
Much has been heard, pro and con, of the all import ont matter of the sterilizing of certain human beings as adopted, during more recent years, by the governments of different nations.
Those opposed to the practice claim, in the main, that Devoted to the interes of the people of the Atlantic Zone os man procreativeness is God given, no government or Editor English Section: SC NATION other humanly instituted authority has the right of depriving him of it; it is, they assert, beyond the pale of human Year Limón, Costa Rica, Salurday November 12 1938 No. 220 jurisdiction. Such a contention might be all right when applied to our normal, healthy, sane species; but con it hold good, when the other side of the picture exposes to view WIRELESS NEWS THE DAY OF THE ARMISTICE the hosts of monstrosities, the cripples, the imbeciles, the Leonu prematurely decrepit and demented creatures, unfortunate TOKIO. On the 9th. instant offsprings of germ infested, diseased parents, who must Japan marked out a new Zone Yesterday, the 11th. Nover theirs. similar threat is an not only drag out their own weary, wretched existence, but of hostilities extending 700 miles, ber, brought us to another gain facing the democratie the interior of China, bey anniversary of that day nations, and unless they can who, as prospective fathers and mothers, constitute a danond present war areas and twenty years ago when some throw aside their political gerous menace to the health of our populace and the future warned foreign Powers to keep where to the North of Fran selfish tendencies and unite status of the nation man power. Who, therefore, con their airplanes and citizens out ce there was concluded the wholeheartedly for their con blame, con complain of those whose intellect and lives are of same, lest unfortunate inci never to be forgotten Armis mon and mutual welfare, we devoted to their country well being, if they resort to the all foriegn Embassies and Lega the horrible human slaughter the dawn of another dents occur. The notes sent to tice which brought to a close fear that at no distant date only effective, if drastic, method of steming the evil, and tions described the new: Zone which the world had been of August will take place sofeguardina the health of their fellow nationals?
and indicated the interior points experiencing during the cour with consequences a thousand Costa Rica has not yet done anything of a definite which would be subjected, at previous years.
times more dreadful, more nature regarding this phase of modern medical science, but least, to air bombardment in a Year by year, on this me farreaching, than those of on the initiative of the medical staff of the National Men. campaign to close the Chinese morable day, the peoples of 1914. We can but pray and tal Institution, and with the approval of the country Memunition transportation Chan the world have since paid spe hope that those whose nels from British Burma and cial honour to the millions shoulders rest dical Faculty, our Minister of Public Health has commenced the burderi possibly French Indo China.
investigating the possibility or necessity of securing the eswho freely made the supreme will find it possible to avert sacrifice in the interest sential legislative enactments to permit the sterilization BUENOS AIRES. The Cen that political freedom, of so great a calamity though that without in any manner, res of such funactics as are discovered suffering from an here tral Bank was on the 9th. instrue democracy which were linguishing any of those rights ditary incurable type of the terrible molady. This action, on tant notified by the Finance Miin great danger of be and those rinciples for which the part of our Medicos, is the result of careful and intense nisttry of the change in the official exchange rate from six ing destroyed and forever the 1914 1918 holocaust was.
investigations which shew that a large percentage of the thenceforth denied them and made.
teen to seventeen pesos to the cases coming under their care are due to this type, and pound sterling a fraction under should consequently be. checked in the most effective man four pesos to the dollar. The ner. We do not imagine that a matter of such importance government at the same tirae ANOTHER SUGGESTED INDUSTRY to our people health will encounter much, if any, oppodecreed all importers must get a government license befor.
ST sition.
buying exchange to pay for imOn various occasions we have The government has, waunported goods.
THE UNITED STATES ELECTIONS commented on the many proderstand, been approcched with posals submitted for the tound a view of granting a special con Although the re ults of the mocrats, 167 Republicans, two WASHINGTON. Internatiocession under which the Induselections last Tuesday in the Progressives and one of the nat problems of prime impor ing or establishing of new national industries which howev try would be exploited, but it United States have 1939 tance will confront the secured Labourist Group. In the Senamaterialize is said the Chief Executive is majorities in both Legislative te there will be 20 Democrats Congress, soon after the newly er never seem to elected lawmakers take despite their supposed financia Bodies for not disposed to do anything betheir the Democratic and 10 Republicans.
yond authorizing the promulParty, it appears to be someseats. President Roosevelt will In thirty States the DemoWe are now hearing of a Ch gation of the necessary regulaprobably ask them for unprewhat generally considered cratic Nominees were elected cle or Shewing Gum propo tions sufficiently ample to gua cedented peace time arms appro that the Republicans have ob: as Governors.
stained the greater benefits rantee protection to those who priations designed to modernize tion. Mr. Isae Franceschi, exAs a consequence of these America defence in the light of pert in the line, is said to have might invest in the venture and from a purely political point results, it is already being discovered troubled world conditions. Reappreciable also protect the national inteof wiew, and that they have stated that President Roose liable estimates place the probaquantity of the gum pro cest.
SS been placed in a far better velt will not only pursue his trees ducing ble 1939 Defence Bill at in the Guanaposition to face the 1940 con proposals regarding the News 1, 300, 000, 000. navy and air caste regions and wishes to Should this prop ósát go tests.
Deal and his economic social force, surpassed by none, and con truet a large up to date through, we are suggesting that The latest figures disclose tic programme, but will be the most efficient army in the factory in Puntarenes, where he the vast tracks of lands lying that the House of Represen willing to accept nomination world are the objectives estimates he would be able to fallow on this side of the countatives will consist of 262 De for a Third Presidential Terci.
manufacture sufficient of the try be inspected, as they too LONDON. The British go gummy products to not only may contain a sufficient numbGUILLERMO NIEHAUS CO vernment has announced the meet local demands but those er of the gum producing trees LIMON abandonment of its proposal to of our neighbouring end nearby to enable our participating in partition Palestine. conferenRepublics.
the anticipated benefits.
ce of Jews and Arabs will, ins.
tead, be summoned in London 522 (TO PAGE A PROMISING OUTLOOK couple issues, or so, ago.
we mentioned that the curSERVICIO DE VAPORES tlaining of the United Fruit Company activities in Co Salidas semanales de Limón para Nueva York con lombia would, in all proba escala en Cristóbal y Habana.
bility, benefit this Division.
It appears as if our surmise Llevando café para todos los puertos will be realized, as we note Europeos y Americanos the very significant informa tion, released a few days ago, VAPORES SALIDAS that the Company propose to 11 expend a cum amounting to QUIRIGUA Noviembre 13 not less than nine million dollars, in this country, during JAMAICA Noviembre 20 the next two years.
VERAGUA Noviembre 27 As a consequence of the opening up of the Pacific Zone, we expected the ComSERVICIO DE CABOTAJE LANCHA pany annual expenditures would be much above the ALVARADO y Cía. SUCS. ENERGY normal for some time, but we Agentes para Limón y Puntarenas, soit are inclined to think that the SALIDAS:Díos lunes y jueves a medio dia para Caamounts now mentioned in Para otros informes dirijase a las oficinas de la huita, Puerto Viejo y Manzanillo.
connection with their manipu UNITED FRUIT COMPANY SALIDA Jueves por de noche para la Barra del Cololations for the years 1939 and rado, el Bluft y Bluefields.
1940 are largely due to the additional activities throwa en los bajos del Gran Hotel Costa Rica LLEVANDO CARGA PASAJEROS on this Division as a result of TELEFONO 3156 the curtailments in Colombia and Honduras.
an a UNITED FRUIT COMPANY Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.


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