
PAGE 10 THE ATLANTIC VOICE SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 5th. 1938 Budweise borne by parents and teachers, with some coercive power, and 25. 000 of the three species. Queremos hacer notar.
THE DONKEY GUILLERMO NIEHAUS CO La calidad delicada y el gusto distinguido de BUDWEISER son el resultade de 80 años de Several issues ago we gave LIMON Che Horse; today we give experiencia en su elaboración.
dical information regarding some very interesting statissome with respect to the Don La popularidad de BUDWEISER fundó la cer key and his offshoots. the vecería mayor del mundo.
mule and the hinny. The aggregate number of these is far Ahora se consigue en latitas doradas.
behind that of the horse as statistics, of an official natuCOMO BUDWEISER. ninguna re, disclose their total throug hout the entire world to be under 26, 000, 000 the half being pure bred asses, over 8, 000, 000 mules, and the balance hinnies.
These figures shew that the mule, the product of the LIMON TRADING male donkey and a mare, has far better qualities than the DISTRIBUIDORES hinny, which is a cross between a female ass and a staLa llion. Were this not so, the artificial crossing of male asses and mares would not be so extensively encouraged, IN THE MIRROR OF OUR DUTY since neither the mule nor the SERVICIO DE CABOTAJE LANCHA hinny is fertile. ENERGY This Caption may recall the in the class room. The sacred China is the country richorigin of the words as they were duty to be performed by every lest is asses, she has just aboSALIDAS:Días lunes y jueves a medio dia para Co.
uttered by the Great Teacher parent or guardian, is to teach ut as many of them as she has with respect to man duty to the child to be obedient and horses or about huita, Puerto Viejo y Manzanillo.
his fellow men. am now apply respectful to the teacher, and 4, 000. 000. Other countries SALIDA: Jueves por la noche para la Barra del Coloing them to parents, teachers to observe and maintain rado, el Bluff y Bluefields.
which shew large numbers the and scholars in our school life. rules of the school.
are Brazil, Italy, Spain. TheLLEVANDO CARGA PASAJEROS It would be unfair to shrink more There would be no success in re are usually asses from the burden which, by na the management of a school if than horses in Spain, while tural consequences, should be the teacher were not armed Germany carries about se Mules canalización de llevarse a cubo.
cultural results are to be ob the fact that the teacher stands the United States, their total Viene de la Página Uno. tained. Never was education a in the place of the parent or being more than 5, 500. 000.
ceso para gran parte de los pro ha de bacerse hasta la propia ductos de ese país hermano. ciudad de Limón, para aproveto greater need than now: and guardian in regard to the pupils Argentine carries around an never was there a greater dem committed to his or her charge. 650. 000, with British India Tenemos pruebas fideignas cher las ventajas de una ciudad and for its principles as applica Obedience must, therefore, muebe and Turkey not very far be del decaimiento económico que moderna, higiénica, con ne ble to our daily life than durinforced. The teacher is, by mo hind. Although horses are se refleja en primer lugar en lles, etc. y no habilitar como puerto sing the present era. The educatral and civil laws, liable if in more plentiful in Russia than el comercio y se hace prlpu se ha dicho un nuevo ble consultando la eta que demandaria un gasto tan ed man or woman has his or her punishing a scholar, he or she in any othe country, she battle of life half won at the administers me than reasu owns an average of but one hace diez años la población de grande que haria irrealizable el outset, while the self satisfied, nable punishment. No sane teach donkey to every 26 horses. la ciudad de Limón llegó a 11 proyecto.
who lags behind, is lost. Every er would, we believe, punish a mil habitantes y actualmente Consideramos que debe aproone should be able to direct his child from ill will or malice. From a page of The World tiene 500. La forma clarman barse alguna de las propuetas or her own course in life, and reasonable degree of discre Says. te en que se está despoblando que empresas extranjera; han for this education is a funda tion must be exercised, temperla zona por falta de trabajo pa hecho al Ejecutivo y queremos mental necessity.
ra sus habitantes es evidente. hacer noter que el impuesto fiing the punishment according to the nature of the offense.
ture full of usefulness and suc ferroca yil ha diraido a me El movimiento de fletes en el jado por ley de la república pa.
ra ese fin es suficiente para la SCHOOL LIFE In order to conduct a shool cess.
and successfully, a teacher must women there are whose lives are de bananos ha disminuido munos de la mited. La exportación ejecución de la obra. good school means perfect command obedience, and control failures, and who Nadie como el señor Secreowe their order, with the authority to keep stubborness so as to quicken present conditions to the fact cao es insignificante y los pre monense ciento por ciento, puechísimo. La producción de catario de Hacienda, acertado liit so. The teacher undoubtedly diligence and reform bad habits. that their parents would always has the right to chastise his or To enable the teacher to exer take their part in every matter cios malos.
de ayudarnos tanto, y en su in.
her pupils for conduct which incise a proper function, the poof disobedience, while they Queremos hacer ver tervención ante el gobierno conpues, terferes with the order and dis wer to administer moderate co were attending school. The writ que el Estado debe interesarse fiamos para la realización de cipline of the school.
rrection is necessarily a vesteder personally knows several para que tal situación no se proesta gran obra.
If parents secure the respect who have had the bitter and longue. Al canalizarse las lagu Rafael Eduarte, Daniel Zeledón, CORPORAL PUNISHMENT right.
pitiable experience of playing nas del Tortuguero, se habilita diputados; Jesús Pacheco, EIn order to conduct a school the old maxim practised during una región agrícola que repretelberto Arroyo, Carlos MonLet it be remembered by and obedience of their children childhood days on the 1st. of sentaria para Limón tanto o más toya, Daniel Zeledón, Regi.
parents that children well gov at home, it will enhance the each April Send the fool a que el Guanacarte para Puntadores Municipal; Aleides Ra.
erned at home, rarely, if ever, pleasantress of their school little further.
mírez, Rogelio Gutiérrez, Enhave any difficulty with teachers life and prepare them for a fuJOS THOMAS Queremos hacer notar que la rique Arrazola, Rogelio Pardo; Telesforo Sandoval: Félix del Barco; Aldernour; Alfredo Cañas, Luis Maldonado, Blas Ingianna; Raf. de la Peña, Carlos KirkWHAT DO GET OUT OF LIFE INSURANCE?
patrick, Coward, Juan Obando, González, José Vivó, Juan Luis Vargas, Raúl Velázquez, Contreras, Vietor Emilio Echeverria, José That a question that older people ask someRodriguez, Francisco Alva.
rado, Moya, Ezequiel Gu.
tiérrez, José Canalis, Feo.
times, too. And the answer is really so simple.
Amaro Castillo, Romualdo Rodriguez, Nicolás Buitrago, Allan Sime, Scholz, Horacio Tasies, Arturo Fernández, Alice, Escobar, Solis Vargas, Luis Porras, Francisco Fonseca, de la Mi EXTRA PARENT randa, Guevara, Fermin Amador, Sáenz LimWho will guard HIM ALL THROUGH LIFE.
brich, Marcos Maldonado, Carlos Velázeuen, Lic. OctaSan José Banco Nacional de Seguros Limón vio Rodriguez, Oscar Fernin.
dez, Agustín Gutiérrez, Anibal Moya, José Angel Chaves, Mario Gutiérrez, Aguirre, 1111111 Alice.
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