
on Budweise If enfeebled by age.
Virilinets use moEthiopian World Federation Meets in Limon cated. The films were deve. Miss Violet Whitehorn for declined a Arrested for Violation In Loving Memory of of Espionage Act La calidad delicada y el gusto distinguido de RUTH TWRIGHT Four Germans thiec BUDWEISER son el resultade de 80 años de men and a woman were who departed this world on the experiencia en su elaboración.
arrested by the military au 23rd. October, 1934.
thorities of the Canal Zone, ーメー Jesus Whom we hope to see Panama, on the 14th, instant, La popularidad de BUDWEISER fundó la cerCalling us in Heaven to be when they were found tak vecería mayor del mundo.
Happy evermore with Thee ing photographs in the Fort Randolph area of the Zone Hear us, Holy Jesus.
Ahora se consigue en latitas doradas.
The woman, booked as In. COMO BUDWEISER. ninguna geborg Gutmann, and one of the men, who gave his name UNEMPLOYED ON THE INCREASE as Hans Schackow, are said to be employees of the GerEleven major countries she. nited Steates and Canada are man Hapag Lloyd Steams ip wed increases in their unemplo in both groups.
Line Agency at Cristobal.
yed during the third quarter Increasee in unemployment The other two were listed of 1938, as compared to that as compared to last year in the as Gisbert Gross and Edward LIMON TRADING period in 1937, according to the major countries, United Robert Kuhring but without Int. national Labor Office States, 3, 561, 753 to a total of addresses.
DISTRIBUIDORES quarterly report world 11, 344, 239; Britian, 451. 242 to The quartet drove to the unemployment published rcen a total of 1, 759, 242; France, gates of the Fort reservation Tegn Bu tly in Geneva.
31, 810 to 366, 331; Canada, Compared to on the morning of the day the previous 23, 338 to 108. 8383. Others in of their arrest and told the quarter in 1938 only five councreasing include Belgium, Den tries show an increase. The mark, Ireland, Norway, Switsentry on duty they were zerland and Hungary.
THE ZENT UNION CHURCH RALLY going to the Post Exchange and on their giving a negative reply to the Sentry en very successful Rally of the United Fruit Company, quiry if they had a camera, the principal products of the Costa Rica would indeed be Province of Limon was held a Costa Pobre. It was they were allowed to pass.
all As they did not return dur. in connection with the Zent great humour and helped the ing the succeeding two hours, Church on Tuesday the 4th. collections the thing inost Another the rejuvenating the sentry became suspicious instant. The principals were devoutly desired.
was repre item of much interest hormone preparation and advised the Sergcant on Mr. Thomas Martin. Cacao. and FOR MEN, duty to search for them. They senting Mr. the gift of the Baptistery in Bana the new church, by the Bapwere found taking pictures of Cristopher Knight daording to Dr. Rich. Woiss.
the Galeta Point, and were nas. The Concert which pre tist Denomination. The Ask for our illustrated booklit immediately escorted to the ceded the Rally was highly ney for this and the RosON SALE IN ALL DRUGSTORES Guardhouse. Their camera interesting and entertaining trum was presented by Mrs.
and automobile were contis. Much prai e must be given Stainton Murdoch, a member for of the Limon Baptist Church, loped but the Fort Officials her efficient services at the she made a very neat and ins Last Sunday afternoon an dience fully interested appreciable number of mem more than half an hour with to disclose the reorgan, as also for the labour piring speech. Mention must bers and friends attended the an address which was full of she bestowed in helping the also be made of the fine ges sults.
Choir and training the chil ture on the part of Mrs. Kea regular general meeting of wit and humour in addition to one39.
dren, who all did remarka tes, wife of Captain Keates, the local Branch of the abe being highly nistructive. He bly well.
the Super intendent of Farms ve Federation, to hear an ad reminded his hearers that Fernando del Barco The Rally itself was a most this who se diess by Mr. Salomon Ethiopian is not yet conquerexciting time and full of contribution along with her Headley who is organizing aed and never will be. He was ABOGADO thrills. The thrills came in card wishing the Rally every new Branch in Cahuita given a great applaud on The meeting commenced closing.
Oficina the spontaneous marching up success. contribution was Limón to the table of the contribu also made by Mrs. Franklin, with the singinf of a hymn, Frente almacén Peña Sues.
followed by prayer, and the Among those who attended tors to support their partiher daughters, and the SunApartado 446. Messrs. Shaw cular product. Mr. Azariah shine Society which she ma reading of the minutes of the Davis, Davidson, Duc.
Jones represented Pana nages.
previous meeting. The Cons kett, Walker, Smith San José nas a Mr. Knight was unfor Mrs. Martin and Mrs. Jo titution was also read for the of Cahuita, and Nelson of Frente Botica Francesa tunately unable to attend. It nes caused much merriment benefit of the visitors.
San José.
Apartado 626 Tel. 4420 was very humorous to listen by the manner in which they Mr. Headley kept the auE. Horde.
to the two Representatives ex conducted their canvassing pounding the superior merits campaign and so materially of their particular commodi contributed to the Rally. The ARMY PANORAMA ty. Mr. Martin told of the Cause was further helped by IN 302 FOOT MURAL dulgence by statesmen, scien assistance from Mr. and Mrs virtue of the Cacao. its in contributions and personal tits and others as also the Stainton Murdock, and many THE VOGUE TAILORS WASHINGTON The various items obtainable from others to whom the sincerest largést mural ever to be pain it. Mr. Jones retorted by thanks are tendered. The cla ted in this country, showing pointing out the fact that the mour for a repetition is althe development of the re is only one Company ope ready heard. Well done Zent.
merican Army from 1776 to rating in our Province and the present time, is now being that without Bananas and Contributed completed here for exhibiBuy Your Suits on Easy tion at the Golden Gate International Exposition at San Payment Plan Francisco in 1939.
The mural, 302 feet long and 12 12 feet high, consists See Our Lines of of ten panels showing Ameri the rejuvenating hormone preparation can soldiers in action in va Tweeds, Serges, Palm rious periods of the nation FOR WOMEN Beach, Linens and history and accurately depic according to Dr Rich Weiss.
Ask forour illustrated booklet Drills.
uniforms ting the types of worn at the time.
ON SALE IN ALL DRUGSTORES The gigantic painting Make your choice. Pay said to be the second largest in the world, is the work of ANOTHER LARGE LOAN FOR GERMANY any amount from one two men, Kenneth Stubbs, BERLIN. The Reich announready has been placed. syndi ran Gallery of Art here, and ced a new 1, 500, 000, 000 mark cate under Reichsbank leadercolón upwards. We make art instructor at the Corco governmnt loan the third ma hip will undertak the sale of Frank Imrey, a Hungarian jor loan in the current year the remaining 950, 000, 000 your suit to your entire artist, Mr. Stubb assistant and the fourtheenth since marks.
1935. The new loan brings the The loan, offered at satisfaction 983 4, JOSE ACHION NG borrowing in the public capi carries 12 per cent interest.
Comerciante Detallista tal market up to 11, 130, 000, 000 The previous 1, 000, 000, 000 Licores, Abarrotes, Cristale marks.
mark Greater Germany loan ría, Artículos de Ferretería y The loan now announced has floated soon after the Austrian Eléctricos; todo se encuentra by en este establecimiento.
been expected in banking and annexation was increased PRECIOS DE SITUACION Boerse circles for several weeks 450, 000, 000 marks on May LIMON and a substancial part anesti because of the heavy oversubsmated 550, 000. 000 marks all cription.
were Rogers If prematurely aged use sort Fertilinets. Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.


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