
SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 5th. 1938THE ATLANTIC VOICE PAGE Brazil Bans Uniforms In Diplomatic Service SPANISH LOYALISTS TO SUPPORT PORTUGAL ON COLONIES THE VOGUE TAILORS Rogers Buy Your Suits on Easy Payment Plan The paper RIO DE JANEIRO, Brazil Uniforms in the diplo BARCELONA, Spain. blem of this kind the artimatic service will be bann What may be considered acle continues all Spaniards ed, it hase been announced. semiofficial declaration on are one. Whatever may have Foreign Minister Oswaldo the subject of Portugal ap been the error of Portugal Aranha order was included peared in the official govern with respect to the essential in a decree announcing ex ment organ, the Vanguardia cause of Republican Spain tensive changes in the consu Its interest lies in the fact that does not prevent us rais lar and diplomatic services of that Republican Spain, soing our voice against the new Brazil far from accepting foreign iniquity now incubating wiHereafter women will not arrangements for itself, is thin the heads of the dicta be allowed to enter the diplo prepared to oppose Britam tors of European policy.
matic service but those in it should its government agree recalls that already will be allowed to to give Portuguese colonies Spain and Portugal are two remain. The service will be to Germany Republican sister countries of the Ibeopen only to native Brazii Spain thus inferentially be rian Peninsula, the creators ians and their marriage to comes Portugal defender. of great empires and that foreigners is prohibited. Fur The article says that Ger it remains incumbent upon thermore, under the new re many now seems to be prepa them to take a united stand gulatioas all members of the red to ask for the redistribu in the defense of their inteservice must resign when the tion of colonies and to de rests term of the President who mand that she share coloSome time ago Premier appointed them expires. pies with weaker powers, Juan Negrin in answer to the No career diplomat orme a The Netherlands, Belgium fears expressed in London ber of the consular service and particularly Portugal. that a Loyalist victory might can be away from his post Portugal, long a satellite of endanger the wellbeing of for more than three years Britain, says the article, is Portugal stated that Republi If he is, he is automatically becoming nervous especially can Spain stood for the pre retired. If wives of members in view of the Czech parti servation of Portugal integri of the service are on the pution.
ty, which it was prepared to blic payroll also either one Confronted with a pro guarantee.
or the other must resign.
See Our Lines of Tweeds, Serges, Palm Beach, Linens and Drills.
Make your choice. Pay any amount from one colón upwards. We make your suit to your entire satisfaction.
a GUATEMALA NATIONAL AN INCENTIVE TO BETTER ELOCUTION FAIR THE EDITOR: REGARDING GERMANY COLONIAL DEMANDS Kindly allow us a small space in your much appreciated Guatemala, second lar Weekly to make a few statements, by way of information, anent gest country of Central Ame the recently instituted Championship Title in Elocution.
rica, will hold its national In as much as we are the ones who frist thought of creatfair in Guatemala City from ing such a Title to represent All Limon at home and abroad, Brussels reports that Bel Legislative Assembly, has Nov. 20 to 27. Coming as this and carried the idea to a most fitting climax with the recent gium has replied with a de been launohed to organize a annual event does at the bean Star Contest for the Maxwell Prize, we are soliciting the cided No to suggestions united front against any atginning of the tourist season, full support and co operation of the public to uphold this worth that she contribute to a gen tempt to return colonies to an unusual opportunity is ei while effort as an incentive toward better elocution and a eral redistribution of colonial Germany.
ven to visitors to see the wa general uplifting of thought.
territory, to meet Germany Nazi Agents in South Afrires and produce of the coun Any Elocutionist, anywhere, within the Province of Limon, demands for the return of the ca are said to be intensifytry, together with Indian dan can arrange to eompete for the Championship after first meet Colonies she lost in the World ing agitation for a plebiscite ces, horse races and the Gua ing and defeating the five competitors who now hold souvenirs War. The Minister of Colo on the question of return to temalan on parade.
in connection with the Maxwell Contest; and any of these five nies declared they did not Germany.
Permanent buildings have can now challenge the Title holder and so compete for same.
steal the Belgian Congo and Miners, representing as ma.
been erected in the We hope to stage such a contest very shortly in the Arrasty capital nobody would steal it from ny as twenty. seven Races, for the many exhibits of this Theatre. special Committee will choose the subject to be renthem, it would remain Bel held a mass meeting at the fair. In addition, there is dered by the contesting parties. Star Elocutionists, outside this gian.
Lupa Goldfields, to advocate Province or beyond the borders of Costa Rica, may meet our narrow street of booths whe Thousands of native Afri keeping Tanganyika within re Indians from outlying dish Champion by special arrangement. We solicit such competitions.
All communications must be sent to cans are reported to have con the British Empire. Resolutricts show and sell their han Dept. of Sports ducted a demonstration in tions demanding that the fordicraft. As coffee is the and Improvement. St. Anthony Association. Catholic SchoolDar. Es. Salaam, Tangan mer German East African coland chief crop, it consti room, Limon. Postal Address. Box 591, Limon, Costa Rica. yika, as a protest against the lony, which adjoins Kenya, tutes one of the fair main plans to accede to Hitler remain under British mandablosdisplays. Plants and THE BOARD OF MANAGEMENT demands.
Dept. of Sports Impvt.
te, were adopted, and resissoms, roasted bean and beAt Durban in the Union of tance to cession to Germany verage (served free to guests)
St. Anthony B. Aid Assen.
supported by members of the by every conceivable means miniature haciendas and South Africa, a movement, was also pledged.
maps of coffee territory dia JOE LOUIS TO matize the coffee industry.
Foreigners rarely miss a tour MEET JOHN LEWIS of near by Antigua, the an It is reported from New York cient capital, whose old pala that on the 2nd. instant Joe ces are being renovated and Louis entered into a contract to SERVICIO AEREO SEMANAL in some instances converte: meet John Henry Lewis in deinto modern residences. fence of his Championship title.
For the convenience of fair Lewis is now the holder of the a visitors the Great White Lightweight Title.
Fleet of the United Fruit The fight will be for 15 rounds Sixacla, Parismina, TorluCompany is offering all ex to take place in the Madison pense cruises to Guatemala, Square Garden 27th.
the first one sailing Nov 12 January next.
guero, Barra del Colorado While some tourists fly to Guatemala City from Pana ther at Puerto Barrios on the y Bluefields ma and other spots, the raCaribbean or at San Jose, jority enter the country ei the Pacific port.
on the Restaurante. Siquirres AVION sale de LIMON todos Tos SABADOS a las a.
Robert JOHNSTON Agente en LIMON El tren de pasajeros de Limón a San José se detiene en Siquirres 20 minutos, para que los pasajeros puedan almorzar cómodamente. Compre su tiquete en el tren para que sea atendido a la llegada. El precio es 50. El Restaurant queda a la derecho de la Estación. Cantina, Cigarros y cigarrillos. Se habla inglés. SULLIVAN AEROVIAS NACIONALES Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.

    GermanyHitlerNazismSpainUnited Front

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