supply for our British Virginia born however, expressed his objection ages and if they are allowed city was faithfully promised by President Cortes. He also declared the London Comm to the practice. He says it is a to freely indulge their appetite assured us a readway from the City to the Cemetery and unist Newspaper, The Daily direct infringement of the Sani for the sweets, their craving on to Portette by way of completing the driveway back Worker, was responsible for tary regulations in force. Ins for the taste of alcohol is likely oLimon. The carrying out of these work, would be a the story that Colonel Chartructions have, consequently to become so fixed as to endangles Lindbergh criticized the been given the authorities con er the lives of the future citimeans of assisting our unemployed. But where are they?
Soviet Air Force at a dinner cerned to see that it be not con zens of the country, los Are they mere conjectures to satisfy the curiosity of our at her home. The Viscountess tinued nob Dr. Peña Chavarria has also have, die people? The Minister of Finance also told us these improThe necessary orders said there is no truth in it.
issued instructions with a view therefore, been passed on to the vaments would be a go, as the money to cover the cost was Oppostion newspapers have of preventing the sale of such various local authorities to see in hand. But all is still silent while our people are starving, for months charged an aris chocolate coated sweets, which that the regulations which conand not allowed to migrate to the Pacific side of the country tocratic pro German group, contain alcoholic compositions trol the selling of such a comcentering about Lady Astor o in search of work, but should they, under the stress of in their centres, to mirors modity be strictly adhered to.
home, was responsible for Pre e hunger commit any offence against the laws they will, na mier Chamberlain Dictator de turally, be diagnosed a bad lot from an inferior, undesira Appeasement policy. Colonel THE CHECO. HUNGARIAN DIFFICULTIES los ble Race. Who, however, would really be the couse of their Lindbergh was denounced by tona eleven Soviet Airmen in lla actions? Oun populace is growing rapidly, and if the government does not do something to cope with the condition letter published in Moscow. vt been proceeding for some The negotiations which ha jority, by Hungarians.
Hungary has since decided for what can be conjectured will be the outcome of a conjestThey asserted he was a guest time, with a view of settling to refer the question to a new in Lady Astor home when sed penitentiary, whose inmates must be fed and otherwise The territorial demands of conference of the Four Pohe made statements deroga Hungary against Checoeslova wers at Munich; she is said provided for tory of Soviet Aviation which kia, have fallen through in to be demanding a total area It is to be hoped our far visioned Executive will see the may have influenced Conserconsequence of the Chek gov of 13, 000 squaere kilometers strength of these statements, and in view of the failing vative circules to urge Pre jernment finally refusing to while the Cheks were willcrops, seek to alleviate the distresing situation looming on mier Chamberlain to go ahe ede all the areas claimed asing to treat with her in resad with his agreement to per being populated, in the ma Ipect to approximately 3, 500.
mit Hitler to dismember Checoslovakia 11que TU a HAMBURG AMERIKA LINIE UNITED FRUIT COMPANY AMSTERDAM. Colonel Chas. Lindbergh and his wife left Waalhaven airport, Rotterdam, for Berlin on the 12th. instant. He made no SERVICIO DE VAPORES DI סם Salidas semanales de Limón para Nueva York con escala en Cristóbal y Habana.
THE BOUNDARY DISPUTE Llevando café para todos los puertos Europeos y Americanos Próximas salidas de Puerto Linnon VAPORES SALIDAS Para GUATEMALA: MN. CARIBIA 21 de Octubre JAMAICA VERAGUA CHIRIQUI Octubre 16 Octubre 23 Octubre 30 Para EUROPA: MN. CARIBIA 26 de Octubre Due to the intense manifetations by those opposed to the propo als placed before Congress for a settleinent of the long pending question of this country boundary with Panama, President Cortez has consented to its witdrawal from the consideration of our Legis lative As embly. mapjority the Deputies met at the Presidencia, and after fully con sidering the publie hostility.
recommended its withdrawal.
The boundary therefore re mains as delineated by the White Arbitration.
It is now left to be seen what attitude the Panamanians will adopt in connection with the matter.
Agentes para Limón y Puntarenas.
Para otros informes dirijase a las oficinas de la UNITED FRUIT COMPANY los bajos del Gran Hotel Costa Rica TELEFONO 3156 AGENCIA COSTA RICA AVENIDA CENTRAL TELEFONO 2086 Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.


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