
FROM PAGE LANCEROS mes declared there were days when the terms of an AngloGerman anti war deelaration could be dismissed as a pious platitude likely to be forgotten before an occasion could arise for it to be practically tested, but the present, it is fair to think, ir not such a time. By the terms concluded the most dangerous threat of war had been removed.
The Daily Express said The Anglo German agreement is a new step in the direction of detachment from Europe as it affords us the opportunity to develop to their extreme limits the unity of our Empire. It holds out to our people the pros pect of turning, at long last, from Europe with its interminable problem to seek security with our Empire in the unity of endeavour with our Sister States. In summing up the situatior.
the Dail Herald stated the plan is open to great criticism on a number if points; nevertheless Hitler has had to abandon the most brutal of his Goedesburg terms For the first time he had to realize there are force in the world more powerful, and more absolute than the will of a Dictator. The News Chronicle, the Manchester Guardian and others express themselves in similar terms.
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for the Christmas Contest aANGLO AMERICAN PI NEARS SETTLEMENT Foreign traders returning from Washington recently predicted that the Anglo American trade treaty would be announced shortly. Settlement of all major questions involved in the treaty has been reached they said, and the State Department is preparing to reveal the results.
The recent European crisis, it was explained, has delayed action on the treaty and the formal approval of the complet ed document must be obtained from British officials in Lon FOOD TRAMPLED BY HUNGRY CROWD THE PASSING OF AN OLD SETTLER don before it can be issued The approval, if Washington re Pittsburgh. Chanting We, husled several tons of food It is with sincere regret we over on the 10th.
of April ports are correct, will be for Want Roast Ox. several thou cross the hall and trampled it have today to record the 1848. He came to this counthcoming as soon as the Brit sand hungry persons at a Sta underfoot.
death of one of the old sett try in the year 1888, and sett ish dispose of the pressing probte Republican rally in suburSenator James Davis and lers of this Province.
led eventually in the district lems raised by the Czech Ger ban park broke through poli Judge Arthur James, the Mr. John Blagrove Walker, of Matina, where he became man crisis.
ce lines, invaded a dining hall Gubernatorial candidate, and who had reached the very ad attached to the Baptist Detheir party were surrounded in vanced age of ninety years nomination and served as a the hall while attempting to and six months, passed on Deacon for 34 years. During WIRELESS NEWS divert the crowd to a speato the Great Beyond on Tues the latter years of his long ker stand.
day the 11th. instant at Ma life he was tenderly cared Tossed around in the melee, tina. The deceased was a na by Mr. Thomas Panton. FROM PAGE wants to have a great supe Judge James shouted: Ladies tive of the Island of Jamai May his Soul find Rest and riority over Germany, then first. thrust his neered by Macedonians hosti England in closing her eyes daughter, Dorothy, in front of pewell in the parish of Han23 year old ca, having been born at Ho Place Eternal.
le to Bulgarian Yugoslav to realities, as Germany pre him and with Senator Davis friendship, and fighting for sent superiority will be main and others behind struggled an independent Macedonia. tained in the future.
NUEVO DEPOSITO MADERAS DE GUAPILES 100 feet to the hall entrance.
BERLIN. Britain arma SHANGHAI. The сарment upsurge following the ture of two important bulbered and overpowered, estima Helpless park police, outnum 50 yaras al Sur del Correo Peace Pact of Munich is re warks of Chinese resistance ted that at least 55, 000 pergarded with astonishment in in the Yangtze Valley is an sons were attracted by promiGermany. Nazis are asking nounced by the Japanese ses of free food. They milled El famoso laurel negro y barcino en cualquier Why. In an editorial which they report final capitula about the ball during the halfhad the carmarks of official tion of Yangsin, protecting hour disorder.
cantidad. Precios más bajos de plaza.
sanction, one newspaper hin the southern railway ap The first group to break into ted that the German govern proach to Hankow; and Teian, th hall were routed by poli PASE VER SE CONVENCERA. ment was awaiting on official protecting the northern ap ce, but as soon a sthey were communication from Britain proach to Nanchang. The dispersed, hundreds of others explaining the logic of the capture of Yangsin places the shoved through another entran as fifty pounds, and tossed One party leader said that, decision. The editorial also Japanese in a position to ce, upsetting tables laden with them into the crowd.
although food had been provid said that what is going on in press fifty miles westward 60, 000 ears of corn, meat from Most of the meat fell to the ed for about 50, 000 persons, he England is regarded in Ger across the plains of Southea four oxen, 50, 000 buns, seve floor and was trampled in a doubted if 1, 000 got anything many with astonishment. Western Hupeh Province, to striral bushels of tomatoes and ga messy mixture of olives, corn to eat. Another remarked: would be the best of friends ke the Canton. Hankow rail llons of olives.
and tomatoes. You think we were giving i: asserted but the English way about 50 miles south of Pushed by hundreds in the Several persons were knock away gold dollars. It worse do not want it. We shall find Hankow Teian lies about 130 rear, the leaders grabbed uped to the ground, but the park than ladies day at a ball park our way alone with tried and miles southeast of Hankow. big chunks of the greasy meat, hospital received no reports of and thought nothing could trusted friends. If England some pieces weighing as much injuries.
be as bad as that.
Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.


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